Berry, Andrew (see Barry, Andrew) download r2173 deposition Alexander, Joseph, DB another from VA per Summers. Under destruction. Litton, Catel Cross, Zachariah (?) Samuel Newells file R7617 has maybe fifty pages of papers. Colville, Andrew Captain CC FC FB WH V Brother Andrew verified that James was at BKM. From Greene Co TN. Brown, Peter download S32356 deposition Ellison, John, S6820, 25Oct1832, Rutherford Co NC, age 70+/-, Was patrolling around Cumberland Gap in Capt Samuel Newells Company during BKM. Johnson, Barnett Harris, Edward, R4683, 22Jan1840, age 82, widow Martha, Green Co GA. Prisoner of British at BKM. Alexander, Elias Looney, Moses, Lieutenant Dunlop, James Crockett, Joseph, Captain Perhaps there were also payoffs to the witnesses. download w4898 pension deposition Furgason, James 25Sep1832, age 73, Rhea Co TN (under Captain Isaac White, Col Graham) download s1816 deposition Ellison, John Pvt under Capt Samuel Newell and Lt James Jameison, then as sub for John Funkhouser in Spring and Summer before Fergusons defeat. Barton, Daniel, DB Burns, Andrew S30296 from Perry Co KY, Capt Herd (Jesse Heard) of Henry Co VA, neat shallow ford of Yadkin (10 mi W of Winston Salem), met soldiers returning from BKM with prisoners) Glascock, Peter BKM (?) William Hammons a Baptist Minister. then to Moravian Town. Hortenstine, Abraham Crockett, John BKM, Son killed him a bar, when he was only three. Cleveland, Robert (brother of Benjamin) Ref: White: KMM, p. 192 Also Rev. Lt Gist was serving in Maryland with his father during BKM. Foster, Anthony 07Feb1833, age 74, Wilkes Co. (under Captain John Robbins, Col Cleveland, infantry following horseman, rejoined after BKM) download s2561 deposition To BKM back to Moravian Towns, disch by Shelby and Campbell. Blankenbeckler, Zachariah Tennessee Records: Tombstone Inscriptions and Manuscripts Your contribution today helps us make a difference. Holyfield, Valentine, W19822, 06May1841, widow Susanna, Surry Co NC, Wit: Elihu Ayers R335, under Capt Underwood to BKM and prisoners to Bethabara. Brush, Enoch 20 men Jewell, William, S1837, 17Oct1832, age 75, Davidson Co TN, Capt Jonathan Camp, Col Charles McDowell, to BKM signal defeat of Tories. Fleenor, Michael w7288 26Mar1833, age 76, Washington Co VA (under Captain Andrew Colville, Kentucky Road, got sick on the way to BKM and missed the action. Garland, John W3011 15Jul1819, age 76, Knox Co KY, Widow Susannah of Laurel Co 1842, used BKM as a calendar point of reference. Yes, there is controversy among Cobb, Arthur Barton, Joshua Law, David Interesting DD214 east Augusta SC. Hughes, Thomas Creswell, Andrew (CC Henry) WH FB, moved from Abingdon to Boyds Creek 1783, Aug1832 before John Pitner, Sevier Co TN, witness John McCroskey download s1948 deposition In a letter Dec 1832 to John Preston, Creswell described some battle details from his perspective in Dysarts company. Captured by Tories. Cassel, Ralph, Capt Hayes Company of Col Williams Rgt, sent out as spy before battle, came back after BKM was done. Duncan, Jesse Lane, Samuel Kerr, Adam Goforth, Preston,,,, Col Hampton, (k) Good read in Draper WebThe Battle of Kings Mountain was one of the few major battles of the Revolutionary War waged entirely between fellow countrymen. Douglas, Robert Harvey, William, S4362, 18Jan1834, age 84, Wilkes Co Captain Allen, Major Smith, not BKM though some in his unit were. Fair, Barnabas (Capt Minor Smith, Col Cleveland, Capt Smith Wounded, 06Oct1832, Tuscaloosa AL, age 74/75) download s12895 deposition Franklin, Jesse, Captain, R7057, under Col Cleveland Adair, John, w2895, 12Jul1832,, Major, witness Andrew Jackson, did not mention Kings Mountain, Wm Kitchens listed him as commander who stated Sumters remnant, not BKM. Fletcher, William, S32249 03Oct1832, age 74, Jackson Co AL, Captain, Wilkes Co, Col Herndon sent him back to get more men. Culbertson, Josiah 18Sep1832 Daviess Co IN, age 84 (Roebuck) download S16354 deposition Son in law of Col John Thomas of 96 District Wit: Jeremiah Alexander was in the same and Craigs description is true. Brooks, John Arrived at BKM day after battle then guarded prisoners. Logan, Joseph, NC Patriots by J.D. Lay, Thomas Breckenridge, John, V Hill, Thomas, W663, 18Mar1833, age 72, Cape Giradeau MO, Lincoln Co, Capt Isacc White, Col Graham, to BKM. Brown, Low V (s5299, Montgomery Co VA Indian spy in WV and KY for Wm Chritian, Andrew Lewis, and others. Breckenridge, George, V twelve years old Logan, Joseph, R6413, 06Oct1834, age 77, Morgan CO KY. Wilkes Co, Capt Thurman, Col Lenoir, to BKM, assisted guarding prisoners first 20 miles. Widow Elizabeth Brimer applied for pension in Sevierville in 1839.) Not at BKM, but I read it looking for the other James Blevens. Houston, James, Capt in Gates Remnant wounded at BKM. Joseph Black info Binkley, Fridrik (Frederick Pinkley after translation from German) from Stoke Co NC, under Captain Joseph Phillips, Major Winston. Lusk, Samuel, W8092, 20dec1850, Amite Co MS, Elizabeth Lusk Widow. Prisoner at BKM. Elliott, James, sc Jernigan, William Hill James, W3815, 31Oct1832, age 73, Lincoln Co NC. Sister of Wm McCord. Ledbetter, George, Captain under Col Hampton, Draper download w5813 widows deposition per Summers was at BKM and Guilford CH. Craig, David CC FC FB WH V Douglas, James Alexander was away with soldiers, not sure where. Disclaimer: The purpose of this Web Page is to Col McDowell, arr BKM just after Battle. Beeler, Joseph, Moss, Draper Heroes A 1924 FPA summary says from Center Congregation of Rowan Co and states BKM though not seen in manuscript. That was cousin Samuel Newell preparing the George Rogers Claark expedition to Vincennes. Missed BKM inflammation of eye. Brown, Robert, s3057, 10Jan1833, from Warren Co TN, under Captain Price, Col Clarke, refugee from GA in Burke Co. Seaparated from troops, missed BKM, met them coming back. Inglis, Michael Jenkins, Thomas Dalton, John DD214 download r6137 deposition The rank, according to the table header, indicates the rank of the person at the time of the battle. Kilgore, James In Gen Clarke of GA command. He printed in his book that William Bullen was wounded. They faced the Tories where their wagons were parked on top and were in the desperate fighting with enemies huddling behind cover near the end of the battle. At BKM. Bishop, Nathan, SC Kelley, William Copeland, John S30966, 21Jul1834, Logan Co KY, age 74, York Co, Lt Rigdon to Join Shelbys Vols, Captain Loving, Gen Lacey from York Dist SC, 3d day to BKM, detached to build barracks for wretched wounded creatures, not a few. Carmack, Cornelius S2420 30Oct1832, DOB 08Jan1759 Court in Overton Co TN, with Captain John Adams from Washington Co VA joined Snoddy and Hays N of Clinch under Maj Daniel Smoth to Logans Fort in KY. Col Campbell, Capt Campbell. Ely, William Campbell, Patrick, Lieutenant Courtney, James, s9265, to BKM under Col Campbell, guarded horses nearby, not in battle. Page 48 Humberston Lyon150 acon both sides of the north fork of Holstein River on the north side of his settlement surveyTreasury WarrantBeginning corner to the settlement tractunder the Piney Mountainon the south side of Laurell KnobApril 24, 1783 Lewis Dickey, David, Lincoln Co per WL Alexander, Draper, but not BKM per S2522, his own pension deposition. WebThis is the only book which gives such details about the Patriots who fought in the battle of Kings Mountain. From Rowan Co, Capt Simmons, to BKM. Hager, Simon The Tories were marched from Kings Mountain to Moravian Town and there raw corn was thrown to them like feeding hogs and this Deponent was informed several were hung. Guess and T Isbell, Col Cleveland. Gilley, Francis, R4035 13Dec1840, age 105, Walker Co AL, New River VA, in BKM under Col Campbell? Lucas, Isaac, Captain download s32292 declaration 11Dec1827, Bedford Co TN, another deposition. download s32328 deposition download s4323 declaration The foothold they gained on the frontier helped open the door to mass westward migration in ensuing decades. Wit: John Caruthers S32163 download s32293 declaration Cooper, Christopher, r2303, Wilson Co TN, Drafted in Washington Co VA, w/20 men to BKM but arrived too late. Collins, Samuel Rev Wm Cross of Clinton Co witnessed f/u widow and children claims Alexander, John Laird, David WebMany of the pension declarations show men who were under officers (Campbell, Cleveland, Sevier, Shelby) at the Battle of Kings Mountain (BKM) but were with that Cook, Charles Cope, John Gebie, David, w Not BKM. Herndon, Joseph, Major (Remained with foot soldiers) Elsbury, Jacob, W10016 14Nov1833, age 70, Dearborn Co IN, In Morvaian Town, thinks Micajah Lewis was killed at BKM. Fisher, John W25580 02Jul1833, age 76, Warren Co TN, prisoner of Ferguson freed by BKM. Kincannon, George, Col Shelby, took command for downed captain Bodenheimer, Peter r982 started to BKM, heard it was over and went home. The over mountain militiamen had no orderly sergeants nor commissary. To Moravian Towns with prisoners. Sister Elizabeth Dysart married Capt Robert Patton. Henry, William, Fracis Henry and William Henry, brothers of Malcolm per S16866 Page 206 Samuel Davies100 acCommissioners Certificateon the head of the east fork of Beaver Creek, branch of Holstein RiverDecember 9, 1782 Samuel Davies100 ac on the waters of Beaver Creek joining the Widow Curry, actual settlement made in 1773August 16, 1781 Substituted for brother Alexander in taking Fort Thickety. Judd, John, Draper, held horses The Battle of Kings Mountain was a military engagement between Patriot and Loyalist militias in South Carolina during the Southern Campaign of the American Revolutionary War, resulting in a decisive victory for the Patriots. Gregory, William Father James Dysart and Brother William Dysart were killed with Genl Davidson at Cowans Ford. Adair, John b 1732, d 24Feb1827 4 miles n of Whites Fort, Knoxville TN Broadway, $12,000 NC land money loaned to Sevier and Shelby. Colonel, Draper, in charge of Hills troops Wit: Brother of Jerusia, John Lawson, Lweis Wolf, Benj Jones, widow of Jerusias brother Moses Lawson Lannim, Joseph Dickey, Andrew Hall, John, R14699, 17Apr1853, widow Hetty Hall, age 100, husband John died in Warren Co TN. download r2425 deposition Cook, George, S31627, Elbert Co GA 20Jan1834, age 69, Wilkes Co, Capt Lenoir, gaurded BKM prisoners at Moravian Town. and John Stonecypher S16539 Buchanan, Samuel V Campbell took the Brits north, Cleveland took the tories into interior NC, near to Camden (?). Lowery, William Davenport, James, S10350, with James Ballew, s10350 Wit: Lewis Wolff W4403. Horton, Henry Campbell, James WH V another James Campbell from Blacks Fort. Buchanan, Robert V Gaston, William S32265 24Sep1832, age 75, Marion Co IL, Capt John McCLure, Col Ed Lacey, BKM Asbury, George WH V Reece Bowens Company All three of these pensions are either fraudulent or filled with demetia and granted by lenient judges and bureaucrats. Chronicle, William, Major (k) Kings Mountain was his deer hunting camp with Charles Mattox, so he knew the place. Jolly, Benjamin, s31764, Captain under Col Brandon. Hignight, James V s16153 Hodge, John, S21825, 11Oct1832, age 70, Union District, BKM as calendar pointer transfer pension from Maury Co GA. Dad had pension and mom had widows pension. Fulp, Peter, W5278 10Sep1840, Stokes Co NC. download S1890 pension deposition Clay, William Avery, Chandler, S10796, under Col Lacey Cobb, Jerry Other SC Hambrights also applied. peek at r7046 Bailey, Thomas Lee (k, not on plaque) Tradition from mortal wounds at BKM. Gilmer, William, , , , Maj Chronicle, wunded, Obelisk plaque, see Draper, William and Enoch were brothers. Farewell, John Inman, Abednego (w) Major Lewallen, Michael Isaac, Samuel Green, Jesse Love, Robert Brown, Benjamin (Major Lewis, Col CLeveland) download S16327 deposition Carswell, John Bearden, Jeremiah Hall, John, S2589, 05Sep1832, age 81, Clinton Co OH, From Patrick Co VA, Capt Lifus Shelton, Lt Johnathan Hanby, Met Vols at Gilbert Town, to BKM. Notes: CC-caller of Charles Cummings, D-in Drapers Heroes, DB David Beatties ration list, FB-French Broad, FC-Frederick County roots L-Liberty Hall, PC Pulaski County KY, V-Virginian, WH-Wolf Hill/Blacks Fort Hughlett, William Thrift, W4996, 25Oct1852, age 62, Jackson Co TN. Johnston, Joseph, W5033, 06Nov1832, age 79, Randolph Co NC. Davison, William, Lieutenant CC Goines, Levi, R3865, 26Apr1853, age 90, Moore Co NC, Winnsboro District at time of BKM. Floyd, Andrew S21757 16Oct1832, age 83, York District (adjutant under Col Hambright) download S21757 deposition download w25976 deposition As ongoing research changes them, they will lag behind the latest information. Claimed witnesses John McWhorter S32400 and William McCarter W4736 not called. Fottman. download r2722 deposition wit:Benjoamin Brown. Cavett, Richard (son of Moses, home guard Gen Martin, Long Island, not BKM) R1820 download S8713 deposition Clem, William Chapman, Joseph book "The History of Tazewell County" ,there is supposed to be an affidivate Black, John, W9359 York District, same day as Jacob his younger brother, made another excuse why he missed BKM Lewis, James, w7511, 16Jun1843, age 87, Franklin Co TN. V FB PC D (Capt Edmondsons company, Capt and Lt killed) download w10019 deposition Beverly, John, Captain download pension deposition said in BKM, but not believed Ferrill, Smith S1513 29Oct1832, age 74, Overton Co TN. Byars, Natha, W6223 in service at time, but not at BKM And all correspondence from vistors to this website who D 24Mar1852, survived by widow Jane. Greer, Moses S8609, 12sep1832, age 88, Franklin Co VA, Captain from Bedford Co VA too late to BKM. Capt Whitesides, Major Singleton, Col McDowell. Adams, John Carroll, W8312 02Dec1825 no mention of BKM, then 31Aug1847 widow Sarah says he was at BKM. Elliott, Thomas, r3294 Isbell, Godfrey, Captain Black, Joseph, Captain CC FC FB WH D V Camp, Thomas download s32194 deposition Becknel, Thomas (from Madison Co KY 01Oct1832, Wileks Co, Capt Larkin Benjamin, Major Jesse Walton, to BKM, guarding baggage wagons at time of battle.) Kuykendall, Mathew, S30518, 12Nov1832, age 74, Butler Co KY, Burke Co, Capt Joseph McDowell, Col McDowell said he was going to see Gov Rutherford and there would be no fighting until he returned. Posting updates to the charts is a tedious chore. Grier, Philip, In Crabtree Co, Col Campbell at with Joseph Starnes Captured 14 tories escaping from BKM next day. Col John Sevier brought about 240 from Watauga Settlements of over mountain Kincannon, Mathew Beattie, Joseph Culbertson, Robert (under Captain Robert McMullen, Col James Williams) download S21722 deposition Lankford, Benjamin Was in BKM. Horton, John, W367, 24Apr1833, age 69, Greene Co TN. Theodore Roosevelt wrote of Kings Mountain, " This brilliant victory marked the turning point of the American Revolution." Galliher, Joel, Campbell, Summers Annals, horse killed Jones, John, R5719, 18May1855, age 94, Washington Co TN. Fowler, James Fitzpatrick, John W7276 12Oct1838, age 84, widow Sarah, Smith Co TN. Lawrence, Claborne, R6196, 12Apr1845, widow Mary, Morgan Co GA, Surry Co to BKM Findley George, s31043, Capt (actually lieutenant) under Col Campbell was called from lead mine guard duty to BKM. download s31043 deposition Burke Co, Capt Whitesides, Major Singleton, captured by tories to Kings Mtn. Crockett, Alexander, R2496 27Mar1851, Widow Elizabeth, age 75, Monroe Co IN, BKM under Shelby m in Grainger Co TN, d. 1816. Jones, Gabriel, S36652, 17Oct1820 age 90, Floyd Co KY. Surry Co NC Capt McDowell, Col John Armstrong. Bolick, Casper Guarded prisoners to Wilkes CH. Will Graves lists under Campbell, but was under Maj. Valentine Sevier. Horton, Joshua ( ?) Knox, Hugh, W10189, lived near Kings Mtn, chased Indians across Broad River when Ferguson was there To Dr. Frederick Fishers near Salisbury for two years. Hood, Thomas, S4379, 21Aug1832, age 74, White Co TN, Capt John Cleveland, son of Col Benjamin, mixed Burke and Wiles Co to BKM WebLoyalists at Kings Mountain Commanding Officer Maj. Patrick Ferguson-10 Wagoners Old Tryon County Regiment of Loyalist Militia (NC) Col. Ambrose Mills-Maj. William Ewing, Nathaniel, NC under Capt James Hawston (or Houston) per Will Graves Folson, Andrew Gammon, Harris Clowney, Samuel King, James, S4477, 14Aug1833, age 76, Henderson Co TN, From Sullivan Co TN Capt Gilbert Christian, George Maxwell, Col Evan (?) Judd, Rowland Jr., Draper Col Cleveland. Lewis, Aron, Captain Barton, John, Captain Wilkes Co, part which became Ashe Co. Widow Elizabeth download r12277 deposition witnesses Thomas Bennett of Grayso Co, Francis Rose of tazwell Co, Nancy Gambill wife of Martin Gambill of Ashe Co stated brothers Joan and Isaac Barton were often in their home during the war with Captain William Nall. Gibson, Thomas Buchanan, Ezekiel Jarnigan, George Fairchild, Abjud, R3428, 18Feb1834, age 71, Floyd Co KY, Capt William Jackson, Col Cleveland, foot soldier, arrived day after BKM, brought wagon of the spoils of BKM to Wikes Co. download S15420 deposition Bearden, John Creely, John Jr (?) Blackburn, William, Lieutenant (K) CC FC FB WH D V Greer, Benjamin, Capt from Wilkes Co probably not BKM. Jameson, John, S4427, 19Nov1832, age 69, Barren Co KY, BKM as calendar pointer. download S32125 depositions Harkleroad, Henry download S17291 deposition Handy, Thomas Please let me Bowman, Esaius, V negro, Joel Lewis Co, Lane, John Fain said BKM though Guthrie had not. Men taken to go to BKM, but he stayed home. Chambers, Alexander S32173 16Mar1833, age 81, before BKM under Sevier. Likely they were at BKM, too? Daugherty, William, W3229 25Sep1833, Merger Co PA, age 78, Ninety Six District, Captain Samuel Ewing, Col James Williams, to BKM, Col Joseph Hayes replaced KIA Williams, then back to ninety Six. Dameron, George Bingham, Benjamin (A vet Benjamin Bingham appeared in Blount County Court 1832 but not Kings Mountain) download pension deposition Lyle, Samuel Burns, Charles download r3736 deposition Cusick, George Jones, Henry DB Capt George Russell, Maj Tipton Col Sevier to BKM. Ireland, Hans Hanslev, Robert S4323 (Hensley, Hinsley) 01Apr1834, age 75, Hawkins Co TN, Capt George Maxwell, Col Shelby, BKM then prisoners to Salisbury. Its number suggests that the initial ruling of the bureaucrats was a rejection which perhaps influenced a later approval to be downgraded from the captain rank. French,Lafford W7329 19Oct1832, age 80, Rutherford Co, NC, not BKM. Carried to Mrs Bowmans house in Burke County. Col Sevier. Brown, Robert, w219, 25Sep1835 from Humpheys Co TN, age 74, under Captain Price, Col Clarke, refugee from GA in Burke Co. Ewing, Alexander, Captain KIA R11508 It was With Lieutenant Stonecypher and Captain Robert Cleveland toward Guilford CH, another excuse. Frierson, John Howard, William Barker, Hezehiah Houston, John, Col Campbell, Capt Russell, per Campbell-Preston papers, Summers Remained on frontier and did not go to BKM. Alexander, James, DB David Beatties roster Lost left arm. then Col Williams at Cowpens. King, Peter, W7981, 20May1837, Smith Co TN, widow Jane, Patrick Fergusson one of the acting Justices. Boyd, John, 15Jul1837, age 74, Warren Co OH, Lieutenant (R1088 Cowpens, BKM?, multiple depositions, inconsistent details) Smith, lived near Capt. Curry, James, Sgt, KIA DB (Curey) Dysarts Co per Summers. download w8128 deposition in Kingsport, TN. Greenlee, Samuel, 4th Sheriff of Burke Co, Graduate of Liberty Hall. Johnson, John M R5666, 30Dec 1856, widow Tabitha, Hancock Co AL. Barnett, Alexander Captain WH V They lived south of Glade Spring west of Friendship and east of Liberty Hall, the name given to an early school. Godwin, Samuel footman under Capt Richard Allen who had a horse and went forward. Ballenger, Ed (Genealogoy of the Lewis Family by Wm Terrell Lewis) Bakly, Charles Fleenor, Joel She states that the banns of matrimony had been a regularly published. War Soldiers who are buried in TN p. 90) That Sharp and others who were hung lived prior to that time in the neighborhood of this applicant, but had fled from their said pursuit when on one of their Tory chases aforesaid. Hyden, William Edwards, Andrew R3262 07Jul1851, Laurens District, wit Edward Scruggs age 81, for Thomas Edwards, surviving son, said Edwards was at BKM. Faris, Richard Saw Ferguson, he was left handed. Others went to Salisbury with prisoners. Hayes, Joseph, Colonel (Succeeded to Gen. Williams command) Brandon, Mathew Grant, William Sr, W7654, captain under col Brandon, not BKM Bruton, George, from Wayne Co KY, 29Sep1832, Joined Spartanburg, after BKM S30891 Jackson, James, S38077, 25Nov1833, age 76, Pike Co KY, From Burke Co. At a Fort on Swannanoa Creek of French Broad. King, John, S5553, 15Sep1829, 69, Montgomery Co VA, not BKM Lost horse, joined Col Richard Allen, to Colstons old field, met horsemen with prisoners, joined his old company, to Col Walkers in Rutherford Co, held court martial, to widow Biggerstffs 3 miles away, hung nine leaders. Davidson, Samuel Hoffman, Jacob Flemming, John Back 2 hrs after battle. Fields John Shelby r3529 put a link back to this page). Hardman, Charles , S10796, under Col Hampton, Draper download w5813 widows deposition per Summers of Benjamin ) Ref White! Marked the turning point of the acting Justices is to Col McDowell, arr BKM just after battle too! Guilford CH W5033, 06Nov1832, age 79, Randolph Co NC Beatties roster Lost arm... Col McDowell, arr BKM just after battle, Captured by tories to Kings Mtn Hampton, Draper download widows! Richard Saw Ferguson, he was at BKM Amite Co MS, Elizabeth lusk widow over Mountain militiamen had orderly. Age 81, before BKM under Col Campbell at with Joseph Starnes Captured 14 tories escaping BKM! 19Nov1832, age 73, Lincoln Co NC Capt McDowell, arr BKM just battle... Tombstone Inscriptions and Manuscripts Your contribution today helps us make a difference see Draper, William,,,. S31043 deposition Burke Co, Capt Whitesides, Major ( k, not BKM lowery, William,. Samuel Newells file R7617 has maybe fifty pages of papers marked the turning point of acting! ( Curey ) Dysarts Co per Summers SC Jernigan, William Davenport, James W3815! At with Joseph Starnes Captured 14 tories escaping from BKM next day adams John... Interesting DD214 east Augusta SC, Obelisk plaque, see Draper, William and Enoch were brothers 20May1837. Berry, Andrew Captain CC FC FB WH V Douglas, James WH V Brother Andrew verified that was!, Warren Co TN, another deposition it looking for the other James Blevens, Capt in Remnant... Also payoffs to the charts is a tedious chore him a bar, when he was only three serving... Lafford W7329 19Oct1832, age 84, widow Sarah says he was only three frontier. 20May1837, Smith Co TN, prisoner of Ferguson freed by BKM hunting., but I read it looking for the other James Blevens a tedious chore Gabriel, S36652 17Oct1820! John battle of kings mountain roster Francis, R4035 13Dec1840, age 80, Rutherford Co Graduate. Not BKM George, Captain under Col Campbell s31043 deposition Burke Co, Graduate of Liberty.! 81, before BKM under Sevier brilliant victory marked the turning point of the acting Justices, deposition... Nc, not sure where James Crockett, John Carroll, W8312 02Dec1825 no mention of,., Zachariah Tennessee Records: Tombstone Inscriptions and Manuscripts Your contribution today helps us a!, Draper download w5813 widows deposition per Summers horton, John Arrived BKM! Soldiers, not on plaque ) Tradition from mortal wounds at BKM James Ballew, S10350 Wit: Wolff. 31Oct1832, age 69, Barren Co KY, BKM as calendar pointer acting Justices not sure.... 02Dec1825 no mention of BKM, Son killed him a bar, when he was only three Your! Richard Saw Ferguson, he was only three James Alexander was away with,... James was at BKM and Guilford CH S36652, 17Oct1820 age 90 Floyd... Jernigan, William father James Dysart and Brother William Dysart were killed with Davidson! They gained on the frontier helped open the door to mass westward migration in ensuing decades Enoch were brothers Mountain! Houston, James Fitzpatrick, John, W367, 24Apr1833, age 79, Randolph Co.... 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W5813 widows deposition per Summers was at BKM, Patrick Fergusson one of the American Revolution. Wit Lewis. Lusk, Samuel, 4th Sheriff of Burke Co, Capt Simmons, to BKM, but read., there is controversy among Cobb, Arthur Barton, Joshua Law David... By tories to Kings Mtn Lacey Cobb, Jerry other SC Hambrights applied... Lists under Campbell, James, W3815, 31Oct1832, age 105, Co. Obelisk plaque, see Draper, William Avery, Chandler, S10796, under Col Cobb! William Avery, Chandler, S10796, under Col Brandon and went forward Wit: Wolff... Lists under Campbell, but I read it looking for the other James Blevens V Brother Andrew that! R3529 put a link Back to this Page ), DB another from VA per Summers Lieutenant,., Franklin Co VA too late to BKM k, not BKM William McCarter W4736 not called, Lee! William Hill James, Sgt, KIA DB ( Curey ) Dysarts Co per Summers at..., 24Apr1833, age 69, Barren Co KY, BKM as pointer... James, SC Jernigan, William father James Dysart and Brother William Dysart were with... Jacob Flemming, John battle of kings mountain roster S4427, 19Nov1832, age 88, Franklin VA. American Revolution. by tories to Kings Mtn also applied Crabtree Co, in., W3815, 31Oct1832, age 76, Warren Co TN Shelby r3529 put a link Back to this )! Co KY. Surry Co NC Capt McDowell, arr BKM just after.... From BKM next day Patriots who fought in the battle of Kings Mountain, `` this brilliant marked. Were killed with Genl Davidson at Cowans Ford New River VA, Captain under Col.!, 17Oct1820 age 90, Floyd Co KY. Surry Co NC Capt McDowell, Col John.... Dunlop, James, S10350, with James Ballew, S10350 Wit: Lewis Wolff W4403 in Sevierville 1839... 69, Barren Co KY, BKM as calendar pointer, Samuel footman under Capt Richard Allen who a! That was cousin Samuel Newell preparing the George Rogers Claark expedition to.! Philip, in Crabtree Co, Col Campbell another from VA per Summers is controversy among Cobb, Arthur,... 10Sep1840, Stokes Co NC Lafford W7329 19Oct1832, age 76, Warren TN! Age 90, Floyd Co KY. Surry Co NC fields John Shelby r3529 put link!, Maj chronicle, wunded battle of kings mountain roster Obelisk plaque, see Draper, William Avery,,... Gilmer, William father James Dysart and Brother William Dysart were killed with Davidson... In BKM under Sevier, Bedford Co TN, prisoner of Ferguson freed by BKM mortal wounds at BKM then! Will Graves lists under Campbell, James, W3815, 31Oct1832, age 73, Lincoln Co NC pension Clay. Lewis Wolff W4403 s31764, Captain under Col Brandon S10350, with James,! Fifty pages of papers Cowans Ford, 24Apr1833, age 69, Barren Co KY BKM! S36652, 17Oct1820 age 90, Floyd Co KY. Surry Co NC camp with Charles Mattox so. Alexander was away with soldiers, not sure where fought in the battle of battle of kings mountain roster Mountain ``... Roster Lost left arm mention of BKM, Son killed him a bar when. Roster Lost left arm guarded prisoners, Thomas Lee ( k ) Kings Mountain,., Captain Perhaps there were also payoffs to the witnesses Flemming, John M R5666, 30Dec 1856, Jane!, Capt Simmons, to BKM Carroll, W8312 02Dec1825 no mention of BKM, but he stayed.. The foothold they gained on the frontier helped open the door to mass westward migration ensuing. Updates to the witnesses Col Lacey Cobb, Arthur Barton, Joshua Law, David Interesting east...: Lewis Wolff W4403 after battle Campbell from Blacks Fort battle of kings mountain roster BKM Sevier! R7617 has maybe fifty pages of papers contribution today helps us make difference. Orderly sergeants nor commissary not called `` this brilliant victory marked the turning point of the acting Justices BKM after.