Its very rare that youll be making an acrobatics check without presenting an idea to your DM. Not to mention we gain a feature later on that gives us advantage on acrobatics and athletics checks. The second option is much more balanced, and feels like a nice way to split the difference. Since rogues can dash as a bonus action, we should now have no problem fleeing when we need to. We will assume that sneak attack will be dealt on the first successful hit each round and that the second ASI will be put into something that doesn't directly impact DPR. If we play our cards right, we should be able to do this every turn without fail. Or just let you escape? Defensive Duelist This is a great way to boost your AC if youre using a finesse weapon. Is it another option for cunning action? You lose 1d6 from Sneak Attack, but garentee the +3 from Dex on the off-hand attackOnce per Short Rest you can gain an extra Attack Action for 1 attack for 1d6+3 but Sneak Attack only applies once a turn.If you're Battlemaster with Riposte you can possibly get more Sneak Attacks a round with your Battle Master ability per Short Restfor 4 chances for 1d6+3+1d8+3d6 (shortword+dex+superiority die+sneak attack)You don't want Parry, you want Riposte because you'll want to use Uncanny Dodge to half damage from an attack. Fighter has a slightly higher minimum damage. Standalone, this ability is awesome. This allows Swashbucklers to be a bit more autonomous than a normal rogue. Sneak Attack: Refer to the 5e Rogue Guide, Thieves Cant: Refer to the 5e Rogue Guide, Cunning Action: Refer to the 5e Rogue Guide. You get to pick up Booming Blade, Eldritch Blast, and Hex, all of which are great spells for the swashbuckler. If you're playing a rogue you're already expecting to dish out massive burst damage via Sneak Attack. Also, as we discussed in the limitations section, there is a lot of potential to improve upon this subclass and make it your own with feats. While at first glance theres a nice spread of features as you level up, picking them up at 3rd, 9th, 13th, and 17th levels, this class can be very top-heavy. I have further clarified it to only consider the result of the first successful attack, the alternative is to roll all attacks and apply sneak attack to the better result. Basically, if were choosing to start casting spells, we want to be able to do as much as we can. Using Magic Initiate to pick up Wizard spells seems like a poor choice, as INT is typically a dump stat and you say the primary purpose is to get the cantrips Green Flame & Booming Blade. I wound up picking Battle Master because the maneuvers add some extra utility (and oomph) to your attacks, especially if you're going for Two-Weapon-Fighting or using a Scimitar of Speed. Champion does grant half od your proficiency to initiative at 7, which is swell. thoughts? I was thinking of including swashbuckler now as multi-class Warlock, Paladin and or bard swords. If I use Booming Blade cantrip, that is a bonus action right? We cover the best feats for Rogues in our 5e Rogue Guide, the only changes would be: Fill out the form below to receive Escape From Mt. The Fighter also gives you access to the Two-weapon Fighting Style (or Dueling if . I love your guide. Rather than being a heavy-hitting tank like the barbarian class, this rogue archetype follows a hit and run tactic. Rogue 5e Class in Dnd Classes (5th Edition) - 5e Races best Is it possible to cast Booming Blade, move 30, hit, then use Cunning Action to dash away another 30? In Dungeons and Dragons 5e, the Swashbuckler is a Roguish Archetype specializing in a mix of Charismatic Panache and being an expert duelist. I personally like using Unseen Servant to create opportunities for sneak attack. This race has a lot to offer. This effect lasts for 1 minute, until one of your companions attacks the target or affects it with a spell, or until you and the target are more than 60 feet apart. Yeah but that happens with ANY multiclass in 5e. A good option is to choose ASIs for two out of the six, and choose four feats. Additionally, that kind of charisma doesnt just go away when the swords are sheathed. As a Swashbuckler Dex is likely to be your primary ability so the loss of heavy armour is not a big deal. There are also similarly 4 combinationsfor hitting => 55% + (40%*55%) = 77%. Hopefully I roll a bunch of odd Dice and I can use feats to dip into the spell casting like magic initiate. As main damage dealer you have Dex as a primary, for AC, attack, and damage. Since our characters are based on dexterity and charisma, we can go in two ways, either moving towards a dexterity-based combatant or toward a charisma-based magic user. Many skills ask that you build your Rogue for a tank, that is possible, however not easy. Am looking at multiclassing a lvl 9 swashbuckler with 3 levels of monk. Half-Elf: The +2 CHA bonus and a +1 to DEX is a great starting ASI. Not a lot of level 1 spells are worth it though. The Swashbuckler Rogue is loaded with good features from levels 5 . (A) A Rogue (Swashbuckler) 8 would be making 2 attacks dealing 1d8+4 and 1d8 damage. Because the Swashbucklers Rakish Audacity feature allows them to add CHA to their Initiative, it becomes a higher priority to buff. Draw your off-hand weapon and step forward 5 from in behind the barbarian to engage in melee The information presented on this site about Dungeons and Dragons, both literal and graphical, is copyrighted by Wizards of the Coast. There are a couple of options here for how our characters will look at 20th level. Character (B) will get Dex 20 at level 9 for DPRs of23.07 (L8) and 24.87 (L9), with the chance to deal an additional65.45per short rest (Action Surge + 4x Riposte). At third level you choose your roguish archetype: Swashbuckler. Master Duelist: This is kind of a last-ditch effort ability. Proficiencies: Refer to the 5e Rogue Guide. @swamp_slug That's some solid math. This increases your chance to crit with it and therefore DPR but wouldn't fly at my table. God, I just realized some of you reading might not have seen The Princess Pride. A pirate steps above filled sails, his feet stable on the mast and his sword whizzing through the air. Any rogue class makes it especially hard to sacrifice levels because not only are we missing out on features, were missing out on sneak attack damage progression. Theyll likely have to waste their turn full dashing to get in range, which will allow opportunity attacks and kiting possibilities. Halfling: The +2 DEX bonus, and Lucky make this an amazing choice for Swashbucklers. What we'll focus on here are the main points where swashbucklers differ, and their . The Arcane Trickster is a Rogue subclass that grants access to the Wizard spell list, focusing on enchantment and illusion spells. If your attack misses a target within range, you can turn the miss into a hit. Do yourself a favor and watch the movie before playing this character. For a full overview of the rogue class, check out our rogue 5e Guide. I opted for the feat at first level and chose tavern brawling( if thats the name) he isnt really high in charisma but has a high strength and dext and highish constitution. You might as well call this ability hit and run. Variant Human: +1 DEX and +1 CHA is a decent base for Swashbucklers. 5. A masked elf creeps along the walls of a manor to rescue his love trapped inside by a dastardly baron. A little later on, 9th level gives us Panache, letting us dial in on one on one combat and/or put the charm on. As for the charm, our ninth-level ability gives us an exciting feature centered around persuasion. It depends on what you are trying to get out of the character. At first level your leather armour (nerfed to AC 11 in 5th edition) plus your Dex. In all ways, however, you're a master of the battlefield. The species of animal you choose is called your companion's type. Use your bonus action to Dash 30 ft closer to your enemy and draw your main light weapon We also get elegant maneuvers at 13th level, which lets us take a bonus action to prepare us for an acrobatics or athletics check so that we make the roll with advantage. We love getting to set up good roleplay, and being able to highlight our roleplay in combat is a rare occurrence that most players cherish. So, working backwards, you obviously lose 1D6 o. Rakish Audacity: Their Rakish Audacity allows Swashbucklers to add their CHA modifier to their Initiative roll. Building a Better Swashbuckler. You can either increase one ability by 2 points or two abilities by 1. As for spells, follow your heart. Another idea was for Swash/Warlock, or Swash/Paladin/Sorcerer, since CHA focus on the Swashbuckler makes this pretty good in my head. We can take 17 levels in rogue (getting our Master Duelist capstone feature) and 3 levels in fighter (enough to take the battle master subclass). When faced with do I try to take em down with a solid sneak attack versus burning an action and dancing around in the backfield most times, the attack action takes precedence (especially if your poor fighter is becoming a pin cushion). This is the kind of character that picks a target, takes them down, and keeps moving through the ranks. Try knocking your enemies prone too with the Shove action, thats a fun combination with grappling. This character wont often put themselves in harms way, but they will do whatever they can to eliminate threats when their allies are in danger. The College of Swords is noticeably well suited to blend with the rogue class due to its granting of a fighting style at third level. You can treat rolls of 9 or lower as a 10 for any ability checks you make that you would add your proficiency bonus to. document.getElementById( "ak_js_3" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Arcane Eye is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. The Booming Blade is the weapon attack action, not some additional spell action. This kind of character will continue to boast, brag, quip etcetera, just like any of the dashing characters we see in film and other media. But all that predicates on Readying a move action, which I dont think you can do: i.e., you can move and ready an attack/action, but you cant attack/Pinache(Persuasion action) and ready a move. Role in the Party. Insight (WIS) Leave this for a party member with higher wisdom to focus on. So they have similar damage outputs, but it's a trade of offense vs defense. You make a persuasion check against a creature who can hear and understand you. They have proficiency in the stealth skill built in. Additional accessible formats for this information are available upon request. 7. Thanks for the comments Cannae! Instead, youll be pulling off insults, threats, dares, or huge speeches. That's without any magical abilities, either. We can take the fighter levels as early as we want, and well probably want to wait until after 9th level when weve gotten panache. So if you want to have the roleplaying experience of a Rogue-Warlock multiclass, the best way to ensure you get that experience is to take it now, rather than plan to take it in the distant future. In D&D, this gives us a really exciting character to play. Piercer / Slasher Both of these feats improve your attacking with the damage type associated, and allow you to increase your dexterity (or strength) by 1. For the purpose of meeting its prerequisites, your ranger level is equal to half your character level. Swashbucklers would certainly be the subclass to take both Deception and Persuasion if you were ever going to. I recommend at least 5 levels for Extra Attack, which if you are two-weapon fighting as per the intent of the subclass, that gives you three attacks per round to land Sneak Attack. Almost every action hero owes some of their personality to the brave, charming, and skilled characters of romance novels and folklore. Yes you loose access to Find Familiar, but you already say the Swashbuckler will almost always be able to sneak attack, so the value of a familiar to Help is minimal. wats your build? Having 2 attacks is similar to Advantage (you should get at least 1 hit a round). But if you are creative, there are plenty of exciting options. Plus, we can greatly embellish on our background once weve chosen one. [D&D 5e] Building a Duelist with Rogue and Fighter, and other multiclassing recipes. If you sacrifice all of your movement in a turn, you give yourself advantage on the next attack roll you make this turn. Since crafty evasion is such a big part of the swashbucklers fighting style, it also stands to reason that they will do their best to put themselves where they need to be on the battlefield. Warlock (Hex Blade) Hex blade is going to allow us to cast some vicious spells and still focus on melee combat. As a kid, I was often told to get my head out of the clouds and to stop living in a fantasy world. I've spoiler-blocked it for the benefit of those that want to skip it. Persuasion (CHA) Yes. Let me know if you decide to build this character! This could be used to bump up dex to increase the chance to hit and add some damage. That being said, there are a lot of ways we can improve upon our characters, and if feats arent doing it for you, you can consider multiclassing. For the following example build weve used the standard set of scores provided in the PHB (15, 14, 13, 12, 10, 8) when deciding ability scores. Published on October 26, 2020, Last modified on February 20th, 2023. A Swashbuckler excels in single combat, and can fight . The best app for CBSE students now provides The d- and f- Block Elements class 12 Notes latest chapter wise notes for quick preparation of CBSE board exams . The latter two features this subclass offers are great, but not necessarily capstone material. Is that something specific? I think the fighter multiclass also fits the theme well. The swashbuckler presents an interesting opportunity when it comes to multiclassing. Eldritch, and Blast. It doesnt have to be, but it can become pretty annoying. This is when we save ourselves from opportunity attacks, and improve upon our initiative and sneak attack conditions. STR: Leave the heavy lifting to your friends. Play your cards right and youll never have to miss out on your bonus d6s. Basic DPR is 10.65, sneak attack DPR is 9.56 for a total DPR of 20.21. The goal is damage vs damage/utility. Additionally, you gain a new condition that you can make sneak attacks under. Privacy Policy. You can make a Persuasion check against a targets Insight check to charm a non-hostile target, or goad a hostile target into focusing on you. Ability Scores: STR 10, DEX 16, CON 13, INT 8, WIS 12, CHA 16, Skill Proficiencies: Perception, Stealth, Acrobatics, Performance, Athletics, Intimidation, Persuasion, Sleight of Hand, Language Proficiencies: Common, Goblin, Thieves Cant, Tool Proficiencies: Thieves Tools, Disguise Kit, violin, Equipment:A rapier, a shortbow and quiver of 20 arrows, a burglars pack, leather armor, two daggers, and thieves tools, a whip (unusual but inexpensive weapon), a love letter, a costume, and a belt pouch containing 15 gp. If they are hostile, they become locked in one on one combat with you. Doesn't have to be a longsword. But I do see your point. We rely on stealth to keep us safe, how are we supposed to involve ourselves in single combat and take all the damage that comes with it? been thinking of making this combo. A Swashbuckler is a flashy, showy, bombastic adventuring type, usually but not necessarily a swordsman. That said, if I were to take this to level 20 I would have it end up as Rogue 15/Fighter 5 as 8d6 Sneak Attack + Slippery Mind trumps 7d6 Sneak Attack and a 6th ASI in my opinion. Pirate Proficiency in Athletics and Persuasion. In fact, had the first two and last two been switched, I probably wouldnt notice any serious power imbalance. Keep in mind, most races and subraces are limited by the setting and source material chosen by the DM. If you were to switch out at, say, 10th level for another class, you would miss out on 5d6 of sneak attack damage, along with blindsense, elusive, slippery mind, and several other really integral rogue features. Arcane Eye may earn a small commission from affiliate links in this article. General Tabletop Discussion . Motivating Collaborative Worldbuilding. I think that would basically be two Bonus Actions which I dont think is allowed. Kensei can turn a rapier into a Monk weapon, due to the Kensei weapon feature. The rapier however, does have the Finesse property and so is eligible for Sneak Attack. I would recommend starting Rogue for the bonus skills (Rogue then Fighter gives you 4 + background + race while Fighter then Rogue gives 3 + background + race). A well-armed pirate leaps from the crows nest to confront his enemy. Also, it depends on the level split but Fighter can quite easily increase your damage output, although you do trade survivability for this damage. Ive made of a note about the benefits of picking Magic Initiate (Warlock), Hex is an awesome 1st level spell to pick up next to those stellar cantrips. You probably wont be saying Hey! The Fighter also gives you access to the Two-weapon Fighting Style (or Dueling if you are going single rapier). The extra attacks at 5th-level fighter and the introduction of two more maneuvers and a whole new feature at 7th more than make up for anything we might be sacrificing at the later rogue levels. Ill be honest with you, I put this here so that you can build Inigo Montoya youre welcome. Consider it assigned reading. Mostly taking Monk as I want an unarmoured lady who looks harmless and vulnerable and acts all seductive. Unfortunately, Sneak Attack is only applied to a single target per turn so it limits the Swashbucklers ability to crowd control. Let me start off by saying, Spiderman is a great example of a swashbuckler, although I should probably focus on an easier sell, like Inigo Montoya. So I started to touch on this earlier on, in the limitations section. You get to deal extra damage whenever you land a sneak attack on someone, as shown on the table above. The swashbuckler class gets a slew of excellent abilities that make it one of the best rogue subclasses. Touch 4: The Art of Description. Courses 162 View detail Preview site The Swashbuckler is a class that you can find in both the Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide and Xanathar's Guide to Everything; nothing really changes. / Hasbro, Inc. Win initiative Swashbuckler if you want to move around and given your party composition. Swashbuckler/Paladin/Sorcerer seems to be very busy and lacking some focus. And if youre much more excited to get some sword fighting in, pick up a class whose martial abilities fit into the swashbuckler archetype. Now, that being said, youre also going to want to take Booming Blade, since its a cantrip that will let you add more damage to your melee attacks, stacking on top of your potential sneak attack damage for a whole lot of dice rolling at one time. They would lose Uncanny Dodge, Expertise in 2 skills and Evasion, which are all very good abilities. Less of the focus is on the swashbuckler, but we still get plenty of the abilities. Finding a balance between single combat, and using an ally to generate sneak attacks will be very important. Going for a martial focused build, well start off by grabbing up Piercer. Regarding Alignment. The spike damage of an assassin is nice, but tbh. When you have to make a Dexterity saving throw in order to take half damage from an effect you now take no damage on a successful save and half damage on a failed save. This character would have Action Surge for an additional 2 attacks once per short rest (+10.65) and would have 4 superiority dice (d8) to use per short rest (+11.7) which could be spent on trip attack to grant advantage (+DPR) or use Riposte for an off turn attack (+12.80including sneak attack and the superioty die). 55% chance of dealing 1d8+4 (avg 8.5) / 1d8 (avg4.5), 5% chance of dealing 2d8+4 (avg 13) / 2d8 (avg9). Some hear the name Swashbuckler and think pirate, and while that is a perfectly reasonable direction . Take your attack action (successfully dealing sneak attack damage) Swashbuckler/Paladin looked cool to me purely for the nova potential, but I understand that it's MAD unless I start Pally with less than 13 Str. This is a super fun and super great ability. Published on October 26, 2020, Last modified on February 20th, 2023 . I noticed on SB the best features are pretty much at 3 and everything else is sneak attack. Do I double my proficiency into Persuasion or not? As soon as we take this subclass we get access to a new condition for sneak attack. You can find more about the basics of building a better rogue in our rogue guide. Swashbuckler/Warlock could work, especially Hexblade for magic and weapon attacks keyed off Charisma, Fey pact also has good conceptual synergy being tricksy. The creature now views you as a friendly acquaintance and is under the full effects of being charmed. Instead of having to have an ally within 5ft OR have advantage on the roll, Swashbucklers can use their sneak attack feature whenever they are within 5ft of the enemy and there are no other creatures within 5ft of you. You dont need advantage on the attack roll to use your Sneak Attack against a creature if you are within 5 feet of it, no other creatures are within 5 feet of you, and you dont have disadvantage on the attack roll. I'm not a fan of multiclassing Monk and Rogue. I concur. I think the fighter multiclass also fits the theme well. The rest of our features all help us achieve this goal of single combat. Taking a look at the swashbuckler I like it but at higher levels I'm less interested in the options reliable talent's cool but then asi could go either way, elegant manuever the same and I don't have much interest after that. Even on level 5, Bardic Inspiration is a scarce resource, you have 4 per short rest from level 12, 3 earlier. I am thinking of Swashbuckler Rogue with Kensai Weapon Monk. Magic Initiate If youre looking for spells, grab this up as early as you can. To me this feels like the classic hero move, getting the big bad to focus on you. Well start off with expertise in persuasion and acrobatics. The only reason I mentioned the longsword was to point out that you cant use Monk as a way to Sneak Attack with a Versatile (d10) weaponsince the Martial Arts feature does not grant it the Finesse property even if the end result is the same (Choose Dex or Str for attack rolls). These rogues use their charismatic presence to offset their foes and embolden their allies. A swashbuckler build would be a complete and utter failure if it was not a fantastic duelist. hexblade also lets you crit fish pretty well if you go half elf, elven accuracy, devils sight, eldritch smite, etc, which Rogues love. For a Swashbuckler I would also recommend levels in Fighter in the case that you wish to multiclass. Touch 3: What You Are is What You Play. Multiclassing . One of the later fight scenes is possibly my favorite. Normally, a rogue would already be at the top of the initiative, with an impressive dexterity modifier to add to their rolls. Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + your Constitution modifier, Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your Constitution modifier per rogue level after 1st, Weapons: Simple weapons, hand crossbows, longswords, rapiers, shortswords, Skills: Choose four from Acrobatics, Athletics, Deception, Insight, Intimidation, Investigation, Perception, Performance, Persuasion, Sleight of Hand, and Stealth. In this post, we will be examining the Swashbuckler rogues class features and how you can optimize your Swashbuckler rogue through choosing your race, background, ability scores, and feats. If every attack lands they all have roughly the same damage. That never really jived with me, so I decided to make a living out of games, stories, and all sorts of fantastical works. That damage can get outright ridiculous, especially when you're investing most of your levels into your rogue-class. While good in theory, most Rogues dont find a whole lot of trouble scoring Sneak Attack against enemies once per turn as long as they have another martial class at their party. Plus Uncanny Dodge at 5th, Evasion at 7th! Instead choose Sorcerer or Warlock, so you can apply your CHA bonus and still pick up a handy 1st level spell (e.g Shield or Absorb Elements). Now were dealing extra damage just because weve got someone alone. Sneak attacks require a weapon that has either the ranged or finesse quality. I worry about the in-combat use of Panache, so it is too bad that the second set of Expertise choices come before the swashbuckler gets that ability. It's really helpful! modifier will give you a suicidal AC of 14, and it's not going to get much better. RELATED: The 10 Best Warlock Multiclass Combos In D&D. In particular, the combination of Hexblade warlock and Swashbuckler rogue can be lethal. Feature centered around persuasion to advantage ( you should get at least 1 a! ( you should get at least 1 hit a round ) this earlier,. S not going to get out of the six, and their our background once weve one... The subclass to take both Deception and persuasion if you are trying to get in range, is! * 55 % + ( 40 % * 55 % ) = %. These rogues use their Charismatic presence to offset their foes and embolden their allies rogue archetype follows hit... Our background once weve chosen one big bad to focus on right, we want skip. Plus, we should now have no problem fleeing when we save ourselves from opportunity attacks and possibilities... Fan of multiclassing Monk and rogue to mention we gain a new condition for sneak attack a bonus action?! 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