With Episode 7, not so much. First off, as I mentioned in my original post about the Iokath dailies, the weekly requires you to do ten of them, but the terminal only hands out five a day from a larger, rotating set. I am so over this game. The story quests in the game are meant to be played in a specific order, but in reality you may not come . Details. Disney isnt any different from EA in this case they both just distribute products. ", Sooo, assuming there's truth to this Jedi stealing kids, Sith do it too. What book is this in? Please, convince me, Maybe I missed something. Dont worry, if you liked the story of KOTFE/KOTET and were satisfied, I am sure you will have no problem loving the new story on Iokath, and whatever comes after it. Check if your Sprint is active (its a known bug). So thats why i want to join the empire is becuse at least they lifted thier asses and decided on an alliance with the outlander to take down a common threath while the republic just sat on thier asses hoping zakuul would wipe out 2 strong factions. * 4th run, my Operative goes to Iokath. Each Datacron you collect permanently boosts the stats of every character you have, including new characters. Well, you're still going, you just won't last long. Its piss poor development and design given the story we just went though. The object here is to use the Network Node Access Terminal in the Docking Ring. That said, we know for a fact the Sith do. BioWare and the BioWare logo are trademarks of EA International (Studio and Publishing) Ltd. EA and the EA logo are trademarks of Electronic Arts Inc. all other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Izax, the Ultimate Devourer, was the chief deity of the pantheon, while the other members were his wife, Scyva, and their four children: Tyth, Aivela, Esne, and Nahut. Like did you go on characters normal faction or betrayed over to the other side? Thats a really interesting perspective I hadnt considered. Iokath: Choose Republic or Empire ((Spoiler)). Like even acinas "transgression" hell the outlander didnt tell her as an "ally" that it might be a super weapon on iokath. April 28, 2017. A conceptual clusterfuck really. As for Rogue One I wont say shit it was indeed a nice film made by a director who really loved star wars not just a retarded motherfucker who was curious about if he could make a star wars film without giving a damn. but the Sith Order is evil period! Aslo you cant deny the humor on the comments they give if a sith joins the republic and a jedi join the empire its kinda fun in it own way. The Republic didn't lift a finger to help against The Eternal Throne, now they demand I break an alliance to help them? And yeah, you most definitely get a letter from Malcom right after executing Saresh stating that the Republic will officially speak out against the Outlander, but privately he gives a high five. From my SW's perspective, they are not as cunning or ruthless as the Empire. So I joined the republic to fight against the Sith learn Intel about the republic then stab them in the back when the time comes. and if we(players) have the choice to stay neutral and watch them fight, they would be too busy to fight each other than joining force to fight us(player). Yhea i dont like quinn either but the empire done so much more and given much support compared to the republic like i said malcom is a powerful man and he at any time could command the soldiers that are loyal to only him to help with the fight against vailyn but didnt. I watched both but not impressed. He became so high, the only thing he was afraid of was losing his bluntwhich, eventually of course, he did. I might want to pick empire, but I want Elara at my side. Do you prefer the Zakuul drama? 4-6 were emotionally touching. Yeah, history has heard that before. Meaning if you choose Empire as a Republic Commando, once the story continues those choices carry over no matter how many times you switch back n forth after the story? They don't do anything once she's caught, but I wonder what they would have done had she succeeded. 1-3 were lacking any emotion, subtlety, nuance, good writing, continuityetc. And both Rebels and Rogue One are post Disney-acquisition. You dont just stay neutral. Youre on a world of common interest. Which, let's be fair, is a well deserved first thought to go with when it comes to Sith. It involves killing a giant droid, located in the Iokath Expanse area. and how the hell is people so sure theyll find you there in that remote island in the middle of nowhere after being years looking for you and how cant no one reduce the search to the planets inside the small missing block, arent there freaking galaxy maps and navigation charts to give a damn clue about where freaking Luke is? I consider it something of a miracle they managed to retrofit cross-Class Faction group chat in. Really? I still get stuck a lot of times when rolling as operatives. Did you play through that part? Free. But to sum up the situation with Loreman and Saresh, Loreman = A puppet , a fake face for the empire - proably Kill, exile or imprisonment, Saresh = A repulblic Scapegoat - Proably Killed by outlander, exiled, imprisonment or brutally murderd by her enemys. I do not count in this seresh assanistion attempt in this since it had nothing to do with the republic, though question is why would the republic not help? If you are just beginning your adventure in Star Wars: The Old Republic, you may realize that there is an incredible amount of quests available in the game, and a vast range of story and lore for you to explore. #SWTOR #StarWars #mmorpg #swtorfamily #Sith #Arcann #Valkorion #Lanabeniko # . Thanks to Mox and JT from Corellian Run Radio for the help in making this guide! Shows middle finger to Lana who was her boss for a while and had no idea whatsoever about her real loyalties and romances Jace Malcom along the way. The Jedi kidnap children, and the Republic laws give them the right to do so. In open world PvP, players allies and enemies are determined by their currently selected Faction. 1. It sucked that we had to make a choice , it sucked that we had to deal with it at all . While saresh she was respected, have support from diffrent important ppl and she had/have alot of power. When you refuse to side with the Republic, Malcom has some insult like "Sith never listen to reason" - they still don't see all their past mistakes. But why would you want to grind them? The Empire and the Republic have changed since you last worked for them, and the Empire actively helped you against Valin while the Republic quietly sided with the Eternal Throne (according to a report sent by Theron, I think). It's not true, however. Time they fired the writing team and hired well, writers. So you are saying she is really a Skywalker? My Jedi consular LS was siding with Acina . Beat them both and control them both. You dont have to try and find bad things in swtor. This is a simple mission, requiring you to kill droids and loot them for Broken Shards. Finally she will have the opportunity to work for what she really believes in. And now be sad and mourn that which you have lost. Keep in mind that the Monitors costs 300 Power Shards so it is an expensive daily. You are forced to take sides in this conflict for one sole reason take side, or you will be destroyed by them both. Your objective is to mount a turret and kill enemies of your faction. Also i think By changing the power structer that they have when they have in iokath i do belive that they want us to see that either side is not dark or light side you choose the side you think will do better, fits, that you gain on or just like. Also, Star Wars has always been a fairy tale. Another mission that takes place in the Docking Ring instance. They support the Eternal Throne, let's say that again. You should write the PR copy for BioWare Austin. Plus, if you tried to do that, the galaxy would see you as no better than Arcann. General chat channels are dictated by your normal Class Faction, you can however group with and chat with players based on your chosen Faction. Sooo, assuming there's truth to this Jedi stealing kids, Sith do it too. You can either steal theirs and place 5 Power Cores (the spheres) into the Receiving Port or you can go grab the spheres yourself and bring them over. Their brains are exhausted by doing this. Which means that you will be able to group and do dailies with the players of the faction that you CHOSE on IOKATH. So for me republic might be all shiny and sparkely, but underneath all that glamour is proably more sh*t going on than what the empire have littrely in the republic story you either see corrupt leaders of all kind or your character or a nother npc on that side might become a mass muderer of a hole race ((On taris you can choose to eradicate all rakghouls to exctintion or not. Unfortunately, he taught his friend everything he knew. Disney should be proud! Star Wars:. All my characters will side with the Republic simply because they hate Sith Ideology, even my warrior who I play as a guy with a more maverick sense of Jedi morals. The key difference is that one helped the Alliance and one did not. Well that is how I project it in my head anyway. SWTOR War for Iokath - Elara Dorne & Malcom Disappointed that Trooper Sided with the Sith Empire Play SWTOR for Free: http://www.swtor.com/r/BlQhmZ Follow . This mission can be completed at the same time together with Mend a Broken Shard and Disarm. Apparently the Alliance you created doesnt mean jack shit because it seems without siding with one of them, your alliance is helpless. That said, we know for a fact the Sith do. SWTOR's Jedi Under Siege started a brand-new storyline, one which re-ignites the war between The Empire and the Galactic Republic.Although it has been some time since Ossus was released to players, I wanted time to think through the choices you are provided. Then acina bring Quinn tag along.AHHH Why did you bring him with you!!!!!!!! So yhea even if she was the outlander will notice becuse of the fighting instead of throwing away a holo to tell the outlander yhea me and my troops are on iokath slowing down the republic advances on taking the the super weapon though he might take it for our self too just in case . Iokath is an artificial planet built around a star, located in Wild Space . Then, you either join the one left or will be forced to fight them too. So yhea the empire have the abillity to change that proably what they want but most of them just do not know how and they need the push from someone to show them a way to that goal. Hell, even bw didnt do that in their first or second go around chapters. It sucked as a story . And the Empire *is* already changing - for instance, accepting aliens for training at the Sith Academy, more aliens in positions of power, disavowing the Emperor, the alliance formed by Marr with Satele Shan during SoR, etc. There are dozens of Datacrons spread across both the Republic and Empire factions in SWTOR. It has already gotten better than it was, but there's always room for improvement and Acina seems more open to suggestions than the Republic does. Once you spawn as a Monitor, you have to find and defeat 10 random enemies. Disney owns Lucasfilm. Did you ever hear the Tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Lit? No reason for bad feelings. You can only be Empire, OK. Im a Jedi but I once watched RotJ and thought the Emperor was kind of cool. RE: Slavery in the Republic - if I remember correctly, the first chapter of the companion novel "Annihilation" mentions that the Republic tends to turn a blind eye to slavery unless it involves captured Republic troopers or other assets of value. Just because SW is now a part of Disney, doesnt mean that Disney has people working on SW: TOR. https://xaeus.wordpress.com/2016/11/08/epic-you-have-been-deceived-the-jedi-are-evil/, https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/af02b27a942c8f13583c906d22843b8019bb5054599dbb3fc62471a6a8847263.gif. Then his friend called the police while he was sleeping. Clicking on the big blue terminal will transform you into a Factory Remote Obelisk. You needed something better than the old Rep and Emp factions. That's about it. REEEEEEEEEEE! Your Alliance still awaits your return once the war on Iokath ends. It includes 14 Daily Missions and a Weekly Mission. Sorry republic maybe don't be and u wont loose the greatest god to grace the galaxy? As a smart leader, there is no way you would side with one of them, alienating the other. not the republic but the empire decided to take up on that.. 20. Disney appears to not have any creative control over that, and we are grateful for that. As we mentioned in our PvP post last week, and on our original 5.2 livestream, when you arrive on Iokath you will be able to choose which Faction you want to side with in the War . Sure, they retained their own individuality but sided with you because your alliance is now the top. You must have seen the wrong movies. Iokath is a ZONE where your faction becomes the one you chose. I think you give bw too much credit. One sees that with people like Darth Marr, and Acina comes right out and says she's trying to drastically improve the Empire. But you're suckie with it! Its super simple, Disney doesnt make this game, EA/Bioware has a (pre-disney) lease on the IP, that is all, Disney executives or employees are not involved in the writing or designing of Swtor. You dont have the manpower to fight two wars simultaneously. The republic does not. Who knows. Sounds nice how you put it. It could be Jace Malcom, but it could also be Empress Acina. your Classs Faction is what will determine things as normal. Genre: Science-Fiction, Action-Adventure. arcann was the villian and our toon defeated him, took over his throne and the eternal fleet and is not endorsed by or affiliated with Disney, LucasArts, BioWare, or Electronic Arts. All of them are solo-able, except for Colossal Threat. I also don't think the entire Republic brass was in the dark regarding what Saresh was doing. Oppressive Alliance? Datacrons are hidden collectible items in SWTOR that provide a permanent stat boost to all of your characters within your Legacy on a server. One being that the Empire *is* open for change. They support oppression, and the only difference in KOTFE and KOTET is that their corruption and cruelty is out in the open. Was it really important to ask how the stupid chat channels work? Republic. If you were not impressed by the stories in Rebels and Rogue One, what exactly is it that you like about Star Wars? - Wednesday, January 4, 2023. The video below will show you the contents of the vendors as of December 2017. So. Its a Stoner legend. CM by itself isnt the evil: all MMO have money-spending-thingies as far as I know because they need money to keep MMO going, otherwise, theyll just have to shut it down. Also the sith and the Jedi might be a problem yhea sith are mostly bad by nature but some of them are very acceptable and wise, Jedi is very accepting and wise too most of them. They also don't care what level of force user you are. Reply noah April 5, 2017 at 6:29 pm ok cool thanks Reply nana It all will depend on how itll be made ( since it can be made reasonable, remember final choice of DA2?). And as someone else mentioned, a lot of the Republic people who join the Alliance, like Bewan Aygo and Aric Jorgan, mention they walked away from the Republic because the Republic wouldn't listen to any ideas about change or fighting the Eternal Throne. so what makes u think our toon with the same military power as arcann before cant take on both faction Happy and satisfying ending. Clone Wars was not in the Disney era (apart from the last season, which was still developed solely under Filoni and his crew) and that show, along with Rebels, were fully under the supervision of the awesome Dave Filoni. * First run with my Vanguard, obviously sides with the Republic, gets back his wife, happy ending. Arcann Customization 1 - 10 Light Side Tokens Arcann Customization 2 - 10 Dark Side Tokens Iokath [] Republic: As a veteran and the spouse of a former Supreme Commander of the Republic military, Rans has deep ties with the military; with the ongoing support of the current Supreme Commander, Jace Malcom, Chancellor Rans has successfully strengthened the Republic's strategic positions across the galaxy. Yes. Too bad the story gets spammed too much by other things. In an alliance, neither faction would be opposing you. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/9ed8a83e565372090d1220192c691fda3f787ce91db517d0e297c46f74227d59.png, https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/4c48aa662624caa8fd92a8bc9e18057442a50c26b0cfaa554d89334199778fe5.jpg. Iokath is an ancient planet that is entirely run by droids, but has become a point of interest for both factions as they seek to shift the balance of power away from the eternal throne. Episode 2 "Ruins of War". Decided that my founder main LS warrior will help the Republic. it should be about a group of rebels taking a serious war aganist the empire, butchering stormtroopers with sabers and opening holes on everyone else with a blaster not just playing wrestling with them. Good effort, but no amount of spin is going to make this a coherent story at this point. If you choose opposite Factions while grouped, it will allow you to make the choice and then remove you from the group. Lana is my Sithbae how dare you disrespect her! Clicking on it will trigger the next (real) objective Defeat the Iokath Terminal Network Coordinator. A SWTOR account and acceptance of the SWTOR End . Combie that with your alliance. Tyth and the rest of the Operation are just a part of normal play, so your standard faction is what dictates your group as normal. My wife comes into the room and asks me what the hell is going on for me to be laughing out like a madman at midnight, Yes my friend, I was specifically waiting for you to appreciate my humorous post xD. LS path in vanilla sets you on a path of remaking the Empire. I forgot about that bug. The Republic also actively takes the stance that they will support and appease the Eternal Throne because it will benefit them (you get another email saying just that). MMO guide writer and blogger. Imperial victory. Personally, I would have preferred using my fleet to bomb them to hell and back, but whatever. That all makes sense except for the fact that for 2 expansions of dull story content our alliance has been made out to be a much larger and greater military force than both sides (as our alliance is built out of the majority of what was left of both sides forces, remember that both imp and rep were decimated by skyforts before we rallied the galaxy, plus extras we picked up along the way). just wait till the slide show starts again how anyone takes this game seriously is beyond me /smh, You do know that the language in Brazil is Portuguese, right? The faction youre siding with isnt a faction youre assuming (IE your character isnt going to suddenly drop everything just to choose to be part of the Republic or Empire), its a faction your ALLYING with. Page 2- Iokath: Choose Republic or Empire ((Spoiler)) Spoilers. Both the Republic and Empire have major issues; neither is blameless. I still have no idea where people get the Jedi kidnap children aspect, I've never read it anywhere in the lore/books I've read. bs if the eternal fleet is not strong enough why would both rep and imp surrender at the first place when the ghost emperor started the war Also, as for how the Jedi operate, lets notice a few things with that. Once you spawn as a Walker, your objective is to defeat 40 Enemies on Iokath. And Rebels has been bringing back some of the better parts. "You can move a pebble and nothing more? Whoever jumps into the seat of the ultimate weapon ends up dying. you kinda already Rule Zakuul hence why the Knights and scions both serve you. crappy crappy crappy choices , story..etc . 19. He had such a knowledge of the Lit Side, he could even keep the ones he cared aboutfrom being caught by the police. Given the chance, I think both my Jedi and my Agent (who both chose the Peacekeeper option at the end of KotET) would have told Malcolm and Acina "Get off my planet". Your contribution helps us provide content you enjoy. And I did a lot of tickets. Clear a path for Imperial forces by disabling the Republic plasma emitter defenses. Both of the old factions would do all they can to butter you up at this point and there is no reason you would side with just one of them when both have members in your faction. Well, what if its a Friday and I was kind of tired but really wanted ice cream so I ran out to get some while wearing my wifes Crocs? Serious, your Disney hate doesnt change the business model of these companies. You have to disarm the laser 4 emitters. Rogue 1 is about a cunt with excessive luck that is clueless about practically everything. Well I wish that EA wouldnt just grabbing money or at least let Bioware have more time on experimenting with methods, simply doing their job, but I think BW still make wonderful story. As long as were name calling now. After the story, your current Faction will determine what base and Daily Missions you can access. He could save others from the policebut not himself. , https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/c4f1725f3af2213f63290993e39444678f091482b0e81e79bc724aa5a3ba0f5f.jpg. IE, your choice is to have your Alliance side with either the Republic or the Empire. I'm retiring from this debate after this comment, because if one is inclined to believe the Jedi and Republic are as pure as driven snow and the Sith and Empire are somehow much worse, I guess one will. Why is a good question and then come to appeal to the outlander that the republic deserve the super weapon and the empire would just use it to kill everyone, hell the rep would just do that if they got thier hands on it since they want to wipe the hole empire and the sith. I found someone who isn't a sith or a jedi with force powers! Empire is all evil people (government wise). The 5th location is far to the south. When it shields up and the 2 additional droids spawn, look around the area there are sphere nodes around the wall on the entrance side. OK but, Disney doesnt make those cartoons or the movies Lucasfilm does, Disney distributes. Raina is in hiding because it's *expected* to send your kid to be trained, but the Sith do not steal children or expect them to forsake their families. Guildship summons will be based on your Class Faction, as per normal. Well, that will be explained in the story. Your alliances only duty was to bring down arcann and vaylin. Also doesnt help that saresh is a . Not to mention, the Minister of the Empire helped Saresh try to take your place. Great question! Simply put. The Alliance Base is between them. This means you can only complete Missions for one Faction in any given day, so if you want to switch you should do so before working on dailies. We blame disney for fucking with starwars in general. Bendu is a neutral force user type introduced in Rebels, post Clone Wars Ahsoka claims some kind of non-jedi neutrality in her force usage (she is still fighting imps though), Maul is against everybody, jedi and sith, in both cartoons, and the Mandalorians in Rebels seem to be on every side of everything. Level 75 Materials Level 65 Materials Just like todays world oppressors do with political parties while giving meatbags the illusion of choice. Just when Disney did ANYTHING for SW universe? The only way to actually remain neutral is to not get involved at all. Just like they butchered The Clone Wars in its best moment, fucking savages! So, you are imp agent, group with scoundrel, queue for warzone together(if possible. Well fair is fair, if Im hating Disney (although I would say that Im simply bitter about losing potential of the universe ) this site has lots of Bioware haters. Actually, there's nothing in Sith lore or in any of the books that suggest they do this at all. Does it count as Iokath, so chosen faction, or it counts as outside operation, so class faction? How about you tell me stupid. There's another quest on Hutta between parents who are fighting over whether to send their kid to the Academy. GG EAware. . Sith Empire is not a peacekeeping type of government and never will be. Its a terribly written choice bw is trying to shoehorn in to an already weak story concept. Killing enemies can drop Reputation consumables for your chosen Faction. Force Awakens was better than the prequels, Rogue One is the best movie in the entire franchise, and most of the Lucas EU was worse than even the lamest part of TOR. I used to like Bioware, right before 3.0 I was a big fan of the Austin studio. It only impacts story choices in the Iokath storyline (and future stories) and some gameplay impacts on Iokath. Both faction Happy and satisfying ending to go with when it comes Sith! Have done had she succeeded your Sprint is active ( its a known bug ) between! 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