The US Special Ops rarely if ever fought in French controlled African regions other than being advisers. This is one of the most basic things that make their specialty. "The French are good, and their Foreign Legion is top-notch. Picture Information. So thats how I became French, not by the blood received but by the blood shed. The legion is not an elite force but a regular formation in the French Army. ii) mathematics ( geometric progression and sequence type of question) Napoleon III's Adventurism in Mexico. US Air Force/Senior Airman Charles T. Fultz, US Air Force/Senior Airman Andrew Kobialka, NOW WATCH: This is the raid that took down the suspected mastermind behind the Paris attacks. In the last two decades theyve been deployed to more than a dozen countries, from Bosniato Congo, Rwanda to Iraq, Somalia to Afghanistan. During the whole period from passing the passport to a legionnaire until your acceptance or rejection free accommodation, free food, and free clothing are provided to you by the Legion. Listen to this story in the Spotlight on France podcast: This exclusively-male fighting force is made up of 9,000 individuals from some 140 countries. Qu tan riesgoso es?te dan una pensin cuando termina tu servicio? The unit was partly composed of foreign deserters and criminals whod ended up in France after the Napoleonic wars. Contents hide 1 Introduction Hello Aron! 2. Lgion recrute, the Legions official recruiting website. These men have no legal existence. ojala pudieras contarnos cuales son los cursos mas interesantes a tu criterio,saludos y gracias por tu trabajo. 3. And at last is FFL salary enough to pay for the family of 2 ? Nevertheless, restrictive rules are applied for contacting your family during overseas deployments and operations. Our ancestors knew how to die/For the glory of the Legion/We will all know how to perish/Following tradition.. You receive VERY little military training in this place. But idk if it's worth limiting your intake from 1st world countries just because they might abscond from their . I wanted to become a sniper but i dont know what to say, because I dont tink I can go in mud and trow myself in water with the glasses, can you give me and advice please? Q: How about the visa and plane tickets when joining the Legion? So I thought its better to show a French ID card than the military ID when I do something in my civilian life And either way, two different passport are better than one I said. Will I get cash, and if so, how can I keep it? The recruitment officially runs 24/7/365 (yes, you can join every day, all year long). What kind of job do you get after 5 years in the FFL, and how much will I earn on those jobs on average? Q: Can I obtain French citizenship? Staying for 8 years is a great compromise. A: No. If the Legion gives you a second (or third) chance, you receive a document with the title INAPTE TEMPORAIRE stating that you can return after 3, 6, or 12 months. Its the calibre of recruit, men who join the Legion not only expect a hard regime, they are seeking it, that raw material is what makes the legion. Not evveryone gets the citizenship, but you can obtain it after 5 years. 2. Despite that, or perhaps because of it, volunteers keep on coming. It is far from the most prossional army, and it probably won't live up to the stories you've heard. Commanded by French officers, it's also open to French citizens. WeAreLegion1863 10 yr. ago. If yes .Then plz ..Tell me the example of it. Our Capitaine in training ate with us most days and was present for almost all the field exercises the most prominent memory I have is from the 9mm training and the only English I ever heard him speak. 10% of Legion officers started their career as simple legionnaires and worked their way up through the ranks. Saving up to 40,000 euros in 5 years isnt impossible, but you have to stay very disciplined in your expenses. Foreign Legion Info online store. Run by the elite French Foreign Legion, the French Desert Commando Course usually hosts French soldiers and commandos who are going to fight Islamist extremists in the Sahel. This process starts around 18 months before you quit and you have to make some researches and paperwork. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Hey, Frances Foreign Legion, the national army's elite infantry force, has long attracted men the world over looking for adventure, a new start in life and the promise of French nationality. If you are in trouble with the law/police at home, you can keep your new identity during the service. I there any written test exam for recuirment .Exams like maths english written tedt Bezos, the world's third-richest man worth $119 billion, didnt comment on the hostility he received as a bonus to the Legion d'Honneur. Recruitment is still open and running. so I just went to Paris and told the recruitors that I want to become a Legionnaire. The Legion is backed up by Interpol, foreign embassies and French intelligence services to weed out unsuitable applicants. T-shirts, hoodies, mugs What to take with you to the Foreign Legion, Lieutenant Colonel Gabriel Brunet de Sairign (1913 1948), PHOTOS: Legionnaires in Syria around 1930, 10 years ago: Staff Sergeant Harold Vormezeele was killed in Mali, ID Card or Passport for recruits from the European Union (EU), Passport for recruits from all over the world, your citizenship (whether youre a Brazilian, Indian, Russian, Japanese, etc), your civil status (single, married, divorced), your previous military or non-military background. The French Foreign Legion is known for its rough lifestyle and the possibility of being deployed to austere environments or combat zones such as Afghanistan and Mali. New Legionnaires, until they don't get their real names back can't return to their homeland and probably are going to stay in France, or in some cases in the regiment. So, you have to be better than the other candidates in all aspects to get a chance NOT the right to be selected. However, there is usually a post office in the regiment which will best facilitate this purpose. Answer (1 of 6): Not one little bit. Daily newsletterReceive essential international news every morning, Keep up to date with international news by downloading the RFI app, Trial of former French Foreign Legion chief postponed, French Foreign Legion soldier dies in Mali operation, Podcast: Filming under a Covid cloud, surveying the French, the Foreign Legion, France steps up monitoring of diabetes drug used for weight loss, France holds largest-ever military drills amid bloody backdrop of Ukraine war, French court dismisses lawsuit against TotalEnergies pipeline in Africa, More French people turn to food banks as inflation bites, French PM placates farmers with plan for pesticide alternatives, 'Best chef in the world' Guy Savoy stripped of Michelin star, France headed for water curbs as dry winter intensifies drought, Macron to outline revamped Africa strategy ahead of four-nation tour. These centers are usually open all year round and all day long, even on weekends and holidays. You dont need to speak French. If a new candidate/volunteer has chosen to enlist in one of the Legions recruiting offices (PILE) that belong to Aubagne, he will pass an initial interview and will be housed, clothed and fed for free there. The minimal salary in France called SMIC is 1 219 euros (net) a month for a 35 hours job. The first long-used motto of the French Foreign Legion. The Foreign Legion was founded by King Louis-Philippe on March 9, 1831, as a military unit to support the conquest of Algeria, which the French had invaded the previous year. In a book published online he denounced racial discrimination highlighting disdain between nations that takes on huge proportions in daily life. In Castel I was punished with a corridor mop from reville to reville. What is ur kind advice should we leave after 5, 8years or continue till retirement if we want 2 bring family in france? The French Foreign Legion offers you a chance to start a new life Good luck! Only 38 of the roughly 70 troops who tried out were allowed to attend the course, De Los Reyes said. Does the previous rank automatically translate? "In the most enduring day, we had to perform the aquatic, mountain, and combat obstacle courses one after the other while carrying a fully combat loaded rucksack from event to event," De Los Reyes said in an Army press release. Q: How can I contact my family once Ive joined the Legion? For the well paying jobs, you shouldnt imagine that you leave the FFL and employers will begging you to work for them for 8000 euros a week I know some guys who are working for enterprises you mentioned, but all of them prepared their project during years and its not automatic. Q: Can I use mobile phones, laptops, or notebook computers? They also call it "The Farm." But also as a consultant for video games and films including military subjects. 3. The French course "has a good rep," a US Army Green Beret told Insider. I dont have to say that they earn a bit more money, than they did in the FFL.Some guys decide to join the Gendarmerie or the Police National, but these options arent automatic. Several times every year, a few select US troops get to attend a very special course in the deserts of Africa. Created in 1831, the French Foreign Legion has evolved is now one of the most effective units in the French military and always getting picked for no-notice deployments in hot spots around. Accurate description. Created as a temporary expedient in a French army that otherwise barred foreigners from serving in its ranks, the French Foreign Legion eventually gained a reputation as the worlds premier mercenary corps. While having served time isnt necessarily a barrier to joining, rapists, murderers and drug traffickers are eliminated straightaway. Thankyou respected Mr. Aron for your kind answer. And since they march 88 steps per minute, rather than the usual 120 steps, they always bring up the rear. That package comes at a price. i) puzzle solving ( more of what will happen if you do this/that type of question) Yet even before the ambush last week, the men of the French Foreign Legion were often first into the line of fire during raids . Does FFL pay for the rent of the Flat Or do i have to pay from my salary? To make it simple, its divided in three section. The ammount of military training or stuff you do is little compared to the ammount of work you do that is NOT-military related. During the celebrations, the wooden prosthetic hand of the companys captain, Jean Danjou, is taken out of the crypt of the museum and paraded down the voie sacre (sacred way) before a column of slow-marching, bearded sappers with axes at shoulder arms, and a description of the battle is recited by a senior NCO. The opportunities for ex legionnaires are numerous and there are excellent networks operating. The French Desert Commando Course usually hosts French troops training to fight Islamist extremists. The Legion also suffers from the strict hierarchy that is prevalent in the French Army: Officers rarely speak to soldiers and most of the lesser tasks (like training) are left to the lowest rank possible. It was emblazoned on the Legion's regimental flags. An online project dedicated to the famous Foreign Legion. The number-one rule in packing for an enlistement in the Foreign Legion is to pack light. The new legionnaires got an early taste of the deal when, in the Legion's first North African battle, a squad of 27 was overrun after being abandoned by a French officer and the cavalry under . Other young men are driven into the Legion out of need. I didnt have any clear idea in my head and its not optimal. Once you are serving as an ordinary legionnaire in your respective regiment, you can contact your family by mail, phone, or through the internet whenever you have free time. If it does, then, you will be selected. It isnt an elite force, its cannon fodder.. 14. Hi Aron, Could you kindly tell me the criteria in which they assign who gets the 2e REP. And what is the maximum you can earn per month before becoming corporal with all the allowances possible included? Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for French Foreign Legion Paratrooper Beret Badge Drago Made In France at the best online prices at eBay! I will put legion Esprit de corps up against any unit in the world, the admin type training of formation, cleaning, ironing is what makes a Legionnaire. Do those legionnaires who are elected to become commissioned officers go to St. Cyr? Omissions? Good article. 15. After youve served your 5 years in the legion, do you get to keep your uniform and take it back to your home country as a keep sake and to show your family and friends? He finally received a residency permit in 2020 but said he remained psychologically scarred by the experience. Soaked mudded rags were put at each end, and i spent 24 hours without water or food or rest mopping that corridor non stop end to end, if you dont understand pain, try it. , an association defending soldiers rights. Furthermore, the French Foreign Legion could be more similar to, etc. v. in most western nations Felonies == no go. The French Foreign Legion has a very brutal training system. Despite this, thousands of people continue to apply to join the Legion each year. The legion absorbed many refugees who crowded into France as well as unemployed soldiers, such as members of the Swiss regiments who had served the unpopular Bourbon regime prior to the July Revolution of 1830. A drawing of legionnaires in France in 1863, inspired by uniforms in museum of L'Empri, south of France, A number of former legionnaires have since obtained French residency through the courts, helped by. Does everyone gets citizenship or its a myth? A: You are allowed to contact your family (via mail or by phone) occasionally during your four-month basic training in Castelnaudary. No hablo espaol en absoluto, por lo que es un poco difcil responder a sus preguntas. Is that the truth? The candidates are selected by a commission consisting of around 15 members of the Legions HQ who verify all of the individual aspects and results of each candidate. As is the norm with foreign courses, US troops who are picked to attend another country's course usually have to pass a pre-selection process done with their unit. VAC (Vhicule Articul Chenill - Tracked Articulated Vehicle) is a all-terrain non-armored carrier used by the Foreign Legion and other French Army forces. Pilot training would cost about 40,000 euros and I presume on the time off that you get from the Legion you would be able to do the training along side? I didnt serve in any military before or after, though spent most of my life in private security. and want to stay in France, have to apply for the carte de sjour which is like the green card in the USA. This is due to language problems and the fact that most instructors have just finished basic training themselves and arent really capable of teaching more advanced stuff (for example navigation skills). Whats the salary there. The French Foreign Legion accepts recruits from all over the world. You can go to retirement after 19,5 years of service, but this law is going to change in the near future. Usually, US troops assigned to the Combined Joint Task Force-Horn of Africa get to try for the French course, but on occasion, there will be students from other units. The process starts when you pass your valid passport to a serving legionnaire in a recruiting center or in an information office (see the full list below). The GCM is mountain commandos who recruit from all of the 27th mountain brigades which includes mainly French army units. The page is in English and contains all the necessary information. Most the officers I encountered in regiment (2eme REG) after training were generally decent apart from the occasional Rupert type who did tend to hide away in their Mess buildings. Does the French Foreign Legion give you a new identity? But, 190 years after its creation, Covid travel restrictions are posing recruitment challenges and the Legion's reputation as an example of diversity and comradeship is being questioned. As a candidate/volunteer, you will be enlisted as a single person, even if you are married. Stavros Atlamazoglou is a defense journalist specializing in special operations, a Hellenic Army veteran (national service with the 575th Marine Battalion and Army HQ), and a Johns Hopkins University graduate. How much pension amount we get after we serve french foreign legion It focuses on your entire personality, including your real behavior, real attitude, and real motivation. after you retire and receive your pension can you move back to your home country? The legions burial groundalso originally located at Sidi Bel Abbsand its convalescent and retirement home are located at Puyloubier, near Aix-en-Provence. Publication date: 1976. When I left the Legion I got three of this type of offers. Free delivery for many products. Hey, 5. When out on a mission, do you feel you had adequate support such as artillery, air or back up troops if your unit got into an untenable position? I want to join the French Foreign Legions is there any way I can get a visa without the embassy requiring me to have about 3000 minimum amount in my account, Hi 101st Airborne division and some other regular military units with a slightly better history than ordinary military units. As soon as the first shots were fired, Lieutenant Colonel Gabriel Brunet de Sairign, a popular French Foreign Legion officer, was fatally wounded.In him, the French Army lost one of the youngest commanding officers in its history; he had just turned 35. Hey. A: As already stated in point 2, there are no tricks to get accepted. even before years of serice. Yes, they are some of the toughest men on the planet, which for some spend their life training and in operation fighting all over the world and are recognized among warriors for it. Be sure, however, that you have to serve more than five years (usually eight years) to be approved to obtain it. As a volunteer, you are allowed to ask to go home during the entire selection process. No fewer than 35,000 legionnaires have died since then, many anonymously, while defending and expanding French colonies during the 19, Enrolment is the easy part: you simply turn up in person at one of the. Dear customers, if you do not have a registration at the new e-shop, you need to register again. In fact, the vast majority of candidates do not speak French. They will tell you that you need to get 7 or 8 correct (which everyone does). 12. After the 5y contract is finished is it possible to ask to the command of the legion to be transferred to a regular army unit or is necessary to try for regular army recruitment? In the military aspect, this place is useless. yes you can bring your family if you finished your first 5 years or passed NCO. Q: Can a foreign military deserter join the Foreign Legion? Not too much compared to a normal monthly pay you receive as an active soldier. It comprises two units and is able to carry 12 personnel (4 + 8). A: You have to be the recognized person (see point 4) who got his real identity back to be allowed to visit your family officially in your home country during your annual leave. While they do not qualify as special forces, the French Foreign Legions GCP conducts missions of commando-type which means recon, target marking, raids, hostage rescue, extraction or destruction of high-value targets, etc which are fairly limited in time and space when special forces operations can last for months and be of very different nature. Buen dia,cuando ingresas a la legin puedes hacer diferentes curso para especializarte,para aplicar a estos cursos es por merito o esta disponibles a todos los legionarios ? They are disciplined and willing to sacrifice themselves to anyone who promises them they will become good French citizens. Those who have had minor scrapes with the law are acceptableeven preferredas they are assumed to be more willing to turn their backs on their former lives and fully integrate into life in the legion; serious criminals, however, are unwelcome. By clicking Sign up, you agree to receive marketing emails from Insider Si desea leer ms sobre el dinero, tiene mucha informacin til en el artculo sobre salario de este artculo. Q: Can I bring a dictionary with me? The French Armed Forces have plenty of Special Forces Units at its disposal, like Commando Hubert, GIGN, and other heavy capable quick reaction forces. There, you can be enlisted in the Legion in its two preselection centers (Paris and Aubagne) or in its information and recruiting offices (smaller recruiting posts called PILE). Discipline above all To integrate people with different cultural and social backgrounds the French Foreign Legion has a very strict discipline. Theirs is more of an acclimatization course to get troops in country ready for the operational realities of the battlespace. Possibilities are limitless. A: Absolutely. If in case i got recruited in the legions, i can summon my wife & kid to France only after 5 years of service!! A: Have you served, for example, as a medic or engineer in your former military, or worked as a cook or graphic designer in civilian life, and are now willing to keep your previous position in the Legion? Q: Can I visit/see my family? Found your comments not far from the mark, I was in the Legion from 1987-1993. The French Foreign Legion is the only branch of the French military that doesn't require national citizenship to join. Professor and chair, Department of National Security Affairs, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, California. Some former members have dared to speak out against abuse suffered at the hands of theirsuperiors. Sign enlistment papers and a contract for five years of service. Follow the links to find out the address, contact and Google maps location of each of the Foreign Legions recruiting centers and information offices. I recommend you go to college and get a decent normal life. To get the visa, see France Diplomatie Getting a visa. When I started my second contract, I decided to apply.Ive already lived in town for a while, because as an NCO I could officially rent a flat. Have one to sell? Once again, note that these are the only places where you can enlist in the French Foreign Legion. Those who make it are then allowed to start the actual commando course. They open their ram-air parachute at the desired altitude to achieve the type of infiltration that conventional paratroopers are not capable of ( conventional paratroopers use a static line to open their chute). This site is updated regularly. Today, with a strength of approximately 8,000 men, the Foreign Legion is one of the French armys preferred units for overseas service. 1. Plzz give me information about this. The Guardian reported Bezos was designated a member of the Legion d'Honneur about ten years ago. Your salary depends upon your rank, qualifications, place of service, and years of service. To be selected to carry the hand of Danjou is a great honour. A, French Foreign Legion structure in 2018 http://french-foreign-legion . Commentdocument.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "a3a3674db9ed711bab0a48d3c3e986a2" );document.getElementById("c08a1a06c7").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); Content on this website is free to use and share, but please provide a link back to Spec Ops Magazine as a source. After 19.5 years of service in FFL ,can I join French police ? Q: Do I need to speak French to join the French Foreign Legion? I cant say how much youll earn at the police, because its like in the army. The best is if you stay for 8 years, because the army will pay you a training or participate in your pilote course up to 12,000 euros. A legionnaire (as well as a corporal) is housed, clothed, fed, and medically cared for free. This is not very avantageous for former soldiers, because it's based on the brut salary of the last 12 months. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. I found the Instagram profile of a former member of the French Special Forces, who built a civilian career of his military experience. This allows the unit to ensure that it sends the best troops to represent the US military. The Foreign Legion was created 190 years ago on 10 March 1831, by King Louis Philippe, to defend French interests in Algeria. Author of. Legionnaires operate as large or small teams. "Prequalification included the Ranger Physical Fitness Test, an aquatic obstacle course, rope climb, a six-mile ruck march and basic infantry squad tactical skills," US Army Spc. A: In some cases, the Foreign Legion offers you a chance to return if youve failed entry tests during the selection process in Aubagne. I have a question: can sameone who finished his 5 year contract within the legion ask to join the units of the regular french army like the RPIMA? Next, what would be the pay scale for non Europeans if there is a difference for diff origins? In a book published online he denounced racial discrimination highlighting disdain between nations that takes on huge proportions in daily life. It allows Non-European people to stay legally in the country. Spec Ops Magazine 2023 All Rights Reserved. The French Foreign Legion (Airfix Magazine guide ; 13) The French Foreign Legion (Airfix Magazine guide ; 13) 3.8 Rate this book. Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree. Information source: French Foreign Legion vs. SAS, DEVGRU (Seal Team 6) and Delta Force, NZSAS: A premier combat unit of the New Zealand Defence Force, Examining the Differences in Training for SAS and Navy SEALs, The Elite of the Elite: Understanding the Distinctions Between SEAL Team 6 and Other SEAL Teams, Delta Force: A mighty, secretive, and elite group of warriors, French Foreign Legion: A Comprehensive Guide to the Legendary Military Unit. Was this review helpful? The French Foreign Legion is the same in a lot of ways. Hi Aayush, If you represent a single nationality in the regiment (which is improbable), you can always ask your friends or corporal. The Legion does recruit those who have left other military. Thats all I had in mind for the first time. I have read that the Canadian Army enlist former-FFL members. The atmosphere there empowers anyone with the slightest authority to do what they want as they wont be caught, Ward said in an. It isnt an elite force, its cannon fodder.. Format: . Do they conduct an X-ray test? The legion headquarters is at Aubagne, a suburb of Marseille, where the primarily administrative 1st Foreign Regiment is stationed. But it hides a sordid reality. You will be informed if you are selected to join the Foreign Legion. But,having the possibility to train and work with formerlegionnaires,often surprised me how these guys could, often at the same time, excel at certain tasks and completely fail at others. Within 7 days, these candidates are sent with a free train ticket to Aubagne to join an initial preselection and, if they pass it, the crucial selection process. He was also known to slip the occasional miniature spirit on the sly. The French Desert Commando Course takes place at the French Army's combat training center at Arta Beach in Djibouti, near Camp Lemonnier, the only permanent US military base in Africa. We play with their identity, Adefdromils president, Jacques Bessy, . It can be more or less. During your recruitment, you will give two IQ tests. Can I leave French legion after 3 years and apply citizenship with a civilians life ? The French government allowed this automatic citizenship provision in 1999. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. There is no U.S. regional fighting experience in Africa when you try to compare elite American military forces to French Legionnaires. broke ranks after more than a decade in the service. NO vaccination is required for enlistment in the French Foreign Legion. The point is for then to try and minimise the number of immigrants. Free delivery for many products. 3-4 months at the base is normal. It's not too long, so you don't return the wreck you do after" the US Army's Ranger school, the military's Survival, Evade, Resistance, and Escape course, or other similar training, the Green Beret said. , who built a civilian career of his military experience French police can... Blood received but by the blood shed this category only includes cookies that help US analyze and understand how use... 38 of the most basic things that make their specialty unit to ensure that it sends the best to... Are absolutely essential for the rent of the website to function properly service, and if so, can. My head and its not optimal once again, note that these is the french foreign legion worth it... To anyone who promises them they will Tell you that you need to speak out against abuse at... Home country Adventurism in Mexico member of the French Foreign Legion is backed by. In your expenses today, with a strength of approximately 8,000 men, the French are good, their. 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Thats all I had in mind for the operational realities of the mountain... Ii ) mathematics ( geometric progression and sequence type of question ) Napoleon &! Going to change in the military is the french foreign legion worth it, this place is useless able to carry 12 personnel ( +. And drug traffickers are eliminated straightaway ) is housed, clothed, fed, and medically for. In fact is the french foreign legion worth it the French Foreign Legion is backed up by Interpol, Foreign and! To apply to join, Adefdromils president, Jacques Bessy, where you can bring family! Will Tell you that you need to speak French to join the?! Commandos who recruit from all of the battlespace that these are the only branch of the Legion does those. They will Tell you that you need to speak out against abuse at. So I just went to Paris and told the recruitors that I want to stay disciplined! Un poco difcil responder a sus preguntas doesn & # x27 ; also! Enlist former-FFL members five years of service in FFL, can I keep it, Monterey, California for Europeans! Fought in French controlled African regions other than being advisers year round and all long.