I look forward to our partnership [8] Meanwhile, the Democratic-Republicans accused Federalists of subverting republican principles with the Alien and Sedition Acts, some of which were later declared unconstitutional after their expiration by the Supreme Court, and relying for their support on foreign immigrants; they also accused Federalists of favoring Britain and the other coalition countries in their war with France in order to promote aristocratic, anti-democratic values. In the wake of his son's death, he stayed out of the public eye for a while. Pinckney had fought in the American Revolutionary War and later served as the minister to France. He accused Adams of rash decisionmaking, particularly when related to the quasi-war with France and drew a comparison between Adams and the modest and sage Washington, who consulted much, pondered much, resolved slowly, resolved surely. Hamilton showcased instances of Adamss uncertainty and found him to beso much at variance with himself, as well as with sound policy, that we are drivento seek a solution for it in some system of concession to his political enemies. The purpose of Hamiltons letter was to draw support from within the Federalist Party towards Charles Pinckney, a Southern Federalist. James Asheton Bayard, Federalist member of Congress from Delaware from 1797-1803. [ENSEMBLE] Significance of the election of 1800 1) power is peacefully transferred from Federalist Party to the democratic Republican Party 2) ratification of the 12th amendment (changes how electors vote for president) 3) passage of judiciary act 4) eventually leads to current party system Jefferson's inauguration / Marbury v. Madison and result [ENSEMBLE] "The Election of 1800" is the nineteenth song from the second act of Hamilton, a Broadway musical that premiered in 2015 focused on the life of Alexander Hamilton. Of the 16 states that took part in the 1800 election, six (Kentucky, Maryland, North Carolina, Rhode Island, Tennessee, and Virginia) used some kind of popular vote. The Election of 1800 It was held from October 31 to December 3, 1800. Struggling with distance learning? Thomas Jefferson vs. John Adams. 19 I am happy to bring to you one of the best musicals in the past decade,. 30 seconds . But if you had to choose, [WOMEN] [5], FormerMinister to FranceCharles C.Pinckneyfrom South Carolina, Vice PresidentThomas Jeffersonfrom Virginia, FormerU.S. [MADISON] Likely, these similarities between the personalities of the two increased the conflict between them. In real life, the sequence of events was more complicated, but the fallout from 1800 certainly played a significant role in the two mens lives. After other Federalists shouted him down with cries of Deserter!. [5][6], In 2020, cast members from Hamilton performed modified lyrics for "The Election of 1800", among other songs, to encourage turnout in the 2020 United States elections in partnership with When We All Vote, an initiative started by Michelle Obama. Jefferson or Burr? [HAMILTON] 1. And they say Im a Francophile? However, Hamilton's plan backfired and hurt the Federalist party, particularly after one of his letters, a scathing criticism of Adams that was fifty-four pages long,[13] fell into the hands of a Democratic-Republican and soon after became public. [HAMILTON] While Alexander Hamilton was lobbying Federalist delegations to vote for Jefferson, largely for the reasons laid out in the song, it was Representative James Bayard of Delaware who cast the deciding vote to elect Jefferson to the presidency. [citation needed]. Dear Mr. Hamilton: John Adams doesnt stand a chance, so who are you promoting? Partial returns from the 2nd district of Kentucky show 44 votes for an elector of unknown affiliation. I can't believe we're here with him! Thomas, that's the problem. Jefferson or Burr? Hamiltonians worked as hard to throw the electionto the other Federalist candidate, Charles CotesworthPinckney, as Republicans did to elect their hero Jefferson. Whether as store owners, merchants, ship owners The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Gift of Henry G. Marquand, 1881, There is no doubt, but that, upon every virtuous and prudent calculation, Jefferson is to be preferred," he wrote to Oliver Wolcott Jr. on December 16. August 15, 2016. And yet, even with their. Burr! "Your Obedient Servant". SURVEY . Is there anything you wouldn't do? Alexander Hamilton. This was the last time that Vermont voted for the Federalists, and the last time a Federalist won electoral votes from Pennsylvania. They pointed to the recent Alien and Sedition Acts as proof that Federalists would roll back the Bill of Rights at every available opportunity until they could declare Hamilton president-for-life and, from there, King of America. In a plot to undermine the Democratic-Republican Party, the delegations controlled by the Federalist Party cast their votes for Burr, preventing both Jefferson and Burr from reaching the nine out of sixteen congressional delegations required to win. . States and districts where the margin of victory was under 1%: States and districts where the margin of victory was under 5%: States and districts where the margin of victory was under 10%: In February 1801, the members of the House of Representatives balloted as states to determine whether Jefferson or Burr would become president. The eventual winner was decided only after days of balloting in the House of Representatives. Song: The Election of 1800 Musical: Hamilton Artist: Lin-Manuel Miranda Tuning: standard, capo 1st So I've tabbed this with a capo on 1st but if you want to play it without a capo hit transp The song details Miranda's retelling of the 1800 United States presidential election. Burrs desire to be a part of history, talking less and smiling more, now leaves him without any honor or allies. In the six states choosing electors by some form of popular vote, they won a landslide over Adams and Pinckney, polling 15,846 more votes than the Federalist ticket. The election was a political realignment that ushered in a generation of Democratic-Republican leadership. [ENSEMBLE] Burr! "The Election of 1800" Mr. Burr will Dare every thing in the sanguine hope of affecting every thing. The Democratic-Republicans had a similar plan to have one of their electors cast a vote for another candidate instead of Burr but failed to execute it,[why?] [HAMILTON] SURVEY . [VOTERS] Planning for 1800, Republicans analyzed where Adams had gotten those 71 votes, calculating which states were ripe for flipping. Yeah, he's so elitist! What Jefferson dubbed "the revolution of 1800" marked the first transition of power from one party to another. It was the first time that parties mounted presidential campaigns, as domestic and foreign developments had divided Americans into two distinct partisan camps: the Federalists of President Adams and Alexander Hamiltonideological ancestors of modern Republicansversus the . Well, he's gonna lose! The Election of 1800 [MALE VOTER] After 36 votes in the House of representatives. [6] This bold yet brief last political act on Hamilton's part eventually wins Jefferson the presidency and sits uneasily with Burr, referenced in "Your Obedient Servant". You won in a landslide The election was featured in the HBO miniseries John Adams. [JEFFERSON] (2000) "America Afire: Jefferson, Adams, and the Revolutionary Election of 1800" (New York: William Morrow). When it becomes apparent that the race is tied, Hamilton is called upon to break the deadlock. "It's Quiet Uptown" In the election of 1800, Hamilton, who saw his life's work slipping away with the coming of the "democrats" into power, assaulted the barely rooted norms of American political tradition. Claim A. [citation needed] Federalist legislators did the same in Massachusetts and New Hampshire. Jefferson or Burr? The presidential election of 1800 provided Alexander Hamilton, former secretary of the treasury, with a dilemma: a tie between Thomas Jefferson, a man whose principles were in direct opposition to Hamilton's own, and Aaron Burr, a man Hamilton believed to have no principles at all. Like you could grab a beer with him! The Federalists nominated a ticket consisting of incumbent President John Adams of Massachusetts and Charles Cotesworth Pinckney of South Carolina. [HAMILTON] "[74] The song focuses on Alexander Hamilton's role in deciding the outcome of the 1801 contingent election. On top of this, the election pitted the "larger than life" Adams and Jefferson, who were formerly close allies turned political enemies. Every action has an equal, opposite reaction On December 23, 1800, Hamilton wrote to Harrison Gray Otis, a prominent Boston Federalist expressing his fears about Burr's character and boundless ambition: Burr loves nothing but himself; thinks of nothing but his own aggrandizement, and will be content with nothing, short of permanent power in his own hands. "The Election of 1800" is the 19th song of Act Two of the musical Hamilton, as well as the 42nd song of both acts. Instant downloads of all 1699 LitChart PDFs In the United States Presidential election of 1800, sometimes referred to as the "Revolution of 1800," Vice President Thomas Jefferson defeated incumbent president John Adams. In 1798, George Washington had complained "that you could as soon scrub the blackamoor white, as to change the principles of a professed Democrat; and that he will leave nothing unattempted to overturn the Government of this Country". We know it's lose-lose But if you had to choose One vote was cast for an elector of unknown affiliation. The unintended circulation of the Letter from Alexander Hamilton, Concerning the Public Conduct and Character of John Adams, Esq. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. Can we get back to politics? Under the terms laid out in the Constitution, the outgoing House of Representatives chose between Jefferson and Burr. [ENSEMBLE] This revolution, he wrote, was "as real a revolution in the principles of our government as that of 1776 was in its form.". The tie sent the election to the lame-duck House of Representatives, where Federalists dominated. Burr was accused of campaigning for the presidency himself in the contingent election despite being a member of Jefferson's party. It embarrassed Adams and damaged Hamilton's efforts on behalf of Pinckney,[4] not to mention speeding Hamilton's own political decline. The Democratic-Republicans' failure to execute their plan to award Jefferson one more vote than Burr resulted in a tie, which necessitated a contingent election in the House of Representatives. If you had to choose. Refine any search. In the United States Presidential election of 1800, sometimes referred to as the "Revolution of 1800," Vice President Thomas Jefferson defeated incumbent president John Adams. So now Im facing "High Federalists" considered Adams too moderate and would have preferred the leadership of Alexander Hamilton instead. Election of 1800. For Thomas Jefferson, the presidential election of 1800 represented a contest over the meaning of the American Revolution. Why? The difference between history and daily life is then mirrored in a tonal shift: after the slow sincerity of Its Quiet Uptown, Jefferson is funny and abrasive about getting back to politics. Just like Hamilton, Jeffersons passion and ambition can come across as extremism. Before the presidential election of 1800, Alexander Hamilton wrote an essay (or what was known as a "pamphlet") about John Adams, the leader of Hamilton's Federalist party and the President of the United States called Concerning the Public Conduct and Character of John Adams, Esq. [ENSEMBLE] If you had to choose Previous Austin draws parallels between the current state of partisan politics and the bitter rivalries that emerged during the presidential contest between incumbent John Adams and Thomas Jefferson. As the presidential election of 1800 approached, Americans were more divided than ever before. The contentious election of 1800 in which Thomas Jefferson defeated John . "The Election of 1800" contains discrepancies between its story and the presidential election it narrates, most notably that Hamilton did not break the tie in the actual election. Charm her The legality of the Alien and Sedition Acts passed by John Adams. Ya know what? Meanwhile, Bayard (possibly due to the influence of Hamilton, who had written to him on January 16 arguing that Burr was a man of extreme & irregular ambition) was reconsidering his position. Hamilton also criticized Adams for ignoring the advice of his cabinet. . Source: "Tally of Electoral Votes for the 1800 Presidential Election, February 11, 1801". Tags: Question 13 . Jefferson was the great enemy of the Federalists, and a faction of Federalist representatives tried to block him and elect Burr. Q. Oh! The Democratic-Republicans were well organized at the state and local levels, while the Federalists were disorganized and suffered a bitter split between their two major leaders, Adams and Alexander Hamilton. 4th quadrennial U.S. presidential election, 1801 contingent U.S. presidential election, Maryland's 4th electoral district, 0.34% (9 votes), North Carolina's Northampton electoral district, 0.98% (14 votes), North Carolina's Rockingham electoral district, 7.26% (179 votes), Maryland's 3rd electoral district, 9.46% (360 votes), North Carolina's New Bern electoral district, 9.78% (202 votes), Each elector had two votes before the ratification of the. "The Election of 1800" contains discrepancies between its story and the presidential election it narrates, most notably that Hamilton did not break the tie in the actual election. Complete your free account to request a guide. If you had to choose With no clear winner emerging, the nation hovered on the brink of chaos. Jefferson and Burr carried every state that had supported the Democratic-Republicans in 1796, made gains in Maryland, and picked up Burr's home state of New York. If you had to choose Find related themes, quotes, symbols, characters, and more. []. [MADISON] According to historian Ron Chernow, Bayard suggested in a caucus that he might vote for Jefferson to prevent a constitutional crisis. It draws heavily and sometimes verbatim from his writings. During Washingtons presidency, Adams was openly suspicious of Hamiltons role in the administration and his ambitions. 2023 A&E Television Networks, LLC. Write one way that the song is similar to Hamilton's letter. Change). [2][3][4], While Madison tells Jefferson near the end of the song that Jefferson won the election in a landslide, the Tampa Bay Times points out that this was not the case. Hamilton stated: Mr. Jefferson, though too revolutionary in his notions, is yet a lover of liberty and will be desirous of something like orderly Government.Mr. Due to the experiences of this and the previous election, sentiment for a new way of selecting the president and vice president rose significantly, resulting in the 12th Amendment. Burr! By the time, the House began voting on February 11, 1801, Hamiltons concerns about Burr had failed to sway many members of his party. Tags: Question 2 . List three specific objections Alexander Hamilton had for Aaron Burr assuming the presidency: 1. But if you see something that doesn't look right, click here to contact us! Election Coverage; Election Results; I-Team 8; Indiana News; . The election of 1800, between John Adams and Thomas Jefferson, was a bitter contest that turned these two friends into enemies, and changed the course of America's election process and the party system as we know it. It led to the passage, in 1804, of the Twelfth Amendment, separating the election . Though public opinion favored Jefferson, many Federalists decided to throw their support to Burr, hoping to keep Jefferson from the nations highest office. 5. [WOMEN] [64] Neither came to pass however, chiefly due to Hamilton's energetic opposition to Burr. [JEFFERSON/MADISON/ENSEMBLE] See, they see Burr as a less extreme you They're like having in-class notes for every discussion!, This is absolutely THE best teacher resource I have ever purchased. [16], During the controversial 2020 United States presidential election, Jefferson's action to count Georgia's votes was cited as precedent by allies of President Donald Trump such as U.S. Representative Louie Gohmert, White House personnel director Johnny McEntee, and attorney John C. Eastman. answer choices . Teacher Editions with classroom activities for all 1699 titles we cover. In 1800, Democratic-Republicans only slightly outnumbered Federalists in the state legislaturebut on a raw popular vote count, the Federalists were actually in the lead. The story of the 1801 contingent election between Burr and Jefferson is told in Gore Vidal's 1973 novel Burr. Teachers and parents! [] The Election of 1800: Hamiltons Role (itshamiltime.com) [], [] The Election of 1800: Hamiltons Role [], [] wrote earlier about Hamilton role in the Election of 1800, in which Thomas Jefferson and Aaron Burr received an equal number of electoral votes and Hamilton [], [] The rivalry between Alexander Hamilton and John Adams during Hamiltons lifetime is well documented. For the country is facing a difficult choice Rumors circulated that Representative James A. Bayard (F-DE) hadpurportedly in Burr's nameapproached Smith and Edward Livingston (R-NY) with offers of political appointments if they voted for Burr. [HAMILTON] FACT CHECK: We strive for accuracy and fairness. Meanwhile, despite their constant sparring, Jefferson and Hamilton are able to put aside their differences and work together to defeat the unprincipled Burr. [JEFFERSON/MADISON/ENSEMBLE] The election of 1800, however, was like no other in American history. The song begins when Jefferson asks, "can we get back to politics?" [1], While Burr was portrayed in the song as running for president, it was widely understood at the time that Jefferson was the Democratic-Republican Party's presidential candidate, whereas Burr was running for vice president. Hamiltonalso distrusted Adams and had an integral role in ensuring his loss in the Election of 1800by drafting a letter Concerning the Public Conduct and Character of John Adams, Esq. [BURR] I'm chasing what I want Hamilton had been just as active as Burr in the spring legislative election and his party lost. Shake hands with him Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Well, if it isnt Aaron Burr. Don't laugh Miranda, Lin-Manuel (September 25, 2015). The way it's revealed that the result of the election was a tie . Burr mortally wounded . [MADISON] At the time, there was no popular vote, and no separate ballots for presidential and vice presidential candidates. Washington's Farewell Address. [BURR] [ANOTHER FEMALE VOTER] The Center for Legislative Archives. Of the 155 counties and independent cities making returns, Jefferson and Burr won in 115 (74.19%), whereas the Adams ticket carried 40 (25.81%). After the emotional ending of the previous song, Thomas Jefferson lightens the mood by asking if they can "get back to politics" and James Madison (still crying) agrees. Republican newspapers fanned the flames by suggesting possible military intervention, and groups of unofficial Republican and Federalist militia began to drill in preparation for a potential civil war. On top of this, the election pitted the "larger than life" Adams and Jefferson, who were formerly close allies turned political enemies. Although the congressional election of 1800 turned over majority control of the House of Representatives to the Democratic-Republicans by 68 seats to 38,[15] the presidential election had to be decided by the outgoing House that had been elected in the congressional election of 1798 (at that time, the new presidential and congressional terms all started on March 4 of the year after a national election). Hamiltons Letters in the Election of 1800 It's Hamiltime! Song information The incumbent President John Adams faced off against Vice President Thomas Jefferson, the former secretary of state and author of the Declaration of Independence. SenatorAaron Burrfrom New York, While the 1800 election was a re-match of the 1796 election, it ushered in a new type of American politics, a two-party republic and acrimonious campaigning behind the scenes and through the press. I have never agreed with Jefferson once The election of 1800 was important as it was the first time in the history of the United States where one party peacefully transferred power to the other due to election results. New Yorkers like his chances Hamilton's on your side [ENSEMBLE] Michael Austin has written an interesting story for History News Network on the presidential election of 1800. See what all the fuss was about Jefferson became the second consecutive incumbent vice president to be elected president. (LogOut/ Election of 1804. Only the fourth presidential election in United States history, the Election of 1800 proved to be a new low in the young nation's political tug-of-war for power. This election one of the most contested in our nation's history came on the heels of 10 years of bitter partisan battles. Oh! Alexander! In several states, this included changing the process of selecting electors to ensure the desired result. Adams made gains in Pennsylvania and North Carolina, but these votes were not enough to offset the Democratic-Republican gains elsewhere. . Well, I'll be damned If you had to choose, [VOTERS] With 1,800 acres of land . OAH Magazine of History 18.5 (2004): 53-57, This page was last edited on 23 February 2023, at 01:21. Voting in 1800 took place over a period of months, and the campaign, which was largely fought in the nations partisan press, got really nasty. Burr loves nothing but himself-Thinks of nothing but his own aggrandizementand will be content with nothing short of permanent power in his own hands.No compact, that he should make with any passion in his breast except Ambition, could be relied upon by himself.How then should we be able to rely upon our agreement with him? [63], True or not, House Democratic-Republicans, who from the start of the 1800 campaign viewed Jefferson as their candidate for president and Burr for vice president, faced two abhorrent possible outcomes when the House met to vote: the Federalists could engineer a victory for Burr; or the Federalists could refuse to break the deadlock, leaving Federalist Secretary of State John Marshall as Acting President. The differences between this and the Broadway version include: Jefferson and Madison's verse in the beginning is slightly extended. In 1796, Adams had narrowly defeated Jefferson, 71-68; thanks to the system of split voting, Jefferson became Adams's vice president. Map illustrates votes, by state, in the US Presidential election of 1800, broken down as votes for Aaron Burr, Thomas Jefferson, or 'Blank Ballot'. Creating notes and highlights requires a free LitCharts account. During that election, Hamilton and other high Federalists painted Jefferson and the Republicans as morally depraved atheists and fiery anti-government radicals who planned to set up guillotineson the banks of the Potomac and fill the new capital with blood. Eight votes were cast in Maryland for electors pledged to both John Adams and Thomas Jefferson; two votes were cast for electors of unknown affiliation. The election of 1800 had been a bitter battle between. New York July 20, 2022 at 12:34 p.m. EDT. [ANOTHER MALE VOTER] Both parties used congressional nominating caucuses to formally nominate tickets for the first time. The Vermont delegation was evenly split and cast a blank ballot. [MADISON] The chief political issues revolved around the fallout from the French Revolution and the Quasi-War. (c) Even though South Carolina had six representatives apportioned, Thomas Sumter was absent due to illness, and Abraham Nott departed for South Carolina between the first and final ballots. He seems approachable? WATCH: "The Founding Fathers" on HISTORY Vault. [ENSEMBLE] Detailed explanations, analysis, and citation info for every important quote on LitCharts. [A MAN] Jefferson immediately brought about changes in the presidency and the government. Burr remains optimistic about still being vice president, but Jefferson uses his new power to change the law so the person in second place does not become vice president as he doesn't trust Burr. [65] He urged the Federalists to support Jefferson because he was "by far not so dangerous a man" as Burr; in short, he would much rather have someone with wrong principles than someone devoid of any.[13]. It's a tie! Detailed quotes explanations with page numbers for every important quote on the site. Evan . Feb 18. [9], Adams was attacked by both the opposition Democratic-Republicans and a group of so-called "High Federalists" aligned with Alexander Hamilton. None of them did, and each man had received exactly 73 electoral votes. An event or action set as an example to future generations. The election of 1800 between John Adams and Thomas Jefferson was an emotional and hard-fought campaign. "Your Obedient Servant" My students love how organized the handouts are and enjoy tracking the themes as a class., Requesting a new guide requires a free LitCharts account. [HAMILTON] It's quiet uptown. [TWO MEN] President of the United States. In the case of an electoral tie, the race is decided by the United States House of Representatives, where a candidate needs to win a majority of the delegations, not representatives, to win the presidency. Key Campaign Issues of the Election of 1800: Some of the key issues of the election: The desire to have a closer relationship with France or with Britain. Because the Constitution did not distinguish . In April, Burr's mobilization of the vote in New York City succeeded in reversing the Federalist majority in the state legislature to provide decisive support for the Democratic-Republican ticket. [BURR] If you had to choose The election of 1800 figures prominently in Lin-Manuel Mirandas hit musical Hamilton, serving as the catalyst for the fatal clash between Hamilton and Burr in 1804. [ENSEMBLE] Yo If you had to choose This may have had some unintended consequences in Massachusetts, where the makeup of the delegation to the House of Representatives changed from 12 Federalists and 2 Democratic-Republicans to 8 Federalists and 6 Democratic-Republicans, perhaps the result of backlash on the part of the electorate. The show, which Miranda famously began writing after reading Ron Chernow's biography, chronicles Hamilton's ascension to the forefront of American history. And you know what? 30 seconds . And? For example, while the original lyrics when Hamilton was first approached about Jefferson and Burr were "Dear Mr. Hamilton, your fellow federalists would like to know how you'll be voting", with his response being "It's quiet uptown", the new lyrics were "Dear friends of Hamilton, it's 2020 and our need for you is only growing", continuing with "It's easy and fun". . To win in 1800, the magic number was 70 electoral votes. Death Feud: John Adams Obsession with Hamiltons Legacy | It's Hamiltime! As the presidential election of 1800 approached, Americans were more divided than ever before. National Archives and Records Administration. Hamilton had helped his political enemy, Thomas Jefferson, defeat Burr in that election. Newspapers are also the main source of voting records in the early 19th century, and frontier states such as Tennessee had few in operation, without any known surviving examples. 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