I hate them i'm thinking of having them removed. There should be a class action lawsuit against the Crystal lens company, they need to be held accountable. Had both eyes done in 2014. Since then I have had the pain re-occur many times and realized that it happened after I read and used my computer for many hours. (1) Severe astimatism isn't a good candidate, but that was overlooked. My eye's are worse than they were before the ReSTOR procedure! I would not be able to drive with my new lens--without my Right Eye--whick the doctor told me was worse in vision than my Left eye--I cannot believe how stupid I was to do this. jr. One of the things one must be able to do is to look up from your music to see the director. Doc says the lens is stuck in a forward position. I went to two doctors and both said I would not be able to correct it with LASIK. 2015 I would do anything to have my God given lenses back. Paid $6000 extra. I've already seen a retinologist twice, as well. His comments on Crystalens come at the end. I too am at my wits end, I paid the extra out of pocket for this surgery and I'm very disappointed in the results. We use cookies to improve your experience on our site and to show you personalised advertising. And I still don't wear them but I feel it is going to happen. I am 61 and in good health. I have severe floaters that are distracting due to a separation shortly after the surgery. Cost is $2500 for two eyes. I had cataract surgery in March 2012 Bausch and Lomb implants in both eyes Was fine until a yr ago Things started clouding up My right eye is worse, Had an apt today and it comfirmed that the lense has gone bad. I agreed and am massively disatisfied. Had cataract surgery in November for both eyes. Save your money. Now he tell me I will have to wear them all the time. Anybody with me? He gave me a sample of eye drops and told me I should return to the optometrist I was seeing before. I'm 54 and never wore glasses until I bought a pair of reading glasses at 48. I do see halos and feel like I have I contact lenses on. My right eye is always irritated & mostly blurry. Implant works for distance, ok midrange, forget close, a mono lense I was told from a second doctor would have worked just as well. Additionally, a Recall Acknowledgement Form was attached to the letter for customers to complete and return with the affected products. I went there a few times and all he did was tell me to keep my eye dilated and use the numb drops. I made the mistake of not getting bifocals. I regret using the crystalens. Now, my far vision is blurry again too. I hope they stop selling this crystalens they are not good. Three months after crystal lens in both eyes, $6000 later, I am worse off than ever in my life. 2015 I would do anything to have my God given lenses back. I have spent THOUSANDS of dollars, gone to every eye specialist, done everything recommended - no fixing the major problems that this product has caused in my eyesight. melina nude videos. Went to an Ophthalmologist who told me he would never recommend thesse lenses for one of the reasons the goop in our eyes build up on those wings thus preventing the promised movement. The only plus is that colors are brighter. The Anschutz eye clinic certainly never puts a crystalens in because it is well known that the lenses cause huge problems and that bausch + lomb denies any accountability. Hi Jim - Did you go to Dr. Steve Slade by chance (out of Houston) - I had the same procedure six years ago, with the same results. Yet the whole reason he wanted to do mono vision to was eliminate glasses. I never heard the Crystalens until my eye doctor insisted how wonderful it is and I would be a wonderful candidate. It cost $1700 per eye extra for Crystallens AO versus Trulign Toric. Sarah R. London I finally gave up with him and pursued help from other ophthalmologists but to no avail . My vision with cataracts was steadily getting worse with everything appearing gray or brown. I went with this eye surgeon because of extensive advertising. I saw great, near & far for about 10 months. WebJanssen Pharmaceuticals is facing lawsuits over the link between Elmiron (pentosan polysulfate sodium), a drug used to treat Interstitial Cystitis (also known as Painful Doc said I had some debris or scar tissue floating about, so wanted to do laser. I didn't have what most of you talk about vision wise, but I've felt sick, dizzy, and tired from day one. I have plugs in all 4 ducts! did not work as advertised i have halos starbursts and eye pain.and can only see at a distance. When I complained that my far vision was gone and I wanted monocular lens put in as a replacement, (There was plenty of time) my doctor talked me in to waiting promising me correction and lasik surgery to make them focus properly. I don't fly any more because I am retired but have always been critical of my vision. Not sure what this will resolve. Want to start a class action against Bausch Lomb for the crystalens? I am so miserable to be suddenly almost blind. This comment was posted by a verified customer. Great. After talking with the doctor about my lifestyle, outdoor enthusiasts, private pilot, this lens appeared to be the best choice (good midrange and distant vision with some decrease in very close vision). I have spend $8000 out of pocket and my insurance paid more than me and still I have problems and afraid to go back to the Dr. Office and still have to buy those expensive eye drops. I even tried a contact for near vision which helped somewhat. I'm in the same boat. Had the laser, then a week later everything changed. My wife had Crystalens implanted in both eyes in August, 2012. Yes, I see better technically, but my overall visual experience is worse. BOYCOTT Bosch & Lomb - -BEST ADVISE TO PASS ON TO EVERYONE YOU KNOW - - I too had crystalens sales pitch, they won!! Distance was a problem. Hey everyone, It also has an aspheric optic design engineered to reduce the spherical aberration of an average cornea. Letters were supposed to be sent to patients that the lot may or were defective. Hell I could have saved $3000 and gone with the drops. So I figured I would try something new that would give me good close up vision. Has anyone checked about the removal of the frigging substandard Crystalens implant ! I have them in all 4 ducts! I am 65 years old--I thought possibly 20 years of wonderful vision-- NO GLASSES (dark restaurants only--readers). (4) When looking through my eye's I also have faint objects floating across the eyeball like trash or a hair! They didn't tell me that unless it was removed asap, and especially before YAG surgery, that it could never be removed, as it begins seating, becoming one with the muscle. I also had the YAG procedure after a few months but that procedure did not improve my vision whatsoever. They regulate contact lenses and need to hear from all of us that have had these faulty lenses. He has never acknowledged constant discomfort, pain, flashes, in & out of focal near and far vision, etc. az oo pv Whether the suit will become a class action is determined once you have filed the lawsuit. Crystalens - Do not have this lens put in your eye. This time I used frames that I already owned, so they only charged me for the exam and the lenses. AT LEAST YOU WILL HAVE SOME DECENT VISION. I went to his office as an emergency in pain and he had his assistant put numb drops in for the pain and did not really say anything about the situation beside to keep putting drops in my eye and come back to see him in the next day or two. She cares for my father who has had three strokes, and all of this has complicated things. Went with Crystalens AT-50AO with advise of Dr., as this would be best for my eyes, with the conditions he diagnosed, glaucoma, blephrospasm and chronic dry eye. I am a nurse and I rely on good vision. I was promised that the lens would self adjust so I can see near and far. The Crystal Light class action claims that several flavors are part of the allegedly false marketing including: Strawberry Pure, Tropical Blend Pure, Grape Pure, Need 20 plus people with crystal lens implant issues for class action law suit if interested email zadehabas@yahoo.com. Has anyone else had any of these problems? It cost me $10000 for both eyes cataract replacement. WebThe Tecnis IOL is another exciting option for the treatment of both cataracts and presbyopia. Crystalens Accommodating Posterior Chamber Intraocular Lens PMA No. My eyes were very dry after my LASIK surgery. Very annoying! The receptionist asked me to fill out a questionaire asking me to rate my personality from easy-going to perfectionist and some other strange questions. This review was chosen algorithmically as the most valued customer feedback. Charlotte NC October 2012. This sounds like class action! I'm wearing glasses to help but vision is still not good. She suffered with poor vision at all distances and was so light sensitive that she had to sit in a dark room with sunglasses and could not go outside except on very cloudy days. When I asked about complications they said I shouldn't worry. Doc says Looking at these you blink less and eye dries out. I just wish I was warned about these downfalls ahead of time, instead of being told I would have near-perfect to perfect vision, and have no more halos or glare from lights, but it seems at that time, they were really just trying to get as much money as possible. WebCrystalens class action lawsuit. My wife and myself had both eyes done by the same Dr.. She had the regular lens, covered by the insurance, and the results were very good. Go on FDA recalls with Crystal lens Bausch and Lomb. I have VERY BLURRY distance Vision in my left eye--now--WORSE than before surgery--in fact-- my sight was 20-25 in my left and is now 20-70--AFTER the Miracle CRYSTALS--hard to believe. He dismissed me and told me to return to my optometrist. . An example of how my vision is doing since the procedure (1) like how your eye's feel blurry when you've been in a heavily chlorinated pool. Thanks a lot! The doctor's office even tried to say I had a pre -existing condition of dry eyes. Have you priced 'Restasis'? Had crystal lens implanted 2012, both eyes. I went for second opinion, another 500.00 and all these frigging opthomologist stick together and say it's dry eye syndrome. DON'T GET A CRYSTALENS, Don't believe the hype. This is a bad product. The original eye surgeon, Duke Eye Center, nor Johns Hopkins could determine the cause of her problems. This Dr. I can not believe I am going to have to live with this the rest of my life! - See more at: http://www.bbb.org/charlotte/business-reviews/laser-eye-surgery/christenbury-eye-center-in-charlotte-nc-104252/customer-reviews?cacheit=y#sthash.4FXsQXBG.dpufI had the ReSTOR procedure October 13, 2012 MODEL: SN6AD1 / 20.5D Length / 13.0mm /OPTIC 6.0mm I had both eyes done with Crystalens and they done work. My reading vision prescription is much stronger than before surgery. oh if anyone has restor please let me know how you like them! Clinical studies have shown that crystalens are not the reason If somebody knows of one, please post a link to it! Next was Lasik for both eyes: a little better for distance but nothing for close-up but, alas, there were complications from that as well. I flew to Oklahoma City from Denver to spend a month helping her and talking with specialists. I will back to this site to see if we have a number of people who agree with me.Jackie. This complaint was posted by a verified customer. I have to wear glasses and have halos, starbursts and blurred vision. I have gone back repeatedly and they keep trying to make this failure my fault. Other than the recalled Crystalenses, how many of the problems reported here would be caused by bad practitioners? my vision has been hazy and blurry ever since. Your password has been sent to the specified email address. My two lenses (both eyes & crystalens) did not accomodate properly. how many times is this goign to happen Is it just Bausch and Lomb? WebA California class action lawsuit is a legal action in which one or more plaintiffs sue as representatives of a group of people with similar claims. My doctor recommend the crystal lens to me and I was very intrigued. CRYSTALENS /// JUST SAY NO ! Serial No. I cannot see near and my distance vision is blurry on my right eye. I had the procedure done two years ago and have been miserable ever since. In October 2018, a consumer class I am with you. I have had two doctors tell me since surgery that I never should have been told that I was a candidate. Believe me how I wish I could see a clear day even a few day's a week! Let me know about the lawsuit..I would love to join in! I need more people, I'lll try and make some legal phone calls for free advise, I need a lawyer, someone pro bono .. any other suggestions? They didn't work. Just came from the eye doctor once again and I was told there was nothing they could do for my eyes anymore to correct the issue of my lenses being out of place because of the restriction pushing the lenses into a Z pattern. I paid $5, 000 for a set of crystal lenses and the results I got are a mixed bag. I needed reading glasses for just about everything close up. Had Crystalens implanted about 10 years ago. It was still hurting and could not see. Apparently no one cares but us. I had to drop out of College due to not being able to read or use a computer as I once did all day long when I worked for the Clerk of Courts. Because the Crystalens is so flexible, its possible for it to go into an anterior flexed position that leaves the patient 1.5 D myopic. Boy I am so furious, Bausch and Lomb make the Crystal lens, they are curious what went wrong? You would have to know from your chart what those numbers are. Crystalens Accommodating Posterior Chamber Intraocular Lens, AT-50AO. However I was able to read a novel three days after the surgery. I did the surgery because I was told I had narrow angle closure glaucoma and needed to do something and this was my best permanent option. Had the second surgery 2 weeks later and have excellent far vision but cannot read a book or the computer monitor. Sorry not sorry for saying this. I had 20/20 distance and close up were getting bad to the point I was wearing cheaters with 200/225 lenses. Told that I would be able to see near far and in between (brochure claims the same thing). I have to wear glasses for any reading and computer work which is minimally 6 hrs a day. Wrong powers were implanted. I can still read & see the pc fine, but all the clearness & sharpness I had for distance has not came back & now am noticing a flash of lights on the side, the right eye, of course. Its my vision that's being played with! Accommodation is a JOKE. Only good news is I don't have floaters or halos. I am beginning to agree with everyone else!. At the time even the finance guy was in on the deception. By Consider The Consumer on 10/18/2018. WebMany problems with Crystalens. I hope this post saves someone else the misery that I deal with every day and got to pay for the priviledge. Now the close range is gone and this is inherent of these lens, which I found out from UPMC eye clinic. When I told him I couldn't see closeup, he said the doctor could touch it up. Bausch and Lomb ended up getting a hold of a few other doctors to help fix the Z-Syndrome because the Dr. that put it in could not fix the lens, which took about another week of pain and not seeing. What is the failure ratio when using products from other companies ? Webclass action law suit noun derivative action, directors and officers liability, group lawsuit, group litigation, law suit by large numbers of litigants with a common grievance, suit by These lens had recalls as well, check FDA website..and yes Dr that was positioning them manually if put in wrong, they will never admit itmine tilted permanently..left eye has been in distrest for over 5 yrs nowsupposedly I went to the bestyes the best Dr in South Fla to rip you off, cost me 12, 000! I complained to Bausch & Lomb over a year ago, all they say is nothing wrong with the crystalens, I think there is strength in numbers, everyone who has had a problem with the crystalens should form a group and then we can get together and bring a suit against the maker and the Doctors make you believe this is the best thing out there. wish my eyes weren't so blurry so I could read all the comments. Trust me, I went to a Prominent, decorated experienced surgeon. I am 43 and I am afraid of my future. I had Crystalens implanted in both eyes 15 months ago. I can see far away but anything in between and close is awful. I am 'WARNING' anyone that is considering this 'STOP' DO NOT have this procedure done! (4) When looking through my eye's I also have faint objects floating across the eyeball like trash or a hair! So far my experience with Crystalens AO is not satisfactory. I'm considering getting this procedure done--even though my problem is only with near vision. WebA settlement has been reached in the class action lawsuit against car manufacturer Subaru that alleged that the windshields of certain vehicles were prone to cracking. I use special drops all day long. Since the vision is not all that bad I can't seem to get anyone to understand the issue. Anyone who knows what to do please guide us. I never got my near vision back. Everyone said it was not the lenses because they had never seen lenses cause this type of problem. She has never been depressed or a hypochondriac in her life! I had paid out of pocket over $5000 for the crystal lens so I can see clearly on my right eye. I am told that I have dry eye but the test performed was not as dry as in the past when I could see without blur. I questioned the doctor quite extensively as to the lens as had a sister who's doctor strongly discouraged her on getting them. Anyone checked about the lawsuit.. I would do anything to have to wear glasses and have far! Between ( brochure claims the same thing ) jr. one of the problems reported here be. 'S doctor strongly discouraged her on getting them worse off than ever in my life post! Mixed bag everyone else! has anyone checked about the lawsuit.. would! ( both eyes & crystalens ) did not work as advertised I have I contact lenses on my... The doctor quite extensively as to the letter for customers to complete return... Has had three strokes, and all he did was tell me to fill out a questionaire asking to... 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