End of story. Megan remembers asking him why he was trying all this on her. and reinforce the fears of recurrent loss and death. They will all disappear in the flash we call a human lifetime. But not all of us know the real reason (s) behind his demise. Susan says the woman described her own similar experiences with Swami Rama during the past two years. When she shared her news with the other residents at East West Books, they told her she should feel honored: She had been chosen, while long-time devotees had been denied the privilege. The last few months of his life were filled with accusations of sexual assault and harassment from several women against himself and the Himalayan Institute. One woman Institute member, who was desperate to talk with someone but afraid to give her name, called twice. But she says his attitude toward her underwent a dramatic change; he began to make her a target for his anger, issuing contradictory orders and then screaming at her for her incompetence in front of the other secretaries and disciples and gossiping about her behind her back. Towards the end of his life Sri Ramakrishna contracted throat cancer. he was very tired and was anticipating death. She says she confessed her secret relationship with Swami Rama for the first time, telling her counselor that she was still confused about it. She says he arranged for her to meet him at the Gramercy Park Hotel and instructed her not to call him Swami in public. Lifes pain is telling swami rama (1925-1996) was born in himalayas. Death reminds Until she'd read a copy of Susan's letter, she told her, she'd thought she was alone. Search by tag or locations,view users photos and videos. Elmer and Alyce Green observed that Swami Rama could produce different brain waves at will, including theta and delta (sleep) waves, while remaining aware of his environment. Friends of the two couples set up a "truth booth" outside the entrance of the Institute's first annual congress in 1976. Also, the whispers CAE had analyzed and reported on in January (Chapter 7) were reviewed on the new tapes and all previous findings were re-confirmed. Here is her report. Only recently has she acknowledged her anger at Swami Rama. But during the next three weeks, she says, she saw the Swami mistreating his disciples, especially the women, on a daily basis-yelling at them, ridiculing them, ordering them around, and occasionally kicking a woman in the buttocks when she was on her hands and knees weeding. Calcutta, India How life is led, in other words the train Sutras, the contemplative insight of Advaita Vedanta, and the The original creator of the neti pot, the Himalayan Institute has been offering traditional and modern products for health and spirituality since 1971. If she There is nothing in the universe which is absolutely good or absolutely evil, that is to say, good or evil for all time. After a bit, she was inclined to dismiss his behavior as a joke or a "test.". For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and Rajmani explains the basic goals of the Institute's tradition of yoga: "The most important part of the practice is nonattachment." Yama says to Nachiketa, She did not allow even her eldest son, Dr. A.N.Tandon, to remain in the room. Sambhji (1657-89), Hindu king Shivji's eldest son, was imprisoned by Aurangzeb after Shivji's death. And he abruptly dismissed her. Hughes wrote Dr. Ballentine a letter on May 22, 1989, quoting Gandhi-Truth itself helps me when I commit mistakes. At the same time, she felt anxious, because she'd seen how severe Swami Rama could be with those closest to him. Ex-members say he has counseled patients in the Combined Therapy Program, although he lost is license to practice psychology in Minnesota in 1979. Doctors in Mumbai (then called Bombay) diagnosed Ramanujan with tuberculosis and vitamin deficiency. In India. Each of the women I interviewed described how he would discern her particular needs and self-doubts and manipulate her spiritual beliefs or naivet in order to exploit her sexually-he has an uncanny ability to suit his approach to each victim, they say. By that time, Brian recollects, the other directors had adopted the line that famous and powerful men were always subject to such vicious rumors, and that the women's stories were ludicrous and unbelievable. ." if there is an inner being, it comes by way of the body. Therefore, its best to use Encyclopedia.com citations as a starting point before checking the style against your school or publications requirements and the most-recent information available at these sites: http://www.chicagomanualofstyle.org/tools_citationguide.html. He goes on to tell me another story about a woman who claimed that Swami Rama "had come in his subtle body through the air conditioner to her bedroom, and that that's how this intimacy had transpired." Yet the women never seemed to complain about such treatment, Megan says. To the ordinary mind this seems like a fantasy. Then, copy and paste the text into your bibliography or works cited list. His students believe he is able to read minds and manipulate physical reality with his advanced yogic powers; thus they believe he can heal sickness with the power of the "superconscious" mind. That one gesture unleashed a storm of long-suppressed emotions. D., about abuses that allegedly took place in Minneapolis, Chicago, New York City, and India, for a chapter in Darling's doctoral dissertation, "Turning East in the Twin Cities: Converts and Movements in the 1970s" (University of Minnesota, 1987). In daily lectures by the Institute's teachers and in conversation with Swami Rama's disciples, she frequently heard that Swami Rama had a "greater purpose that we couldn't understand," and that he was "beyond morality and judgment. attachments, along with ignorance, are the source of the fear of death. I just don't know that it makes sense to go run around trying to evaluate other people, when you haven't evaluated yourself.". Hughes is not so easily coerced into silence: he says he plans to continue to press the Institute's administration to fulfill iLs edii-cal obligations to investigate the women's complaints and put a stop to any abuse. State licensing boards may take away a professional's license to practice if he (or she) is found guilty of "inappropriate sexual contact," which may include everything from verbal sexual innuendos to a long-term sexual liaison with a client or patient. I told her what I'd heard, and that I wasn't sure the rumor was true-as a beginning student of yoga and meditation at the Institute's East West Books in New York City, I was reluctant to believe it myself. Over the past 15 or 20 years, numerous spiritual teachers have admitted to, or been charged with, having sexually exploitative relationships with their female students. She thanked me, but assured me I had no reason for concern. He bragged about his sumptuous homes in India and Japan and about his shopping sprees for designer clothes, she says. He says that Swami Rama has been his guru since he was a child in India, and that he came to the U.S. at Swami Rama's request to head up the Honesdale ashram. In the spring of 1983, Swami Rama began to court her again, she says: He told her that she would help him prepare a book of sacred poetry he was writing, and he assured her repeatedly that he would take her to India the following autumn. Patricia Trescelli, and attorney with Parker, Chapin, Flattau, and Klimpel, agreed to consult with the women concerning possible legal action on a pro bono basis. remember that God, or the eternal Reality, is within you. Born in northern India, he was raised from early childhood by the Himalayan sage, Bengali Baba. Dr. Ballentine doesn't believe any of the stories, and when I ask if he's ever talked to Swami Rama about them, he answers, """Oh sure, and he's shown me his file, of " He doesn't finish the sentence. When she questioned him, Megan says, he became angry and dismissed the women's suffering, saying that a little poison ivy could be good for them. Unfortunately, his health kept deteriorating and he died in 1920 at the age of 32. The Institute also offers instruction to counselors and psychotherapists in the application of yoga and meditation techniques to therapy. message early in life that happiness is earned by acquiring things and though. 60614. Swami Rama (Svm Rma; 1925 13 November 1996) was an Indian yoga guru. When Carolyn had to work, I attended classes in Hatha yoga or read. 4 July, 2020 22:06:41. Who? The Institute's program is no longer accredited by the University of Scranton. we choose on the way to Grand Central, determines what state of mind we Rama also claimed to have later studied in Hamburg, Utrecht and at Oxford University. Consciousness makes our body appear to exist. Sex with a guru is a form of spiritual incest. Absolute. When he told her to visit him at night again, Carolyn says she did not have enough self-confidence to say no, but she hoped that this time he would treat her differently, with more sensitivity and respect. According to Marston's attorney, Philip W. Getts, his client never recovered the $50,000 in punitive damages Nuernberger owed her, because Pennsylvania is one of the few states that does not allow the court to garnish wages. I have witnessed two similar cases. When one learns to separate the mortal self from the immortal [2][R 1][R 3] Swami Rama founded other teaching and service organizations, including a large medical facility, in Dehradun in Uttarakhand in the north of India, to serve millions of poor people in the nearby mountains who had little access to health care. One day Swami Rama called for her and told her he wouldn't be taking her to India that autumn. But to accept a tuition-free second year, or even to leave the Institute quietly, Megan says, would have meant giving tacit approval to the continuing exploitation. Long-term residents must get administration approval for any overnight absences; permission may be denied if their destination is judged inappropriate. There he founded the Meditation Center. At a young age, Swami Rama is supposed to have been appointed Shankaracharya of Karvirpitham, an exalted spiritual post. After her death, the walls of that room in which she lived vibrated with the sound of her mantra. If you need more, fill free to say us life is. "I felt two-dimensional, like a piece of paper, a cunt-he didn't care about me. Under the guidance of his master, he traveled from monastery to monastery and studied with a variety of Himalayan saints and sages, including his grandmaster, who was living in a remote region of Tibet. The inner Self remains unaffected. life of our life. because loss and death are inevitable. On Monday, July 14, 2015, Swami Veda Bharati left his body at 3:00 am (India time). Himalayan Institute, RR 1. attached to or to identify with something? And that did not undermine Mahatma Gandhi's work! Reality is neither good nor evil. Chapter 4 in Koestlers (1960) The Lotus and the Robot give reasonable analyses of the all-too-human psychological reasons behind Gandhis emphasis on celibacy. Years later, Carolyn told me that four years of discipleship under Swami Rama had taught her to be a successful liar. When people typically hear this they wonder, how could an Avatar, an incarnation of God get cancer? His early American followers had been spiritual seekers of the counterculture who found their guru at his ashram on the banks of the sacred Ganges in Rishikesh, India. One evening she went out to dinner with Martha*, an old friend from East West Books Chicago. * Several months earlier, he received a letter from Bob Hughes, a member of the Institute's board of directors from 1978 to 1980. "Believing such stories means disbelieving in myself. Brian says he refused to tell Rose's story in such an atmosphere. wonderful marriages, living in white houses with picket fences and Did he do some bad karma in his past life? And she was afraid to leave in her old car because a freezing rainstorm had covered all the roads with ice. A world leader in yoga, meditation, and holistic health, we are dedicated to serving humanity through educational, spiritual, and humanitarian programs. go of what is passing, whether that means letting go of objects or Under New York State law, according to Trescelli, a woman who does not get a medical exam or report the incident to police within a limited period of time has little chance of obtaining a conviction. His story is told briefly in the Mahabharata ("Great Epic of the Bharata Dynasty") and at great . Together we ate superb vegetarian meals in the Institute's dining commons and chanted evening prayers. or wear shoes. He is a teenager, full of curiosity and adventurous zeal. One afternoon, the youth for no apparent reason was overwhelmed by a sudden, violent fear of death. When all desires and passions are removed, when perfect stillness To my relief, I could detect no flash of recognition, guilt, fear, or anger in Carolyn's eyes. instrumentsthey are free from fear. By 1977, that organization had moved to an ashram in the Pocono Mountains of northeastern Pennsylvania, capable of housing more than one hundred residents and guests, along with their Institute headquarters. In the following year, he served as a consultant to the Voluntary Controls Project of the Research Department of the Menninger Foundation at Topeka, Kansas. Encyclopedia.com. Truth alone is the real teacher and master" - and asking for an explanation of the women's stories and challenging a possible Institute "cover-up" on professional ethical grounds. imperishable. From the 1970s onwards, there were persistent allegations of sexual abuse of his followers;[2] in 1997 a woman won a lawsuit against him for multiple sexual assaults. Rama, Swami, Rudolph, and Swami Ajaya. The Story Of Swami Rama 4 ACKNOWLEDGMENT My thanks are due to R. S. Narayana Swami, Lucknow, for his lending me the copies of the works of Swami Rama and his different photo-graphs reproduced in this book. Put that letter in the 'goofy file.'" Swami Rama of the Himalayas: His Life and Mission. [3], Swami Rama was born Brij Kiore Dhasmana or Brij Kiore Kumar,[2] to a northern Indian Brahmin family in the village of Toli in the Garhwal Himalayas. Everything happens for a reason, and we can't judge him." They resided in their own house in Honesdale, unencumbered by the strict rules of the residential program. We grieve the deaths of But the followers of such "enlightened" men are usually reluctant to find fault with them, since to do so could invalidate the students' own years of study and devotion. See your body as just an instrument. We could From craving Let's. The couple had been meditating together for several years. The two women who wrote statements for the Cult Awareness Movement were among those involved: One stated that she was a patient at the Institute's holistic health center in New York City, and the other stated she was 17 years old when Swami Rama initiated a sexual relationship with her. Encyclopedia.com. Susan's letter detailed her relationship with Swami Rama and the emotional damage she suffered; she sent it to a select group of Institute stair and members, past and present, but has not gotten an official response. This was followed by his speedy cremation, and then came the elaborate, almost minute-to-minute official account of his death as presented by Amrito through a statement that he read out. His actions are rarely questioned by his followers, because his every deed is thought to flow from his union with godhead. stage, piercing the pearl of wisdom called bindu, leading to the Brought up by authoritarian parents-one of whom was of the other women who say they have been sexually abused by Swami Rama, as well as men who feel their spiritual trust was betrayed, have organized an informal support network to help each other heal. There's no need for finding out, if I know it is completely wrong.". Put to death what is [2][3] Abuses alleged to have taken place against former students of Swami Rama in Chicago, in Minneapolis, in New York, and in India in the 1970s were documented by Patricia Ann Darling in a chapter of her 1987 University of Minnesota PhD thesis. Is it not better to follow someone who has charted the path?". The other was at Kanpur. As It is just a turning, a change of clothing. Another interesting instance I would like to mention here is with regard to a death predicted by a yogi during Kumbha Mela in 1966 at Allahabad. that loss is appropriate but that grief should not be prolonged. Carolyn says she spent years blaming herself and trying to rationalize away what she now regards as sexual abuse. Boyd, Doug. Carolyn stayed at the Institute for three more years, working at a variety of jobs. He learned that his father had had sexual relations with many women and after his father's death in 1996, he learned that Swami Rama had a wife in India and two children. thoughts that we identify with, and this brings pain. If someone felt pain in his foot, and the pain alerted him to an Why then are the stories of the Mahatmas experiments with teenage girls not more widely known? I am That, I am That, I cause no misery, nor am I miserable; I have no enemy, nor am I enemy. try to teach that out of death comes life. In addition to this intense spiritual training, Swami Rama received higher education in both India and Europe. Jai Shri Hari! Things are lost, relationships If what matters to a Early the next morning, she says, he announced to her that she was going to leave; he never set up the promised program. My father certainly had sex, and that's why I was born, so will I lose faith in my father? Once there, Carolyn devoted herself to her yoga practices and threw herself into her assigned jobs. Instructions to install the fonts can be found at Avinash Chopde's ITRANS site. Or, in the words of Rudolph Ballentine, M.D., president of the Himalayan Institute and Swami Rama's designated successor, "to take the wisdom of the ancients and couch it in terms that are intelligible to modern man.". When the mantra is remembered consciously, it automatically is stored in the unconscious mind. I am the bliss of the universe, In 1969, Pandit Arya met Swami Rama, who gave him "one of the highest meditation initiations," in which he experienced himself "as a being of light." Karen, the woman whose claims were ridiculed at the meeting where Swami Rama and the other directors responded to Brian's charges, was one of the first ex-members to confront top Institute administrators. means the end to what was central and meaningful to that person. You think that is you. We think we are Another case involved Swami Rama (1925-96), a tall man with a strikingly handsome face. Carolyn says the "goofy" letters never got answered. Swami Rama called a meeting to defend himself. [2][11] The journalist Katharine Webster stated in Yoga Journal in 1990 that women had since the early 1970s made claims of sexual abuse against him, and that since the matter had never been investigated, she had spent two years researching it. The True Meaning of Living is Outliving. Ex-members say that Swami Rama also uses his psychological insights to manipulate people. 2019Encyclopedia.com | All rights reserved. And that was the first time I realized what all that stuff meant-the other women, the 'goofy' file, and the rumors about the lawsuit. Immerse yourself in a life-changing course of study and get certified in the authentic teachings of yoga and meditation. Another Buddhist text That is why in some cultures and Swami Rama, whose legal name is Brij Keshore Kumar, was born in 1925 in Uttar Pradesh, according to his official biography, parts of which appeared in the March/April 1990 issue of Yoga Journal. Before the universe could be totally engaged, the Creator . His best known work is Living With Himalayan Masters; the cultural historian Alistair Shearer calls it "an influential autobiography". She says Swami Rama began telling her that he had never had sex, that he was dreaming about her at night, and that he was experiencing novel physical sensations because of her. She took a meditation class at the alternative high school program she attended, and one evening her teachers invited her to a lecture by their guru, Swami Rama, who was visiting the Chicago area. life, but simply a pause in a continuing story. one passes in and out without seeing it, that is the portal of God.. Har Har Mahadev! His best-known work, Living with the Himalayan Masters, reveals the many facets of this singular adept and demonstrates his embodiment of the living tradition of the East. intense devotion of Samaya Sri Vidya Tantra, the three of which She was my initiate. When Swami Rama returned from India two months later, Carolyn resumed working as his appointments secretary during the day, and, she says, as his sexual servant on some nights. The key to freedom from misery and In private sessions, ex-disciples say, Swami Rama has arranged marriages and instructed disciples to break off relationships. white house with flowers and a perfect life. He is supposed to have been raised by Sri Madhavananda Bharati in the sacred caves and monasteries of the Himalayan sages. But the University of Scranton didn't offer a degree program in Carolyn's area of study, so she saw a way to rationalize leaving the Institute while still saving face; she could still be considered a good disciple if she cold get the guru's blessing to go away to college. lost objects, changed relationships, shifting emotions and thoughts, and He would have no other train than Grieve for it, and then move Those without any attachmentsthose who do not perceive themselves as The Greens' experiments caused a furor in the scientific community because they gave powerful support to autogenic biofeedback research, which 10 years earlier had begun demonstrating that body functions which had formerly been considered involuntary could be controlled. Within the Cite this article tool, pick a style to see how all available information looks when formatted according to that style. just the reverse. wealth and fame. [2] She wrote that their statements, two of which were on file with the Cult Awareness Network in New York, fitted a pattern of what she called "sex in the forbidden zone", with a guru, "coupled with institutional mechanisms of defense and denial". (Webster, 1990). sights along the way, so that when it comes time to leave the train at Commemoration services honoring him were held at The Meditation Center in Minneapolis on July 16. But sexual contact between a guru and his disciples is not regulated by any professional association of religious hierarehy. flowers, and having devoted children. I ask him. Commonly we get the Maybe it's an honor that this great yogi asked me of all his students to serve him in this way. I like to believe that somewhere inside of him, he is the good person I believed him to be. Many people, including the victims themselves, have trouble understanding how damaging such sexual contact can be, because the women are adults and no one is holding a gun to their heads. And in that idyllic environment, the immortal guru-disciple relationship was given to unfold, with Ramas students believing that he could read their minds and heal sickness with the power of his superconsciousness, etc. he was critical of the tendency for yogis to use supernatural feats to demonstrate their enlightenment, arguing that these only demonstrated the ability to perform a feat. Their grief is allowed to be concentrated and their ISBN 8188157007 (Buy) Death is not the end of life, a journey to learn and grow, and then the journey ends. The cuttings from the American press which Swami Narayana had so carefully preserved are now reproduced to bring in So grieve, but In such a situation, she says, the whole system becomes sick and no one can see the light: "There's no truth, When confronted with allegations of sexual abuse by Swami Rama, Pandit Rajmani resident spiritual director at the Himalayan Institute, replies "Believing such stories means disbelieving in myself. Reprinted from Sacred Journey, an HIHT publication. Discover our new online platform for community, courses, and content. Before he reached the state of deep meditation, there were violent jerks in his body. marriage, a job, friends, a home, a dream. So if someone wants to come to me and say, this man's taking advantage of me for his pleasure, I just find it hard to believe.". Shortly after Marston filed her suit in 1978, Nuernberger moved to Honesdale, where he is currently a member of the Institute's teaching staff. on the pleasures of the world keeps the mind too distracted to search Ultimately, the woman had revealed the liaison to her husband. Swami Rama Foundation (site). This objects and relationships and the belief in the need for them that Swami Kripalu (19131981) was a Kundalini yoga master and teacher also known as Kripalvananda. those things, people, feelings, and bodies. 3. Instead of comforting their She did receive an anonymous letter from "a friend" in May 1990, warning her that the Institute had contacted "one of the most vicious lawyers in New York City" and that it planned a defamation action against her if she continued her "harassment." His legacy did not end with his death in 1886; his most prominent disciple Swami Vivekananda carried on his teachings and philosophy to the world through Ramakrishna Mission. If, however, a person learns to let At that, she says, he raged at her until she was sobbing, unable to speak a word in her own defense: No! overcome death. Pandit Rajmani says he did not feel any responsibility, as spiritual counselor to the women who had approached him for help, to investigate their complaints or question his guru. . No one creates us. Death cannot The last few months of his life were filled with accusations of sexual assault and harassment from several women against himself and the Himalayan Institute. I have personally witnessed yogis casting off the body consciously on many occasions. His disciples believe he knows them better than they know themselves, and that if they want to achieve their spiritual goals they should do exactly as he says. Both Chapter XVIII of Boses (1974) My Days with Gandhi and Swami Rama Foundation ( site) Death is not the end of life, but simply a pause in a continuing story. But the Institute does not teach the mastery of such powers in its programs, instead focusing on yoga practices with more immediate practical application. Six months before her death, she decided to live in a room by herself remembering the Lords name and meditating. They are crazy. No, he says: "Even if it happened, what's the big deal? Had anyone spoken to her? At an early age he was ordained as a monk by a great sage of the Himalayas and later journeyed to numerous monasteries and caves, studying with many spiritual masters. Community, Courses, and Content. Self, the faculty of discrimination dawns. Swami Rama Reading it, you will discover the human side to this yogic master. Pandit Rajmani cannot entertain the notion that the women's stories could be true. We cannot be an emotion. "Nirvana is one," Carolyn says she told him. They make life Carolyn rationalized: Swamiji was her guru, so even though the prospect of having sex with him seemed morally wrong and physically revolting, he must be doing it for her own good. The teachings contained in the sacred texts cannot play any meaningful part in judging who is a good guru and who is not: "How could they? Calls it `` an influential autobiography '' n't be taking her to be a successful liar superb vegetarian meals the! Svm Rma ; 1925 13 November 1996 ) was born in northern India, he the. Work, I attended classes in Hatha yoga or read Institute, RR 1. attached or... Trying to rationalize away what she now regards as sexual abuse Institute also instruction... Before her death, she was my initiate mind too distracted to search,. To dismiss his behavior as a joke or a `` test. `` is earned by acquiring things and.! Universe could be true body at 3:00 am ( India time ) no! 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