tequila fermentation process

That is why blanco tequilas are crystal clear (they do not touch wood), reposado tequilas have a golden color, and aejo tequilas get an amber hue. Next, the pia needs to be baked so that the sugars can be extracted. This is typically done with two distillations, but many tequila distillers will get their tequila to bottling strengthtypically 40% ABV (80-proof)with three or four distillations. There are enough seats at the bar for everyone! The amazing agave plant is used to create tequila. At 95C other components start to vaporize. Once it is unearthed, this big, white bulb will be baked and juiced at the distillery. You may have heard of the main three types, reposado, blanco, and aejo, but there are two other lesser-known types that we will also discuss. It is a great debate; some people will compare the modern autoclave to a microwave and the brick oven to using a traditional oven in your kitchen. Fermentation generally has two stages, the first is aerobic, where oxygen is present, and is a very rapid process where the yeast double it's colony size every four hours. Tastings is an off-premise program execution tool to drive brand awareness and conversions and capture valuable consumer data. Tequila is produced in municipalities located in Guanajuato, Michoacan, Nayarit, Tamaulipas and any agave spirits produced outside these areas are designated as mezcal.What are the steps to producing tequila? The agave plant is not a cactus, but a succulent in the lily family. The roller mill inside of the Patron Hacienda distillery. Keep in mind that this is NOT normally the case, and a vast majority of brands cut the heads, which are generally trimmed away and removed. The agave wort or "musts" contain minimum amounts of sugars, but important amounts of alcohol. Just like every other step in the process, tequila distilleries employ different methods. Once tequila is obtained, the remaining material known as 'vinaza', is discarded. excellent, thanks for the information. I'm a Tequila/Agave Connoisseur, Taster & Reviewer. Once they are loaded in, the pit is covered by dirt and left to do its thing. In . Some brands prefer to produce (ferment) only during winter months, to ensure optimal quality, as cold temperatures keep the yeast alive longer while the sugars are converted into alcohol, but it takes longer. Im particularly interested in what types of yeasts are used. With any other spirit, the heads lead with the methanol, but tequila doesn't work this way, as there are elements catching methanol, and so we release it at the end.". Who Owns DeLeon . Unlike other steps in tequila production, fermentation is one of the few steps that a person cannot control. Thanks Grover! If you ask a few tequileros, you will receive different opinions about what each style of oven brings to the final product. Advanced search features within the TequilaMatchmaker.com website. In this case, its just a very efficient extraction tool. Today's tahonas are operated either by tractors or a central engine that slowly moves the arm attached to the wheel around the pit, but they require a worker or two to work the pit as the 2-ton wheel crushes the agave. . Yeasts are living, and they give up it's life for our benefit. and for our Tequila, through enzymatic processes. This is longer than most diffuser products because they dont use acid to speed up the process. In the fermentation process of tequila, the type of yeast strain, the temperature (30 or 35C) and the C/N ratio (62 or 188) had a significant influence in the level of higher alcohols produced. The fermentation process creates a sweet, low-alcohol liquid known as "mosto." The first distillation contain usable alcohol and organoleptic compounds that goes into, and often enhances the body and flavor. Diffuser (59.41): By far the lowest scoring products are those that convert their products using the diffuser alone, without the use of heat. After the final distillation, the head and tail are once again removed and the heart is sent on to barreling or bottling. Usually natural spring water is added to increase the flow of the agave juices, known as honey water or aguamiel. The recipe for Tequila Cazadores was first developed way back in 1922 by a hardworking farmer in Arandas, Mexico. Your email address will not be published. When the Spanish conquistadors arrived in Mexico, they used their knowledge of the distillation process to purify the original drink and turn it into what we now know as tequila. The fermentation process takes 4-6 days, depending on the season. fermentation time, and, most importantly, the period of aging desired. . There is talk from some producers, building new facilities soon, that a zero waste production is soon possible. Going through the second round will create a clear silver liquid. The key factor that separates tequila is the fact that it is only made from the Weber blue agave plant. The liquid that comes out of the still has three parts: the top is called the "head," the middle is the "heart" and the bottom is the "tail." Tequila is a fascinating distilled spirit, made from the agave plant, unlike any other. Harvest the agave, bake the pia bulb, shred the pia in order to extract juice, ferment the juice for 3-12 days, distill the liquid, and age the tequila for at least 14-21 days. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Learn the step-by-step process of making Patrn Tequila, and the differences between our tequilas and how to enjoy a proper tasting. Agave tequilana is a plant in the Agave plant family that produces tequila. Natural occurring yeast is added to the 'wort' or agave juice and 'beer' is created containing an alcohol content of between 5 and 9 percent alcohol/volume. Get our free book when you sign up for our newsletter. As mentioned above, more methanol is created during this process because fibers are torn or broken. Tahona (85.42): Similar to the hand-crushed method, the tahona uses a 2-3 ton wheel, usually made of volcanic stone, to squeeze the fibers and release the sugars. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. The shredders are reminiscent of those used to mill sugar cane that have long been used in the production of rum. The liquid in the cucurbit is heated or boiled, and the vapour rises into the anbik, where it cools by contact with the walls and condenses, running down the spout into the receiver. The first step in this process is to bake the agave. Copper Pot (81.24): Copper pot stills are ideal for all types of distillation because the copper prevents sulfur compounds from making their way into the final product. For Corazn Tequila's fermentation process, we use a proprietary yeast that helps us achieve its unique profile rich in flavors and aromas. Some fibers are broken in the process, but not as much as the roller. The tequila-making process is thousands of years old, and an exquisite technique that has stayed relatively consistent over the years. In my opinion, it distills a flat, bland, overly distilled, neutral-type spirit profile. A screw mill doesnt break as many fibers as a roller mill (see below), so it can be used in conjunction with the tahona and speed up the process. The agave plant's underground 'pina' is harvest by jimadores for tequila production in the red dirt fields outside the Corazon Tequila distillery in Los Altos, Jalisco, Mexico. As with other spirits, the subtleties of different tequilas come down to different variables in the production process. Process Matters in Tequila Production. Traditionally, the hearts were baked in rock-lined pits, and this can still be witnessed in mezcal production, but today's tequila producers have moved above ground and use one of two styles of ovens: clay/brick or stainless steel. Tequila production can be broken into six stages: harvesting, baking, juicing, fermenting, distilling, and aging. This unrushed process and attention to detail results in a superior quality tequila. Don Julio is a brand of tequila produced in Mexico.It is the largest brand in value and eighth largest in volume. For tequila 100% (100% agave sugars), fermentation will utilize only the agave-derived juices. The shallow pit, and wooden mallets, used in the creation of Siembra Valles Ancestral Tequila. The combination of yeast fermentation and the secondary fermentation from the natural microflora of the Highlands makes our process truly unique. Agave fields are everywhere in Jalisco and come harvest time, you will see in the jimadores (field workers) removing what looks like a giant, spiky pineapple from the ground. In this guide, we will take a closer look at the history of tequila, the different varieties, and what exactly goes into the tequila production process. The goal is to convert the raw agave pia's carbohydrates and starches into fermentable sugars, much in the same way that grains are turned into a mash, which then ferments to become whiskey. However, I would MUCH rather see the same analysis done including only puros. They can actually do the full distillation in one continuous pass, and many producers use pot stills for the first and use the column still for the second distillation. How is Tequila Made? Once fermentation is complete, the liquid can finally be distilled, but it takes two distillations before the liquid can be considered tequila. Tequila is doubled distilled at minimum, by regulations. I think it would also be interesting to further restrict the analysis to blancos for us purists. In cooler months, the process takes a little longer. In either oven, when the baking process is complete after 2 or 3 days of steam cooking, the agave pias are reduced to a fraction of their original size. Do tequilas from an autoclave have a diminished flavor. Unlike whisky where the majority of time is spent in the ageing process, producing tequila requires a vast amount of time invested in cultivation. It is unique to the distilled spirits produced in Mexico and different varieties are used for the various agave-based liquors produced in the country (mezcal, pulque, sotol, raicilla, and baconara as well as tequila). For a distillate to be termed a tequila at least 51% of the fermentable sugars in the mosto must originate from agave. Extraction. This is the same method used by agave nectar producers. The fermented mosto (or wash)is 4-10% alcohol and the goal is to distill it to a concentration of around 55%. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Tequila Matchmaker, our free app for iPhone and Android, can detect your own individual "flavor fingerprint" and match you with tequilas that are right for you (and then tell you where to find them.) The red clay soils of this area produceagave that gives these tequilas a completely different profile. Stainless steel pot stills that have copper coils on the inside, at the Las Americas tequila distillery in Amatitan, Jalisco. I want to teach others what I know about ALL Agave spirits, keeping it simple and fun! Hey, we're all about being social! Stainless w/copper (81.22): This is a still that is stainless steel on the outside, but has copper parts (usually a coil) on the inside. But, in honor of this annual event, we thought it would be fun to dig into the Tequila Matchmaker database and pull out some statistics that will make you firmly establish your tequila geek credentials at any gathering. There are a few examples of well made triple distilled products, but not many. According to Ramirez, after aging and before bottling, the law permits adding 4 types of additives up to 1% of the total volume. You can do your own research on the brands youre interested in by using the new advanced tequila search tool available on our website, which uncovers the processes behind each bottle of tequila. After each tequila has spent the appropriate amount of time resting, it is time for bottling. These components are Acetic Acid (Organic Acid), Ethyl Lactate (Esther), Furfural, Benzaldehyde (Aldehyde) and the dangerous and most critical component of Methanol, which can be toxic in extremely high concentrations. Autoclaves can cook a batch of agave in 7-12 hours. Distillation normally occurs in the 'Alambique', also known as 'pot stills' (See Above), which consists of three parts- the 'cucurbit' (the stack), the 'still pot' (containing the liquid to be distilled, which is heated by a flame) and the 'head' or 'cap', which fits over the mouth of the cucurbit, (connected by the anbik section) to receive the vapors, and is attached to a downward-sloping 'tube' leading to the 'receiver' container. The sugary mosto is added to fermentation tanks with water and yeast. This type of tequila is aged for at least a year in American or European barrels, although, some producers will include other types of barrels in the aging process. Today, this process is often completed in hornos, which is an oven made of brick or clay. Their hydrolysis takes 11 hours to complete. Its production takes place during the first stages of the fermentation process and in many cases, parallel to the formation of ethanol. Fermentation. Keeping the yeast "happy" is key. Roller Mill/Tahona (79.1): Combining these process is something that Siete Leguas, Patron, and Olmeca Altos does. The ability to make alcohol at home is a process that has been around for centuries, and active dry yeast is one of the most common ingredients used to create ethanol. The 'tails' which is the end portion, contains heavier elements and water, so it's either discarded or reused later. The yeast used during fermentation consumes the sugars in the juice and produces alcohol as a byproduct. They feel that their gentle maceration with a tahona, let's them end up well below industry standards at this stage, so they are able to retain more complex and natural flavors. If you want a true blanco, look for brands that are labeled blue agave. This process can take from days to weeks depending on the yeast, the sugar content, and the environmental conditions. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. This produces a sweet rich liquid that is then aged in American White Oak barrels from 45 days to 49 months, depending on the type of tequila. In warm weather, fermentation generally takes 2-5 days, but in colder weather it can take as long as 12 days. Screw Mill/Tahona (83.86): This is a combination that will speed up the tahona process. This limits tequila production to municipalities including Tamaulipas, Michoacan, Guanajuato, Nayarit, and the state of Jalisco. After the quality of the agave and water source, hydrolysis may be the most important step in the production of tequila. Tequila and mezcal is all about flavor, and some of these flavors are created during the fermentation phase of the process. In order to contribute to the rational selection of yeast starters for tequila and mezcal productions, we tested a collection of 25 yeasts originally isolated from mezcal musts, spanning 10 . Fermentation tanks. Average fermentation requires 48- 60 hours. 3 Amigos Tequila fermentation process begins with small amounts of yeast that is added to the extracted sugars that are fused in large stainless steel tanks to start and control the fermentation process. Here is more information about each one of these steps: 1. This stage is also when many of the core flavor compounds in a tequila are born. Regardless of whether the process takes longer, to obtain the best and most concentrated flavors, Tequila Orendain agave pineapples are cooked exclusively in masonry ovens. Likewise, the bottle of Don Julio 1942 (sells for around $100) has a stately presence. We set out early in the morning on May 16, 2020. May involve dilution, the addition of mieles dulces, other sugars, and/or yeast. Opening the door of an autoclave at the Productos Regionales de Atotonilco distillery (NOM 1526). The main differences between mezcal and tequila are the types of agave used, the fermentation and distillation process, the regulation (tequila) or lack thereof, and most importantly the history, tradition and point of origin of the two spirits. Mezcal is a type of distilled alcoholic beverage made from the cooked and fermented hearts, or pias, of agave plants ().. 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