Further, Ro had to contend with threats levied against the station by the Andorians and the decision to allow Typhon Pact vessels access to the wormhole. In a desperate effort to take down Diaz and liberate Star City from his control, Oliver turns to the SCIS for their help in exchange for turning himself in for his crimes as a vigilante. Following the Borg invasion the USS Intrepid was ordered to patrol the Kaleb system for 3 weeks along with the USS Miranda and the USS Celsius. The Tzenkethi War had ended by 2364. In an alternate reality where Xena didn't die in 2375, they were married for 27 years until her death in 2386, unlike prime Xena and prime Typhuss who were only married for 16 years. Part of this could be considered hazing, as McGee is the least experienced member of the SCIS team and ranks only as a junior field agent. The Delta Flyer became severely damaged and Chakotay was injured. 50 starships, led by the USS Enterprise-E, made the Suliban and Xindi fleet retreat from Deep Space 9. The second hardest rival Typhuss faced during his Starfleet career was Admiral Alexander Pierce during the Hobus Conspiracy in 2387, a plot by some Starfleet officers to militarize Starfleet in the aftermath of the Hobus crisis. When Typhuss joined the Atlantis Expedition in 2379, he was very eager to be part of the expedition on Starbase Atlantis. Typhuss soon aided Admiral Kathryn Janeway in breaking Seven of Nine, Icheb, and The Doctor out of Starfleet holding cells. Captain Janeway made contact with a Romulan ship captained by Telek R'Mor. The events on LV-426 in 2367, would traumatize Typhuss and effect him greatly after returning to the Federation. Tom Paris is Typhuss's closest friend and confidant. The Zeus retreated from the sector with the warship in pursuit, the Zeus managed to regroup and flee. Typhuss and Kira dated for a week and then later they became engaged to be married. The Kansas came under attack from a Jem'Hadar attack ship, while retrieving one of her long range shuttles. After Voyager had been passed by a fleet of fifteen Borg cubes, which had ignored the Federation starship, Harry determined that the fleet had been destroyed. Helen talked to Typhuss about leaving Kira, Helen told Typhuss that he was not thinking clearly. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! This incident marked an important step in Tom's, Typhuss's and Harry's friendship, as Tom realized the kind of friend he had found in Harry and Typhuss who not only saved his life, but also stood by him at his worst. Captain Janeway made contact with a Romulan ship captained by Telek R'Mor. Captain Walker relayed the orders to his ship and departed DS9 and entered the wormhole officially starting its first mission into the Gamma Quadrant. She was then able to use the transporters to beam Acrux's crew aboard, but they were pulled into a quantum fissure's dimensional plane. They took the baby out from the cave, and the baby began to regain its strength. They always go to each other for advice. In late 2376, Leeta became pregnant with her and Typhuss's first child. By early 2403 Bajor was succumbed to numerous but unsuccessful raids by the Klingon Empire. Unfortunately, she was forced to send them back into the anomaly. (Star Trek: Intrepid). When the expedition met with Davos he showed Carter a vision of the Starbase being attacked and destroyed by the Asurans, later revealed to be a duplicate Starbase. After recovering Tierna, one of Seska's aids, Voyager set a course toward Kazon territory. Typhuss made it to the shuttle where his mother was on board. The USS Intrepid-A was able to rescue Captain Rivers from the Zeus and destroyed the Zeus in order to eliminate the Borg threat. Typhuss took over tactical when the tactical officer was killed. Update information for James Halliwell-Phillipps Born: June 21, 1820 in London, England, UK. In 2394, Nora West-Allen from Earth-88 joined the team and Team Arrow got its first Meta-human speedster member. The three men suffered horribly in the prison and the stress of prison and the neural implants did take its toll on the three of them: when Paris once, suffering from delirium, dismantled a tool Kim was going to use for an escape attempt, Kim and Halliwell, enraged at what Paris had done, lost control and almost killed him. Baras was personally arrested by Attorney General Phillipa Louvois and removed from office. Typhuss engaged two Romulan warbirds. Where Cam posed as a "arms dealer" known as "Shaft" to find information on the Alliance's attack force which was thought to be used in an attack on Earth. Typhuss was visibly traumatized by his experience and had recurring nightmares related to the creature. In the meantime, the creatures attacked Voyager. Typhuss was initially involved with the Earth Stargate Program and later became a leading member on the Atlantis Expedition and also a member of the expedition's flagship team, the First Atlantis Reconnaissance Team, having been involved with the Earth Stargate Program for many years prior to becoming a member of the Atlantis Expedition. Their friendship grew over the years that they became closer friends. In 2389, the X-Files were re-opened when Vice Admiral Marta Batanides was contacted by Tad O'Malley with compelling new evidence about an abduction conspiracy. But that's not who we are. Typhuss James Halliwell is a male Human Starfleet officer in the 24th century who is the husband of Laurel Lance-Halliwell, he is the son-in-law of Quentin Lance and Dinah Lance and the brother-in-law of Sara Lance . All of their masks were kept as trophies in Darhk's office. The crew was beamed to Voyager for medical attention and the Voyager crew attempted to repair the Equinox. Typhuss James Halliwell was in command of Deep Space 9 and the USS Defiant snice 2371. That night Sam had sex with Typhuss in her room for five hours. Following the Lucian Alliance invasion of Destiny in 2384, Dr. Nicholas Rush discovered the ship's bridge, along with information about its mission. Chase revealed to Typhuss that she had learned of the attraction between himself and Catwoman, she states that she has done her homework on him, that he likes "strong women", and asks teasingly if "she needs skin-tight vinyl and a whip". Typhuss took over tactical when the tactical officer was killed. After Sam returned to the SGC, Vala asked Sam if she had a "good time on Risa", Sam replied "I did" and told Vala that she had "sex with a hot man she met on Risa." That silver blood finally released Voyager after the crew agreed to be duplicated to populate the planet. Aboard Voyager, B'Elanna Torres devised a method to use an ion distributor from the Ares IV to repair vital components of the Flyer. The clone was aware of Ba'al's plan to go back in time and change the timeline in his favor by preventing the Stargate program from ever being created. Typhuss was born in 2333 on August 18th in San Francisco, California on Earth to Patty Halliwell and Victor Bennett. Because of Blevins' belief that Mulder had developed a consuming devotion to the X-files, Typhuss was assigned to assist his new partner in his investigations of the files, to write field reports on their activities, and to provide observations on the validity of their work. (PIC episode: "The Next Generation"), By 2404, Typhuss was in command of Stargate Command at the Cheyenne Mountain Complex in Colorado Springs, Colorado on Earth. Xena and Typhuss fell in love that day. He often goes out of his way to protect her, and becomes angry towards anyone threatening her. (ST - The Fall novel: Peaceable Kingdoms, Star Trek: The New Generation episode: Beast of Burden), In 2385, the USS Intrepid was pulled into a alternate 22nd century, the Intrepid found the Enterprise (NX-01) under attack by Xindi warships. As they made they way back through anomaly, they beamed several escape pod survivors onboard. There are 50+ professionals named "James Halliwell", who use LinkedIn to exchange information, ideas, and opportunities. Typhuss later learned the Brattain mysteriously disappeared and was discovered by the USS Enterprise-D twenty nine days later, trapped in a Tyken's Rift near an uncharted binary star system. When R'Mor was beamed back to 2351, Tuvok informed Captain Janeway and Lieutenant Halliwell that he had in fact died in 2367, and that it was unlikely that he could relay the messages. The warrior collapsed in the battle and The Doctor discovered the Nehret, a fatal disease, caused the collapse. In 2370, Typhuss formed close friendships with Philippa Georgiou and Ellen Landry, to this day Philippa and Ellen are his closest friends after their time on the Kansas. On January 14th Helena was born in New York city. The Vancouver, British Columbia facility was completely destroyed by a number of huge explosions. Two months later they got married and eight months later their relationship was not working and they got a divorce. Although a Bajoran official was apprehended, further Starfleet investigation pointed to Tzenkethi involvement. Upon graduation in 2354, the two were assigned to duty aboard Starbase 32. Typhuss was born in 2333 on August 18th in San Francisco, California on Earth Fifty to Patty Halliwell and Victor Bennett. Janeway and Voyager then came under attack by Kazon-Oglamar mining ships. Common terms and phrases. Typhuss and Navaar dated for six months then they broke up, they ended their relationship because, Typhuss and Navaar where not ready for a romantic relationship. Typhuss first met Helen Magnus four years piror to 2354, when she was eighteen and when he was seventeen. He is an exceptionally skilled pilot, being able to fly a wide variety of ships, ranging from Ancient warships to Puddle Jumpers. Amanda Tapping was known to have had multiple affairs with men when she was married to Alan Kovacs in 1994, when they were living in Vancouver, British Columbia. Her mother became one of the infamous "vigilantees" of that region known as "Catwoman." She then investigated energy spikes that took The Doctor and merged her holo-novel and the Beowulf holo-novel. Later after seeing Kira, Typhuss went after Cole with a Bajoran phaser and killed him to protect Bajor, Earth and the Federation, his family and friends. During the time that Oliver was in prison, Typhuss began working with Earth-2 Laurel Lance to build a case against Lex Luthor to arrest him, Typhuss and Laurel became friends during that time. I've been doing this for a very long time. Eighteen years later in 2385, Mikaela was rescued by the USS Intrepid-A and the USS Aventine. In 2374, Voyager landed on a Demon class planet rich in deuterium sources. Typhuss became friends with Colonel Jack O'Neill in 2360 after joining the Stargate program and SG-1. Typhuss and the others rescued Seven, awarded by Captain Janeway in 2375. Typhuss along with Oliver decided to separate themselves from the impersonator and continue serving the city by officially using their skills as an officer of the SCIS. Their friendship grew over the years that they became closer friends. When one of the Species 8472 battleships proceeded to pursue and attack Voyager, Dalby reported that the ship's warp field was destabilizing and later after a devastating attack by Species 8472 the Vostigye took in the crew of the USS Voyager. Kohlar, who was attempting to buy time for repairs, replied to Voyager's hail. Typhuss would keep the picture in his quarters for seven years until he returned to Earth on December 31st 2377. His willingness to learn and his need to know the truth prove to be important factors in Magnus's choice in Typhuss as her proteg and prove to be helpful to everyone in the Sanctuary. She also accepted trader Neelix and his companion Kes. Phoebe took Prue's death hard and Typhuss helped Phoebe deal with Prue's death. Captain Janeway decided to combine the two crews into a single Starfleet crew for the voyage home with Chakotay as her first officer. The hallucinatory Samantha Carter first began appearing to Typhuss on stardate 53529.4, after Voyager left the Norcadian homeworld, first on the bridge then in sickbay and then in his quarters. During its trip between galaxies, the Nakai managed to sabotage Destiny's Faster-Than-Light engine, which required the crew to remove one of the units from the drive section and bypass it. Typhuss also contacted Admiral Olivia Mansfield for help. Voyager was able to bring the Brenari to an intermittent cyclical vortex out of Devore space. During the war, the Kansas pursued three Tzenkethi raiders into an asteroid belt. Because the Nehret is only contagious to Klingons, she and the baby became infected. During their first encounter in 2378, Intendant Kira fell in love with Typhuss. (VOY episode: "Eye of the Needle"), Halliwell's quarters were on Deck 8, Section 13. Colonel Samantha Carter and Commander Vala Mal Doran were stripped naked by force and were tied up, the men of the planet viewed women as sluts and sex objects and slaves. He also met Oliver Queen at the same time and the two became friends. Later Will and Captain Franklin ambush Magnus and Typhuss, but they get away. (VOY comics: "The Storm", "Under Ion Skies", "Repercussions"), Following that incident, Janeway was forced to look for duranium when Voyager was running low on supplies. While changing in civilian attire in the locker room, Daniel voiced the concern to Typhuss and Mitchell that the Ba'al clone might have actually been telling the truth and that they hadn't captured all of the Ba'als as they thought. When they prevented the accident, the timeline in which the explosion occurred was eliminated, so they return to Voyager and the civilization is spared. In 2354, Typhuss James Halliwell joined Starfleet Intelligence. Later General Worf leads a task force to stop Nero's quest for vengeance following the destruction of Romulus. Expert Services. This coup, if successful, would militarize the Federation on a drastic scale, as well as cut off diplomatic relations with foreign powers including the Klingon Empire. This timeline was erased when Team Flash destroyed Cicada's Lightning dagger, resulting in the crisis occuring much earlier, in 2392, along with a few minor changes such as Supergirl, Red Arrow and Batwoman being involved in the event instead of Hawkgirl. Piper is the sister of Vice Admiral Typhuss James Kira. Memory Delta Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. Jesus College, Cambridge. A week later Kori found out that she was pregnant. The Regius Poem, or Halliwell Manuscript, is commonly referred to and generally accepted as the oldest Masonic document in existence today. Several members of the Kansas crew died during the war. When he overheard their conversation, Paris mentioned that he had seen a dozen crystals in a shop at the Volnar colony for only one Cardassian lek. (Star Trek: Voyager), Typhuss's heroism during his long Starfleet career earned him a promotion to the rank of Vice Admiral in 2388 and Admiral in 2409. Typhuss was promoted to Ensign, and assigned to the USS Zeus. (Star Trek: Excalibur), Typhuss was born on August 18th, 2233 in San Francisco, California on Earth to Patty Halliwell and Victor Bennett. Typhuss was also assigned to Starbase 32. (Star Trek: Intrepid). (Star Trek: Intrepid episode: "Into Darkness"). During the battle against the Xindi in the Ceti Alpha system, the crew of the Enterprise were aided by the USS Intrepid-A, which had come from the future from the year 2385, and were able to fight off the Xindi. In 2386, Greg Addison started having the Sanctuary Network secretly watched in order to find out the whereabouts of the Crixorum, a dangerous abnormal psychic from Hollow Earth. She is the wife of Victor Bennett and the mother of their six children: Prue Halliwell, Piper Halliwell, Paige Halliwell, Typhuss James Halliwell, Michael Alan Halliwell and Phoebe Halliwell. Cailtin had a great relationship with Typhuss, believed she could become a great agent. The effects would also prevent the Scimitar from detecting the hiding fleet, in hopes of a surprise attack. Kira attempted to extradite Bashir from the freighter he was hiding on but the Intrepid took damage due to a concealed weapon system. Harry was repeatedly helped by receiving secret messages from "Peregrine" whom he never discovered was actually Libby. Then Typhuss was assigned to the USS Voyager, a Intrepid class starship as science officer. After his dishonorable exit, Tom explained that he went out looking for a fight and found it in the Maquis. Published by Createspace Independent Publishing Platform, United States, 2014. (Star Trek: Intrepid episode: "Talia's Offer"). As of 2388 Shepard is still Director of Covert Ops. Admiral Batanides made Shepard Director of Covert Ops. It was noted that no core Tholian colony was ever occupied and Starfleet was only able to penetrate a few parsecs into the Tholian territorial annexes. She, the Doctor, Kim and Kes then examined the virus that poisoned the planet and found that it was not native to Praja. The Iowa was destroyed, but Halliwell's sacrifice ensured the survival of the escaping shuttles, his sacrifice saved the lives of some 800 people, including those of his daughter and grandson. Intendant Troi had a great affection for Typhuss, who in contrast views Intendant Troi with a tremendous amount of disdain and distrust. Typhuss joined this new Starfleet with his wife Kira Nerys. Typhuss refused, saying he didn't want to be part of a "rogue intelligence agency within Starfleet that made their own agenda and answered to nobody". He left her behind after two months in (ironically) Paris, however, because his job was too dangerous for a real relationship. Once all shuttlecraft had been launched, Halliwell used the Iowa to cover their escape. In an alternate reality visited by Typhuss James Kira, Typhuss and Helen Magnus were lovers until his death in 2386 when the Old City branch was invaded by agents of the Abnormal Insurgency, led by Caleb. Typhuss along with his Bajoran wife Kira Nerys has a deep central belief in the Bajoran faith of their Gods, the Prophets. That night Typhuss fell in love with Vala. (Star Trek: Kingston episode: "Revelations"). While Ro was able to maintain relationships with many of her friends, she was constantly challenged by Prynn Tenmei and her new Security Chief Jefferson Blackmer, whom she did not trust. Walker gave his report to Starfleet Command via subspace. After stopping the terrorist organization H.I.V.E., and its leader Damien Darhk, from completing Genesis, soon after Typhuss was made the SCIS liaison to the Mayor of Star City. Typhuss earned an impressive list of commendations during his career, including the Starfleet Medal of Valor with clusters, the Star Cross, the Preantares Ribbon of Commendation, Christopher Pike Medal of Valor, Federation Medal of Honor, Starfleet Medal of Honor and the Federation Citation of Honor. Six months later they broke up, they remained on good terms and became good friends. The shuttle crash-landed on the planet, damaging The Doctor's mobile emitter and leaving the shuttle irretrievable and was taught survival techniques by Noss, an alien female who had fallen in love with Tuvok. Naomi made the most of the opportunity and befriended officers on board. Later they returned to the SGC and told Weir that an alliance with PX-3432 was not going to happen because of their views on women. Kim Kardashian, crypto, PR and a $1.3m fine. The Voyager officers returned to Voyager, Captain Kira ordered Mackenzie back to the ship with the two women and take them to sickbay. Chakotay succeeded her as captain and was still in command of Voyager in 2379. In January 2388, Kira did not sign the divorce papers, so the divorce was never finalised. Although this annoys Typhuss, it also appears to be something he has come to expect from his boss. Later that year Helen, Typhuss and Will Zimmerman used the Nautilus, a submarine privately owned by Helen to travel to the Bermuda Triangle to investigate the loss of contact with the merfolk. In 2385, Lieutenant General Jack O'Neill assinged Typhuss to command the Destiny expedition and Icarus base, replacing Colonel Everett Young as commanding officer of both the expedition and the base. (Arrow; Star Trek: Intrepid), Typhuss became the first Starfleet officer to successfully explore the Delta Quadrant with the USS Voyager, encountering dozens of new planets and civilizations over the course of seven years. When Starbase Atlantis underwent a complete lockdown quarantine, Typhuss was trapped in a turbolift with Samantha Carter and Dr. Radek Zelenka for several hours until they were rescued. While his ideas have put him ahead of his time, he finds the world of "Abnormals" to be fantastical in a way he can ultimately understand. The creature was weakened, which they soon deduced to be because they had blocked the entry of the cave to reduce the amino acid vapors. Because of this Kohlar's group no longer believed the child could be their savior and they tried to take over Voyager, but failed. They ran out of food and eventually starved to death. Typhuss is the sidekick/good friend of Oliver Queen, Typhuss became a vigilante and member of Team Arrow, becoming Oliver's sidekick and vigilante partner using Red Arrow as his codename and stylized as the "Red Archer" by the media and the people of the city when he first began his vigilante career in Starling City. Later Xena had sex with him under the stars that night. Colonel/Brigadier General/Lieutenant General Samantha Carter (2381-2391) Typhuss James Halliwell is a talented and compassionate male Human of the Tau'ri who was an accomplished and acclaimed officer in the United States Air Force, playing a key role in bringing the Stargate Program into existence as a member of SG-1. In 2259 Typhuss joined the Starfleet Criminal Investigative Service. (VOY episode: "One Small Step"), A hallucination of Lieutenant Colonel Samantha Carter appears to Typhuss in 2376, In 2376, Typhuss received a head injury during the battle with Penk's starship but was later healed by The Doctor. Bridgette and Typhuss dated during this time. Later that year Sam was so lonely that she had sex with Typhuss in her quarters at the SGC. Then they got married. As the Red Arrow, Typhuss was willing to use lethal force during the start of his vigilante career, but after the Undertaking, Typhuss vowed never to kill again unless absolutely necessary, renaming himself Red Arrow. It wasn't until Typhuss reported to Homeworld Command from Destiny via the Long-range communication device, that Lieutenant General Jack O'Neill and others learned that these people were safe, aboard the ship and on their way back to the base. Two days before the Brattain mysteriously disappeared, Typhuss transferred back to the USS Kansas. You had control of this ship the whole time! Gabrielle and Typhuss watch the sunset with Xena, as Xena disappears and ceases to live. From office Ares IV to repair the Equinox told Typhuss that he went out looking for a fight found! The same time and the USS Enterprise-E, made the Suliban and Xindi fleet retreat from Space! Fight and found it in the Maquis who was attempting to buy time for repairs, to. Starfleet typhuss james halliwell Investigative Service thinking clearly Will and captain Franklin ambush Magnus and Typhuss helped phoebe deal with 's. Succumbed to numerous but unsuccessful raids by the Klingon Empire harry was helped... 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