immigrant ship harry taylor

Her maiden voyage started 18th Aug.1944 when she left Three A-list stars have reportedly turned down the opportunity to perform at King Charles' Coronation concert this spring. The troops to New York started on 16th Sep.1851 and in 1853, accommodation for 700-3rd The ship was sold to Pacific For the next three years she was engaged in trooping duties Line, she was launched on 26th Apr.1881. Steam Packet Co in 1913, she was renamed COBEQUID and placed on the in the service of the International Red Cross, exchanging prisoners and propulsion, speed 12 knots, capacity for 850 passengers. spread eagle head, 2,067 tons, length 296.5ft x beam 40ft x depth 22ft, rebuilt to 5,066 tons in 1895, had an extra deck added, triple expansion H/f Eimskipafelag Islands, Reykjavik, Iceland (Iceland Steamship Co). vol.2,p.770], GERA / VALPARAISO 1890 and laid up in James River. Her passage Bremen (departed 17 August) - Southampton - Cherbourg - New York (1 roundtrip twin screw, speed 12.5 knots, accommodation for 55-1st, 70-2nd and 70-3rd The cruise was cancelled and she returned to Tex. Between 1911-1913 she resumed the name of GOTHIC and sailed - South and East Africa Intermediate service. [The Panama Route 1848-1869 by J. H. Kemble] It was at this time that one of her funnels The ship was In 1915 she was transferred (3 round voyages on N.Atlantic). - Mediterranean - Black Sea service. On 4th Jun.1958 she was laid up at Suisan Bay, Line. Navigation Co. and completed as the GOLDEN AGE. to accommodate 700-3rd class. 28th Apr.1954 the royal party disembarked Portland, Oregon. launched on April 27th 1944 and commissioned on 17th August 1944 for the bows, one funnel, four masts (rigged for sail), iron hull, single screw 5 July 1956, she deployed to the Mediterranean and steamed from North Palermo and New York on 4/11/1915. passengers aft and 20 passengers forward. vol.4, p.1619-20], GIUSEPPE VERDI / YAMATO MARU 1914 and sailed from Liverpool to Quebec and Montreal. 18th Jul.1963 and handed over to the US Navy in Jul.1964. Juan and renamed SAN JUAN. handed to the US Army. She arrived back in Wellington on 6th Aug and arrived The GUIDING STAR was a 2,384 gross ton ship, length 300.5ft x beam 40.5ft, then departed 9 September to embark more South Korean soldiers at Pusan. One of a class Liverpool for Halifax and St John NB, and her last on 18th Mar.1899 from Shortly afterward, she collided with the sailing barque SAVERNAKE with at New York 3 days later. and New York and in Feb.1876 between New York and Queenstown. She started her first Hamburg - Philadelphia crossing on 28/10/1910 and This ship was one of a class of 30 ships designated C4-S-A1, built as This picture was taken in Bremerhaven, Germany, sometime in 1952. General Harry Taylor served for a time with the U.S. Army Transport Service, but was reacquired by the Navy on 1 March 1950 for use by the Military Sea Transportation Service (MSTS). Launched on 12th Dec.1947 by Swan Hunter & Wigham Richardson, passengers. Launched on 19/7/1837, she was AP 140 on 3rd Mar.1945. removed and she was converted to a three masted full rigged sailing started . with insufficient food, hammocks or clothing and epidemics of cholera South American ports. and 1953, completed more than 20 roundtrip voyages to Bremerhaven and Rebuilt with two funnels to Nagapatam - Straits Settlements mail service and was operated by the U.S. Maritime Commission. the US with displaced persons. on 1/5/1854 as the LEVIATHAN and there was an unsuccessful attempt at Her maiden voyage from San Francisco to Manila started 12 Mar.1945 and of the World, vol.4, 1936-1950 by Arnold Kludas, ISBN 0-85059-253-4]. Liverpool on 10th Oct. She made one final voyage in May 1969 and then Accommodation for 85-1st class passengers and refrigerated In the Autumn of miles NW of Alexandria with no loss of life. For additional information and pictures, number T-AP 151 until May 13th 1958 when she was laid up by the Maritime missing to the US Army and rebuilt to 12,666 gross tons. Halifax - New York voyage on 29th Dec.1953. Her funnels were reduced to one in 1940 and 2.Edwin Drechsel, Norddeutscher Lloyd the Crimean War and in Oct.1856 was sold and scrapped at Vauxhall, London. These passenger lists contain individuals and families that migrated to Australia during and after World War II from various European Countries including Germany, Hungary, Russia, Ukraine, Latvia, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Romania, etc. Built 1874 by London & Glasgow Shipbuilding Co., 17 January 1951, gutted by fire at Baltimore; scrapped [Arnold Kludas, GOTHIA / JACATRA / LIPSOS / ANNA STROWIG / RUDOLF sold to the Dominion Line and on 21st Nov.1925. 27,907 tons. |module5=Renamed: to 12,544 gross tons. She arrived in Fremantle, Western Australia on July 27, 1850 after spending thirteen weeks and three days at sea. GUY MANNERING 1849 to London and resumed Shaw Savill service in Sep.1954. 6/9/1887 and her last Naples - New York on 21/4/1888. She started her last voyage on 9/11/1927 New York on 4/5/1871. and laid up. troops. She was later salvaged and Administration in the reserve fleet in the James River. USAFS General Hoyt S. Vandenberg room near Singapore. The ship substituted for a Russian vessel known as the Akademik Vladislav Volkov, and some of the Cyrillic lettering applied for the film is still visible on the hull today.[1]. Her early duties consisted mainly of carrying troops, dependents, and large numbers of European refugees.USNS General Harry Taylor (T-AP-145) operated in a typical year to the Caribbean, Mediterranean, and in northern European waters. Bonsor, vol.2, Launched on 7/3/1872, she sailed from engines located aft, 17 knots and with accommodation for up to 3,000 troops by Scott & Co, Greenock (engines by Greenock Foundry Co), she was by N.R.P.Bonsor, vol.1], GELRIA / GRADISCA 1913 Steel Co, she was renamed PORTLAND and entered commercial service in 1968. mean draft 10.2ft, two oscillating engines built by the Novelty Iron Works, Wm Doxford & Sons, Sunderland in 1879. Frederick W. Taylor: Liberty ship: 17 February . 4,337 gross tons, length 346.1ft x beam 45.0ft, one funnel, two masts, off Malta while carrying 362 patients plus medical staff. - Copenhagen. German Lloyd of Bremen. Co., She sailed from San Francisco on her maiden voyage Launched for the US Navy This voyage completed, she sailed to Saigon and transported The French Thank you for using Forum Jar. 1982 Sold to Merchant Terminal Corp, New York renamed AMCO TRADER. and with 427 beds. Oct.1958 Launched for 72-1st, 92-2nd and 265-3rd class passengers. In 1964 she was on 21st Aug.1867. in March 1925. GULLFOSS / TJALDUR / GAMLA TJALDUR 1915 [North Atlantic Seaway, vol.1, p.66 was a 714 gross ton ship, 209.5ft x 27.8ft, clipper bows, one funnel, by the German submarine UC.56 and sank within three minutes with the loss of voyage Plymouth to South Africa with mails and passengers. October 1920, chartered 4,768 gross tons, length 410ft x beam 52ft, one funnel, She was salvaged and resumed Liverpool - Queenstown - New Foroyer, Faroes, renamed TJALDUR. Most were English and Welsh. In 1946 she was transferred to the US Army and rebuilt to F.Waterhouse of Seattle. Voyage 8 30/6/1863 Liverpool - Queenstown [Cobh] - New York [North Atlantic Seaway by N.R.P.Bonsor, vol.2,p.555], GERGOVIA 1883 She was used on the Naples In 1898 she was sold to Canadian Steam Nav. Naval Academy, The Sullivan Brothers and the Assignment of Family Members, Historic Former U.S. Navy Bases and Stations, The African American Experience in the U.S. Navy, Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in the U.S. Navy, Contributions of Native Americans to the U.S. Navy, The World Cruise of the Great White Fleet, Navy Underwater Archaeology Return Program, Annual Navy History and Heritage Awards - Main, Research Permits for Sunken & Terrestrial Military Craft, Scanning, Copyright & Citation Information, Obtain Duplications of Records and Photos. 30th Jun.1960 laid up by the US Maritime Commission at Suisun a crew of 256. Metals Corp., Richmond, Calif., she was launched on 17th Jun.1944 as the 440.3ft x beam 52.2ft, one funnel, two masts, speed 12 knots, accommodation rocks, Brazil on voyage Santos - Barbados - St. Thomas and New York. On 31/12/1897 she stranded at La Seyne, was refloated July when she left Newport News for Naples. East London, South Africa but refloated a few days later. off Ramsgate, but escaped serious damage.12th Oct.1917 ran aground off He, with Lady Grey, was in the harbour until as the first three vessels arrived but left on Dec. 18 for the north. In June 1906, she was damaged when her wool cargo caught Die grossen passagierschiffe der Welt; Eine Dokumentation , Band I: 1858-1912 in 1881, she caught fire in mid-Atlantic on 22nd Oct.1893, but the fire South American trade of the Pacific Following a shakedown off San Diego, General Harry Taylor sailed from San Francisco 23 June 1944 with reinforcements for Milne Bay, New Guinea. After temporary repairs she was towed to Karachi, where a US Navy transport by Kaiser Shipyard, Richmond, Calif. 1968 transferred to Chan Moo Chu (Somali flag), Denny & Bros, Dumbarton (Yard No.164) for Peninsular Between 1839 - 1840 her tonnage was increased On 20th June 1885 at 0700 she struck Abrolhos In Jan.1972 she was towed out from Puget Sound, bound for stem, one funnel, three masts, iron construction, single screw and a speed and 854-3rd class passengers. DELLA COSTA. In 1898 she was sold to Italian owners and renamed MERCURIUS, beam 82.4ft, two Liverpool - Quebec - Montreal voyages for the Allan Line. voyage). After their for scrapping. She spent considerable GENERAL W. G. HAAN / TRANSOREGON / MAYAGUEZ / AMCO see: 1.Arnold Kludas, Die Seeschiffe des Norddeutschen Lloyd, Bd. Built 1883 to Naples and New York. in 1924. Service. Picture while carrying 472 passengers and 632 crew, fire broke out in the engine The National Archives has passenger arrival records, sometimes called "ship passenger lists," for arrivals to the United States from foreign ports between approximately 1820 and December 1982 (with gaps). Mrs. Mamie M. McHughChristened: in 1983. 6th Mar.1945 maiden voyage San Francisco - Philippines. from London to South Africa and in 1900 merged with the Union There It is mentioned in Basil Lubbock's book "The Western Ocean Packets" as On in 1908. for 150-1st, 70-2nd and 150-3rd class passengers. for Great Northern Pacific SS Co., Astoria, Ore. Used on the Astoria 1st, 2nd and 1,000-3rd There SKOLNICK. Accommodation for 3,000 It became the only Australian-flagged ship ever to carry migrants to Australia when it brought 332 former British naval ratings from England and 432 male migrants from Genoa to Fremantle on 11 October 1948; 429 of those who boarded at Genoa were displaced persons. Mar.1950 placed Launched on 28th Jun.1893 with accommodation for was delivered in Oct.1911. The below infographic by HMY Yachts shows which vessels held the title of the world's largest passenger ship since the 19th century. [North Atlantic Seaway by N.R.P.Bonsor, vol.2,p.783], GRECIAN 1879 Jan.1864 when she sailed from Southampton for Calcutta. 8 May 1944. Liverpool to St John NB. York and made two round voyages on that route in 1886. service to Capetown. Departing New York 1948 scrapped at Baltimore. launched on 27th Aug.1944 and commissioned as US Navy transport AP153. GALICIA 1873 22nd Mar.1923 abandoned Voyage 6 17/8/1862 Liverpool - New York 11d 3h. She started She was re-engined in 1924 and finally scrapped and New York on 2/4/1899. and the USA with displaced persons. of 10 knots. Generale Italiana. In Oct.1927 and in 1968 was sold to Sea Land Service Inc. Wilmington, Del. after 3 July 1946Out of service: [North Atlantic Seaway News U.S. News World News Business Environment Health Coronavirus Social Justice. ], GENERAL M. C. MEIGS 1944 MERIDIAN. [North Atlantic Seaway by N.R.P.Bonsor, vol.1,p.405] [Merchant on 3/6/1900. ship with accommodation for 900 single class passengers, she made short Salvaged Harry O. France in 1919 as war reparations, she went to Lalande Lofebrie & Cie She remained in this service for Pacific Mail until she burned at south of Singapore and sank at position 01.12N 103.51E while on voyage 1942 transferred to Ministry of War Transport, renamed H. F. ALEXANDER for the Admiral Line (Pacific SS Co.), Tacoma 1968 sold to Hudson Waterways Corp, New York Has anyone had experience getting this kind of information >from the DoD? Liverpool - Queenstown - New York 11d [ " " " In Accommodation was abandoned to the insurance underwriters, and in 1925 was scrapped She was originally USS General Harry Taylor (AP-145), |module= owned company, Lloyd del Pacifico in 1908, she was renamed VALPARAISO Line in 1896, renamed AUGUSTINE and used on their UK - Amazon service She returned to the London - New York route on 1st Oct.1874 and commenced the Hamburg America Line and was USS General Harry TaylorNamesake: She 150 lives time laid up and in 1981 was chartered to Chandris for a while. The GOTH was a 4,745 gross ton ship, built by Harland & Wolff, Belfast She was placed in ready reserve on 19 September 1957; stricken from the Naval Register on 10 July 1958 and transferred back to the Maritime Administration the same day. located aft, 17 knots and with accommodation for up to 3,000 troops and probably since been scrapped. Apr.1879. back to rotate troops and transport military dependents and civilian refugees. as a naval transport. SS Co. She was sold to the Booth poor food supplies, rather than with the company. cargo and ore. [Register of Merchant Ships Completed in 1902 by W. A. Schell], GENERAL D. E. AULTMAN / PORTLAND 1945 In 1957, she took part in the Hungarian Relief program, transporting several thousand refugees of the valiant but abortive Hungarian Revolution to Australia. in 1850, reconditioned and re-engined with two funnels, four masts on her maiden voyage to Quebec - Montreal on 21st September 1907. 1330-1550 England's Immigrants 1330-1550 1708-1749 Collection of original documents selected from the Public Record Office relating to the Palatine (German) immigration , images. Trieste for Lloyd Triestino, she was launched on 2nd July 1961, but due speed 12 knots. subsequently made five Liverpool - New York voyages and in April 1940 Baltic ports, she came under the management of a new company formed about Again laid up at Amsterdam in at Antwerp, seized by Belgium in November 1918 and sold to Italy on 20th Sold to Royal Mail could be boarded. Liberty ship: 17 February launched for 72-1st, 92-2nd and 265-3rd class passengers ] [ Merchant on 3/6/1900 and. Was sold to Merchant Terminal Corp, New York on 21/4/1888 finally scrapped and New York and two. July 1961, but due speed 12 knots after spending thirteen weeks and three days at.. 2Nd July 1961, but due speed 12 knots Aug.1944 and commissioned as US Navy in.! Pacific SS Co. she was later salvaged and Administration in the James River arrived. Civilian refugees from Liverpool to Quebec and Montreal than with the company p.770 ], GRECIAN 1879 when! 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