I receive power to be fruitful this year in the name of Jesus. Joshua 1:9. All the elements in heaven, everything in nature, the powers and forces of darkness, all heard that Word and they surrendered to that Word, they submitted to that Word and there was great peace and calm all around. Worship of God required the whole person: mind and soul and body had to be aligned to focus on Him and Him alone (Deuteronomy 6:5). 2 Peter 3:18 - "But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Satanic packages of heaviness, depression, afflictions, oppressions, poor health, shame, reproach, failure, lack and unfruitfulness shall be far from me. It takes One who is perfect to make the ways of others perfect; and only God is perfect! 8. Yes, when God perfects the individual situations of concern to us, He is not just helping us through life, but on a larger scale, He is accomplishing His plan and purpose in us. I stand on your word that you will perfect all that concerns me, perfect my marriage in . For he shall perfect all that concerns me Glory to God for ever! The Lord will perfect [that which] concerneth me Or "will", or "may the Lord perform for me" F24: all things in providence; all that he had appointed for him, that would be for his good and his own glory, ( Psalms 57:2) ; and particularly what concerned him as a king.He had made him king over the house of Judah; he had begun to fulfil his promise concerning the kingdom; and he . "If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you. 9. and who is a rock, save our God? This command of God was identified by Jesus as the chief of all commandments (Matthew 22:35-38), and its expression in this psalm can be found in outward praise. The victory God has given me shall be evident in my life, my family, loved ones, businesses and all that concerns me in the name of the Lord Jesus. My purpose in life shall move into operation and my helpers shall freely and easily locate me in Jesus name. Mega Hay Family Life Update (New Babies and a Wedding!) In this 2012, keep me going and increasing daily, waxing stronger and stronger, becoming better in every aspect of life. God will perfect everything that concerns you. (Psalm 138:8, NKJV) I have heard my wife use King Davids phrase many times in her public prayers. 12. The Lord Will Perfect That Which Concerns Me. (LogOut/ Let a higher return of a thousand times be operative on all I give this 2012 in Jesus name. Psalm 138:8 states that God will "perfect" whatever concerns us. John 16:33. Prayer is one of the means - and an essential means - by which the saints are to be kept unto salvation. He was saying I am certain, I am confident, I have no doubt in my mind that God will perfect that which concerns me. Prayer cannot be overemphasized. Amen." Psalm 138:8 - "The Lord will perfect that which concerns me; Your mercy, O Lord, endures forever; do not forsake the works of Your hands." 1. Give me the grace to disciple others for you. Enter your email address and we will send you a link to reset your password. You can speak to your womb and effect the promises of God concerning your womb through the spoken Word. Bible Commentary Bible Verses Devotionals Faith Prayers Coloring Pages Pros and Cons. 5 For there is one God and one Mediator between God and men, the Man Christ Jesus. If one desires fruit of the womb, there are steps to take. And You will keep me in perfect peace. Another translation of Psalm 138:8 reads, "The LORD will fulfill his purpose for me" (NIV). Through prayer I make possible for God to do the things He desires to do in my life. Try praying a thanksgiving prayer for everything that seems to impeding your progress. is not inconsistent with prayer, but rather prompts to it; and he who professes to rely on that doctrine, and feels so safe that he does not need to pray, and does not pray, gives certain evidence that he has never been converted, and has no true religion. When David said the Lord will perfect that which concerns me, he was making a declaration of faith. to the ends of the earth. He was saying I am certain, I am confident, I have no doubt in my mind that God will perfect that which concerns me. The special intention of the prayer depends on the origin of the psalm. You have entered an incorrect email address! Lord perfect all that concerns me this year. Dont forget to drop your comments below if you find this prayer helpful. O Lord, you give your Sacred Heart to humanity in the Mystery of the Altar for the salvation of our souls, may your sacrifice not be made in vain. PRAYER POINTS FOR JULY. Take out some time and pray and give thanks to God. 138:8 has given me such hope. Everything shall start to come correct for you in the mighty name of Jesus. Some battles must be won in the spirit realm before action is taken. We pray for protection from job loss and sickness. A Prayer For PEACE OVER JOB SECURITY. Of course, he was referring to Gods plans for his life, not his own fleshly desires. I am passionate about Jesus because he changed my life. "ogun ti oluwa ba ti se - ko ni gberi mo" - Lord let your grace give me permanent rest! Wow! David was under attack and there were those on every side who wanted to kill him, but David encouraged himself by reminding himself that he had been anointed by God to be the King of Israel, and nothing, not any evil plan or person, could stop that from taking place! Acts 20:12, John 4:21-24, Acts 2:42. As I was praying the pslam, the Holy Spirit prompted my heart to this verse. Re-mould me to fit into this spiritual exercise ever than before Lord in Jesus name. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Make my life successful on all sides; fulfil all my expectations Lord in Jesus name. The Trim Healthy Mama Bloggers Test Kitchen Organizational Tips and GIVEAWAY!!! The Lord Will Perfect All That Concerns Me Is a Declaration of Faith. Bible Rank: 18289; Psalm Rank . Begin by asking God to forgive you for every sin then pray passionately. 32. 20. Therefore, anyone that desires to conceive a child or children must not hesitate to pray. God will perfect everything that concerns you. This too is one of my favorite scriptures. Here you ask me to be perfect: meaning that in my heart I should bless even those who hate me and wrong me. I receive the reward of fruitfulness and I reject weakness in my body in the name of Jesus. I am passionate about changing the world [ Read More ]. Bless the Lord, O my soul, And forget not all His benefits: Father, please forgive my sins and unrighteousness. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world.". 1 John 1:9, 1 Samuel 1:18, 1 Samuel 1:4-5, 1 Samuel 1:9-11, 2 Kings 4:13-17, 2 Kings 4:18-20, 2 Kings 4:28, 2 Kings 4:32-37, 2 Peter 5:15, 2 Samuel 7:15-17, 2 Timothy 4:10, 2 Timothy 4:7, 3 John 2, Colossians 4:14, Exodus 23:25, Ezekiel 37:1-10, Genesis 12:1-3, Genesis 17:1-2, Genesis 18:10, Genesis 3:15, Hebrews 6:13-15, Hebrews 8:12, Isaiah 14:27, Isaiah 7:14, Isaiah 9:6-7, Jeremiah 1:12, Job 42:12-17, Joel 2:25-26, Mark 10:46-52, Mark 10:52, Mark 11:23, Mark 4:39, Mark 8:22-25, Matthew 2:13, Matthew 2:1-3, Matthew 2:19-20, Matthew 2:6, Numbers 23:19, Philemon 23-24, Philippians 1:6, Philippians 4:19, Proverbs 21:30, Psalm 138:8, Psalm 23:1, Psalm 43:5, Psalm 91, Psalms 138:8, Romans 4:18-21, Sermon Topics: My Favorite Things HUGE Christmas Giveaway & Blogger Test Kitchen Blog Hop Giveaway 2017!!! Perfection is when something is excellent and complete; something beyond practical or theoretical improvement. Make me to serve you God from now with a perfect heart, in sincerity, in truth, sacrificially and with gladness. The Bible records a prayer of David in Psalm 138:8; "The LORD will perfect that which concerns me;"All through Scripture, we see numerous examples of how God. Founder / CEO, Petros Network 29. Nothing will stop God from fulfilling his purpose for my lifenothing! 138:8). 17:47. the Lord saves not with sword and spear. I decree in the name of Jesus, that I shall carry my baby to full term and deliver safely in the name of Jesus. Take away my heart of stone and give me a heart of flesh, a heart to love and adore you, a heart to delight in you, to follow and to enjoy you, for Christ's sake. The Conclusion Prayer. I like you to rejoice and be thankful. Holy Spirit, teach me to worship God acceptably this year. Oh Lord my Father honor your word over my life and bless me with fruits of the womb in the name of Jesus. 28. a. The truth of your knowledge which you so greatly desire for your sons and daughters to obtain and be set free. 14. As the Lord lives, I will not be forsaken concerning child bearing in the name of Jesus. Destiny hijackers or wasters and all crown destroyers be paralysed and eliminated in Jesus name. Gods timetable may not align with ours in every case, but we can rest assured knowing that He sees more than we can, and His perspective while high above our own (Isaiah 55:8-9) will always bring about the best for us. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ). 6 Morning Prayer To Have Courage. Let my life be an outstanding one O God. The mountains; the obstacles and hindrances before you have a spiritual ear. Former Lead Pastor, Portland Christian Center. Powered by WordPress. Every desire of my heart, please Lord grant them this year. 33. There are so many concerns that each of us have. The Church. My Prophetic Prayer Points for Today (My PPP) O God, I thank You for being my Shepherd in the previous months. I will keep my own part of the covenant by your grace and you, unfailingly God will deliver on your part to make my life fulfil destiny in Jesus name. . 6. The focus of this website is to find JOY in the journey of life. Through it all, God reigns supreme over His creation, and the care and devotion He shows to His children never fades or falters. Amen. If it arose out of the troubles of rebuilding . 2 Chronicles 16:9 reminds us this profound truth, For the eyes of the LORD range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him.. 30. those whose hearts are fully committed to him. The psalm opens with a joyful statement of praise:I will praise thee with my whole heart: before the gods will I sing praise unto thee.(Psalm 138:1). I quote it often. 4. Oh Lord, do that which no man can do for me. I am passionate about changing the world [ Read More ], Psalm 138: God Will Perfect That Which Concerns Me, Petros Network Alert: Martyrdom In Project Oromia, Romans 10: Of Filthy Rags and Transformed Hearts. Luke 12:7 says . That is why David prayed that prayer: "The LORD will perfect that which concerns me." God specializes in perfecting broken lives; God specializes in perfecting flawed lives. Receive all my praise (Psalm 92:4-5, Lamentation 3:22-23). Christ dwell in me richly, change me from glory to glory, manifest forth Christs glory in me and give me grace and glory according to your word. Blessings on youand may God perfect everything that is concerning you! Let my fasting and prayer minister to you. 3. Isaiah 1:12. I receive strength and honor from You Oh Lord because I will rejoice in time to come in the name of Jesus. Today Lord, I choose to trust You and Your peace as my guard. Forsake not the works of thine own hands - What thou hast made; what thou hast begun to do. 29. Perfection is when something is accurate and correct in every detail. Isaiah 40:31, The Lord gently whispered life from psalm 138:8. Hebrews 11:1 says "Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. Many times in the Psalms we see David speaking to himself, like in Psalm 43:5 where he says to himself why are you downcast O my soul? Personal prayer topics and prayer points are super crucial for every Christian. Thank You for preserving my life and the lives of my loved ones. Pray this risky prayer: "God use this to shape me.". Put your hope in God. 1. Your plan for my life, concerning the fruits of the womb is my portion in the name of Jesus. Do your part while holding onto faith in God. According to Scripture, we can be certain that God will perfect everything that concerns us because God cares about us. 3 Tests Of Plagiarism: Do Your Sermons Pass Them? By the power in the blood of Jesus, I will testify concerning fruits of the womb in the name of Jesus. This year Lord, help me to follow you intimately. It is more than enough! 6.Father, You are A Perfect God, Who does not make mistakes; Please, help me to follow Your pattern of 'work and rest', in order for me to live a healthy and long life, In The Mighty Name of Jesus . 15. Thursday Morning Prayers. Prayer points: . 3. Be glorified for ever O Lord. Husband and wife must meet together, you can take some reproductive multivitamins which must be prescribed by the doctor. We will be engaging in this for 21 days. This month, God will give you that job, career and partner that will conform with your yearnings in Jesus name! I refused to be called barren, I am fruitful in the name of Jesus. Lord thank you for the period of fasting and prayers. I Chronicles 11:9, Proverbs 4:18, Esther 9:4. God is my strength and power: and he maketh my way PERFECT. II Sam. Psalm 138:8 - " The Lord will perfect that which concerneth me: thy mercy, O Lord, endureth for ever: forsake not the works of thine own hands." (KJV) The month of July kicks off the second leg of our prayer and fasting in RCCG worldwide. Thy mercy, O Lord, endureth for ever - See the notes at Psalm 136:1. It is a prayer of faith, and may be most confidently believed: and some indeed render it as an expression of faith, "thou wilt not forsake the works of thine hands" (z); David himself was the work of God's hands, as Kimchi observes, as a creature, as a king, and as a saint; and so are all the people of God, Isaiah 45:11; and whom he will never leave nor forsake; for they are his church, his chosen, his children, his portion and inheritance, Psalm 94:14. God will perfect everything that concerns you in Jesus name (Psa. 5. The Lord will complete and perfect the matters in our life which have remained incomplete in the past. Matthew 16:26 Meaning of Gain the Whole World yet Forfeit Their Soul, 50 Biblically Accurate Facts About Angels in the Bible, 50 Most Profitable Youth Group Fundraising Ideas for Your Church, 250 Ice Breaker Questions for Teen Youth Groups, 25 Important Examples of Pride in the Bible, Why Jesus Wept and 11 Lessons from His Tears, 25 Different Ways to Worship God and Praise the Lord. 13. ALL means everything except nothing. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. And honor from you oh Lord because I will rejoice in time to come in the to! World [ Read More ], sacrificially and with gladness this for 21 days will... Give you that job, career and partner that will conform with your yearnings in Jesus.... This month, God will give you that job, career and partner that will conform with your in! 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